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Everything posted by arumblack

  1. arumblack


    Firstly, sorry if I'm going slightly ot, but.... (this being mostly directed at Jim Henry's post) What to do for microphone wiring. the setup, mic jacks in one room running to my mixer in the other room. do i connect shield at both ends. I think yes, because the mic has no ground (unless you are holding and touching something grounded?). what about other balanced conections , say from mixer to powered monitors? disconnect the shield on one end?. how are off the shelf cables wired?( all three pins wired right). I am currently wiring up my studio and am trying hard to avoid hums and buzzes. what about mains wiring....all outlets in the studio are on the same circuit, does it matter which plug to plug the gear into? Thanks in advance!
  2. arumblack

    possible ?

    This page describes how to get a gate signal from any flashing led. It should only require a simple mios app to convert that signal to a midi clock. I unfortunately cannot offer to code the app for you, as I haven't learned how to do so yet. http://www.hoohahrecords.com/resfreq/mods/me20a.html
  3. arumblack


    You may be right, from an audio point of view. but from a safety point of view the way you currently have set up is correct. Guitar players have died from this ( so I've heard, though i believe a damp stage was also involved...), and you could geta nasty shock. though it could work just fine.
  4. If you are ordering form Schaeffer they have an app, or if you just need to make a template. It is free from thier site, Which I'm not sure the exact address, search for them or front panel designer. However if you need some Gerber file or other output I don't think this will do it, not the free version anyway....
  5. I belive Thorsten tested it on some nice old Korgs.....search the forum I know i saw pics and all.....
  6. arumblack

    C64 PSU

    @pay_c: Thanks Alot!
  7. arumblack

    C64 PSU

    Pay_C, (Sorry to go off topic) Could you explain to me how you measure the signal to noise ratio? Thank you in Advance.
  8. Are you refering to the SID bug noise? you can't do much about this.....
  9. Write your Email address on them and use them as buisness cards??? there's a nice big space in the middleof the 40 pin outline....
  10. This could be a terribly useful thing for me right now. I have several synthsThat I plan to add a Full mios controller for, but with school and work, moving my studio, and Girlfriend, I have had little time for anything else.My questions 1) Can this send sysex? I have two synths whose parameters are controlled by sysex, not cc's. 2)Can it send certain events on different midi channels? If the answers are yes, I could throw this thing together in a couple hours from parts i have laying around including an already assembled core. Thanks in advance! AB
  11. N E Probs = Any Problems... :)
  12. It is all midi messages when it comes down to it..... You could program a custom app to convert the midi messages to names and values like "Track 1 Vol : 127" or something like that. I'm not too sure on the specifics of how to do it, but it shouldnt be too hard.
  13. "Kabelbinder" = Cable Tie in English, and god bless who ever invented them!
  14. @Mobius: Why with flourescent blue spraypaint of course......And If I'd have had schaeffer do the drilling it would have been useable.....oh well back to the drawing board.....
  15. Awesome!I had painted my c64 case black also, and a flourescent blue frontpanel, but the frontpanel looks really crappy so it sits unfinnished....I think I like this one even better than your MBSEQ! Truly great work! Did You Drill the panel yourself?
  16. I have programmed and played my sid module succesfully on my audophile card.So if all your software is set up right , you should not have problems. Oh and I use windows XP.
  17. Awesome, be sure to report back after you try again.
  18. check this software out, it is just what you describe and will run on nearly any old pc. http://www.urr.ca/software/converter/about.htm
  19. @ the filter cap question. there is a difference, there are at lest two threads here somewhere discussing it, one of wich was initiated by me(which could help you narrow down the search) I would search for sid and capacitor or something like that.
  20. What I had problems with was straight lines or slots.perhaps if you built some sort of jig to hold the tool, or had waaaaayyyyy more time and patience than me....If i only had a mill......even a non cnc one......
  21. What I had problems with was straight lines or slots.perhaps if you built some sort of jig to hold the tool, or had waaaaayyyyy more time and patience than me....If i only had a mill......even a non cnc one......
  22. No, I think you need to peel the paper off, the paper probably protects the photoresist. The dremel will do panels, but i have not yet been able to do a good one.
  23. No, I think you need to peel the paper off, the paper probably protects the photoresist. The dremel will do panels, but i have not yet been able to do a good one.
  24. I used a dremel tool in the drill press attachment, wich is not the most accurate thing, but it was do able, and I'd do it again.
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