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Everything posted by arumblack

  1. I used a dremel tool in the drill press attachment, wich is not the most accurate thing, but it was do able, and I'd do it again.
  2. I played around with a 2u layout, but i thought it was tight. I have always been a fan of roomy layouts. I don't have my printer connected now, so i didn't check it real size. the only thing that llooks odd to me is the encoder by the lcd, it just looks wrong where it isand maybe the lcd could be adjusted too. maybe you are plannig to use a jog wheel there? I don't know, but i would try to line it up with the other encoders in the top row. that's just my opinions though.
  3. I played around with a 2u layout, but i thought it was tight. I have always been a fan of roomy layouts. I don't have my printer connected now, so i didn't check it real size. the only thing that llooks odd to me is the encoder by the lcd, it just looks wrong where it isand maybe the lcd could be adjusted too. maybe you are plannig to use a jog wheel there? I don't know, but i would try to line it up with the other encoders in the top row. that's just my opinions though.
  4. did you try top upload MIOS, or an app? you must upload MIOS first, then the app.
  5. perhaps this could be integrated into mb one day (it is still in development) Just think, control soft synths from different machines with only one cable! http://www.plus24.com/ieeep1639/index.php
  6. sorry I don't know a transperent midi viewer, but you could use another pc (what you don't have 7 pc's in your house....;)... or build the midimon..... sorry not much help other wise.....
  7. never built one, so i can't give full details, but i know you get 8 mf's per core and mf module, so you would need three cores and three mf modules for 24 motorfaders. 25 would up that to four.maybe you could substitue and encoder for the master level(which in my experience is not automated so much anyway), and only need 3. Or if you gotta have it, you could always have some subgroups too?(you would have availible 7 more motorfaders...). just my thoughts. you will also need din's and dout's. ain's won't work with the mf's. That's all I know about it.... good luck.
  8. yes of course you need the two tracks, I just couldn't remember if the mouser one was like that or not.Sorry i do not know where to get such a fader....but they do exist.
  9. mouser has motorfaders for about 50 us. not sure if they are suitable for your application. they are alps. definitely a good project, the idea has been presented here before, but if any one has done it, they didn't tell us...
  10. Awesome, looks a whole lot better than the ones I did!
  11. but without the datasheet, connecting the display could be difficult, and connecting improperly *may* damage the display. Are there any markings on the chips on the back? try searching for those, one should be the controller.
  12. extremely clever. do you mind if i "borrow" that idea?
  13. i believe you need to set a variable in the id header to enable the to com baudrate, which is different than the midi baudrate, which is also why you can't use both at the same time.see the area of the site on programming your pic for more info.
  14. Thanks for the link! I've been to that site many times, I may even have it bookmarked already, but i forgot that dr55 service manual was there. I'll keep you all posted, but as usual with me, it could be a while.I just don't know how TK does it! (I'm sure the greater level of experience really helps)
  15. hmmm, now that could be useful. I'm not sure if I can get dynebolic to run on these things, they have no cd rom, and actually arent big enough to fit one into.there is only one cable for a hard drive, and one for a floppy. If i could install dynebolic over network it may be possible.Also they recommend 64 megs ram, which I'm not sure i have. I am going to try to get dos on one and see what i can find about it, and i will try out this converter.I am going to put dynebolic on the server I i just got(It currently has Novell Netware 4.1 on it, what the hell am I gonna do with that?).Hopefully i will have more usefull info in the next week.I would like to check out the clustering too, and the freej software. thanks again for the links Dr. Bunsen! On another note, I just won a broken dr 55 analog drum machine on ebay, It may just need the corrosion cleaned from the battery terminals, or maybe not. Anyway, I may end up modifying mbseq to do xox style programming for this thing. I am thinking i could use the DOUT's for trigger pulses?
  16. point of sale actually...... but the other is close... I am currently trying to find specs on the motherboard. it's a flytech a47. I am gonna contact the maker, because thier website doesn't have anything about this old mobo. There is no room for a cd rom, the case is too small. There are connectins for a hard drive and a floppy, and there may be a disk on chip socket( some of the newer mobo's by flytech have this).I tried to take one apart, and it is really a pain, I never did get the mobo out, but i got it enought hat i could find a model #(under a sticker from the reseller) They all try to boot from a network, except one that has a floppy, it tries to boot from floppy. I guess i need an os that can load from a floppy.....or over a network. I have many questions for my teachers at school, so I hope to have some answers by monday.i just bought a server too... Well, anyway thanks, I may try the dynebolic on my pc! will keep you all updated!
  17. Ok, as you can see, I am still pretty new to some of this ;D
  18. Ok, i just got 5 pos computers, tiny running some 586 processor at 133mhz. so.... it begins. oh, and i found a programmer buddy to help me out! so, it may be some months for another update, but the project moves on!
  19. what about voltage dependant resistors? i was reading about those in class the other day.....
  20. i would fear a very slow response on theese type of pots though. I have seen them as volume knobs on stereo's, and they moved slow!
  21. you need the sid program on each core. also be sure each core has a unique device id.
  22. would be cool, I've been thinking of how to midify an XOX clone I may start at some time......
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