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Everything posted by nILS

  1. zu 1) Schau mal auf ucapps.de auf die I2S Dac Modul Seite: http://ucapps.de/mbhp_i2s.html Da gibt's Infos zu TDA1543 (wird nicht mehr hergestellt, gibt's aber noch haufenweise bei eBay), PCM1725 (wird nicht mehr hergestellt, gibt's aber noch haufenweise bei eBay) oder PCM1754 zu 2) Hab ich noch nirgends gesehen. Wenn ich tatsächlich mal vorberechnete Daten nehme, dann generier ich die üblicherweise in Excel (Accumulatoren, Sinuskurven, etc) oder schreib mir ein kleines Programm, das ich mit ein paar Parametern befüllen kann und bei dem dann hinten eine .h rausfällt. Ich versteh allerdings auch nicht so ganz wozu Du fertige Daten für eine Hüllkurve willst - eigentlich brauchst Du da doch nur eine log-Tabelle, wenn's nicht linear sein soll, oder was hast Du vor?
  2. Did you unplug *everything* from the core module for the tests? If not, do so and try again.
  3. 12.1V is just 1% above what you want. That's definitely not an issue. At all. Besides - how do you know that the "problem" isn't the tolerance in your meter? ;) 6581s with broken filters are pretty common, that's much more likely.
  4. In the repository there's an OSC tutorial app, which pretty much does just that: /trunk/apps/tutorials/028_osc/ (http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Ftutorials%2F028_osc%2F)
  5. Even though you didn't DIY the unit, this is still a DIY forum. So some searching and reading will be required in the future. Project homepage -> download -> tada, firmware with patches: http://ucapps.de/mios_download.html Forum -> MIDIbox SID subforume -> sticky thread -> tada, arpeggio patches:
  6. 1) Go read the first line under the ucapps.de logo: http://ucapps.de/ 2) Think about the implications 3) DIY
  7. There's VST host demo projects with source code for pretty much any programming language available. Take that, add an "auto load $x" and you're done. IIRC I used this one a while back: http://www.hermannseib.com/english/vsthost.htm Doesn't do anything fancy, but it works. TobyBear's MINIhost was pretty simplistic as well, energyXT is what I use a lot for testing things. There ya go, pick your poison ;)
  8. In short: a) I don't care where the sound comes from. At all. b) Knobs, Faders, Buttons are vital.
  9. is packing stuff to go on a tour for the next 2 weeks - whee :-)

    1. technobreath


      Nice, where's the expedition?

    2. jojjelito


      Have a good one!

  10. Sounds like a short between ground and audio 5V. Which might already have killed the little regulator... Look for shorts on the opamps (check continuity) - if/when that's all good/fixed, replace the opamp and try again.
  11. It does work with regular DIN connectors. No. There is a special plug for this. It has a little ring on it that lets you screw it to the socket tightly. Absolutely awesome for stuff that stays plugged in for a while. :hyper: http://www.reichelt.de/?ARTICLE=46262 (as seen above)
  12. Wait, what? You just said the loopback works. Which means it's working. Stuff from the merger's MIDI in is forwarded to the merger's MIDI out. Did you actually do this? PC MIDI out >-------------------> Merger MIDI in (1 or 2) PC MIDI in <-------------------< Merger MIDI out Connect the midi device in MIOS Studio Play notes in MIOS Studio on the cute little keyboard window. Watch the notes show up in the MIDI In Monitor in MIOS Studio. :unsure:
  13. Um... The loopback working actually does mean the merger is doing just what it's supposed to do: It takes the incoming MIDI (from 2 inputs) and outputs it to the MIDI out... I don't quite see what the problem is here :blink:
  14. It's an industry standard sized 2x20 with an hd447800(-compatible) controller. http://www.reichelt.de/index.html?ARTICLE=53948 will fit, the datasheet has all the info you need to find different ones.
  15. ...aus Erfahrung kann ich sagen, dass sowohl die Qualität als auch der Service hochgradig stimmig sind - kann ich jederzeit empfehlen :thumbsup:
  16. Okay, if the firmware is good and the voltages are good, typically your best bet would be the optocouplers. Replace one of them with a known good one from a working core and see if you can get a loopback test to work (PC Out -> merger in, merger out -> pc in, play some notes in MIOS Studio, they should show up in the input monitor).
  17. nILS

    Gallery titles

    I did that on purpose to get some attention ;)
  18. Well, one pin is ground and the other is 5V via a 10k resistor. That'll give you 0.5mA if you connect a LED to it. Not a lot ;) If you replaced the resistor with something smaller you'll get more current, but you'll also feed the shift register... So, in short, I'd rather not do it.
  19. Yes. You can use any portion of the full CS you wish. Also, have a look at the "KNoBs menu" section in the mbSID v2 user manual.
  20. For encoders with included switch (would work as a shift button if your encoders had it).
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