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Everything posted by nILS

  1. Hab den Download mal ebenfalls getestet, komme auf 100-130KB/s, Datei war anschließend in Ordnung. Download-Client war Google Chrome :)
  2. Yes! http://bit.ly/y2ioNU
  3. The audio thing is not an issue. No audio is audio as well ;) Synthedit/Synthmaker will only get you so far, since the MIDIbox SID is massively complex and you'll need to have some pretty smart logic to make it work in a usable way. Quite a while ago I've started making an editor (.exe only but fairly easy to wrap into a VST) and believe me, it's a lot of work :) [for reference has a link to the download of a fairly old version, seems to not work on win 7 and it definitely needs a MIDI device in the system or it'll crash]
  4. It's neither a User Project (yet) nor is it relevant to MIDIbox SID. Moved.
  5. Yeh, the filters may be partially working. Which I'd still consider broken :) Also make sure to change the voltages before using the 6582s.
  6. That's a 470p cap, yes. if you neither get the filters to work with ASID nor the SID application, then it's pretty likely your SIDs have broken filters.
  7. * nILS kramt seine Kristallkugel raus Nee, keine Ahnung. Könnte daran liegen, dass der Link tot ist und Du auch sonst nicht viel verrätst. Schaltbild, Photos, ... Gib uns irgendwas womit wir arbeiten können ;)
  8. Oh looky who's back :flowers: While I don't particularly like the songs as such (me no into softish electronic music or "electronic" music per se, with the potential exception of gritty 8bit chiptune) I must say the sound and production is really done beautifully - awesome stuff, spp! :yes:
  9. :whistle: * nILS whistles and walks away slowly
  10. If anyone else has problems with the signup, feel free to contact an op on our irc channel for instant help (link is up there in the main menu) or eMail one of the mods on here with the details (in my case you can use midibox-at-schickt-dot-de).
  11. You have a few options there - like (MIDIbox based, hooray) or this...
  12. Willkommen an Bord :flowers: Die 165 gehen klar, vorausgesetzt, dass die Chips alle in Ordnung sind. Der Hauptunterschied zwischen mb6582 und SID v2 ist, dass das eine davon eine Implementierung des anderen ist. Sprich, die mb6582 ist eine der Möglichkeiten eine MIDIbox SID v2 zu bauen. Es ist eine MIDIbox SID v2.
  13. It will work. Typically OLEDs look a lot nicer in RL than in pictures - true black background, crisp pixels. This display will work w/o an external PSU. OLEDs typically have a very low current draw which is determined mostly by the number of lit pixels. The datasheet says "current draw (typ.) 30mA". [bTW, I fixed the title of your post - this is not an LCD it's an OLED]
  14. sammich* encoders are interchangeable. Ask Wilba nicely he'll prolly just send you one ;)
  15. [x] Attention to detail is a virtue. [x] 8085 is not a SID. [x] SIDs do not go on core modules. :whistle:
  16. I'd suggest you just wait a bit and give people some time to look at the pics and see if they find something wrong. Some of us have lives/familes/jobs ;)
  17. The core module is definitely at least partially working. A ten minute upload really does seem very long. What MIDI interface are you using? (ie is it either on the white- or black-list on the wiki) If your MIOS upload failed, you still only have the bootloader on the pic and you'll still only get a line of black bars, since the display isn't initialized. My money is on a corrupted upload.
  18. They just changed their policy with international shipping a while back - so back when you checked national shipping might have been the only option ;-) To edit the title of your thread simply edit the first post and use "Use Full Editor".
  19. Got some non-blurry, high-res pics of the top and bottom side of the base-pcb?
  20. Since you're asking on the official forum of MIDIbox which has been using PICs for 15(?) years now, I guess the response could be somewhat biased...
  21. Willkommen an Bord TheLord :flowers: Ja, was Du da beschreibst ist durchaus mit vertretbarem Aufwand machbar. Im Großen und ganzen wird es auf ein Core-Modul (das Gehirn des Ganzen) und ein paar DIN/DOUT (Digital Input/Output) Module hinauslaufen. Schau Dir am besten mal die Links auf http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/ und http://www.ucapps.de an, damit Du eine grobe Vorstellung kriegst, was genau Du eigentlich brauchst. Sobald Du dann etwas speziellere Fragen hast bentworten wir die gerne!
  22. [x] Patience is a virtue. Yes, they're a standard size: 2.54 mm / 0.1 inch.
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