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Everything posted by arumblack

  1. You mean like  clear label sheets? i was going to try them ,  but I didn't have the money to shell out for a pack, they only came in 50 packs, and i don't really need 50... How did you make it 19"? did you need to piece two sheets together? It looks great, I wish i had gone and got them now......or was it something different? do you have a brand name or a link?
  2. what about the portal? Smash? just a though. @TUX I own an ea-1 and es-1, I'd be interested in your code...Though i don't really have much time now, and I am already trying to do too much with what time i do have.
  3. what about the portal? Smash? just a though. @TUX I own an ea-1 and es-1, I'd be interested in your code...Though i don't really have much time now, and I am already trying to do too much with what time i do have.
  4. About the more chemicals...yes that's true only developer, IF, you buy presensitized boards.you can buy the photoresisist in bulk and apply it yourself(cheaper).I don't have the book i was reading handy, but it was a kodak brand and there are surely some others.I will check the book(it is at school) and post the recomended type back here. so now to find a cheap laser printer(of good resolution)!
  5. Hey definitely post back with the laminator results. that would be cheaper than photographic, though i suspect it may have problems with traces really close together.
  6. I am about to make the switch to this method, have been planning to since my first not so great attempts with the transfer method.( I did get some usable boards, but even they could be better). Will this work with Inkjet transperencies? or shou;d i just get a cheap laser at an auction or something. the main reason i havent got one so far is that the toner would cost me more than the printer it seems. not so bad if i use it only for pcb's i guess.... how many sheets do you get from a toner cart before it dies? I have read that the photographic process is the way to go, if you can afford the equiptment, have the space to do it, and can stand some more chemicals. Thanks for the link.
  7. they do sell "LASER" transperencies too, they shouldn't melt in your laser printer or photocopier.
  8. same encoder, different "knob". Not sure where to get one in europe though.Try the major suppliers.
  9. yes, I think what you said above should be true. when you burn the new in it replaces the old. You must burn in the Bootstrap loader, then upload the mios and app over midi.really much easier, once BSL is loaded no more burning, just sysex dumps to update!
  10. @ Thomas. do you have the mios and app loaded yet, I only asked b/c you didn't say yet.I think with nothing loaded you get the black row on the screen.....otherwise I have no idea...sorry...
  11. Did you try giving the core more voltage? I am using 9 volts on mine, b/c it's what I had handy, but i only have one core and sid running ATM....I believe the core can handle safely up to 10 volts.
  12. remember to load the MIOS before the app. and after loading mios you should get a message on the screen.
  13. all of them, and in the order you listed them.
  14. Well...I dunno, it can be done without a display, in which case the headers i gave will still be fine. I have only built the sid so far, and I say it needs the display. The others seem to say that although not neccesary, the display is useful for debugging/troubleshooting. It can be done without the display though.
  15. Those boards are really well made,much better than ones I made myself. for the header you need to know which type of display(charecter or graphical) you are using, wether you plan ot use regular midi, or the serial port connection, and if you are chaining them. The last two numbers are device id, if you are chaining 2 or more cores, each should have a unique ID. so since you need to chain two cores you should use 0000000000000000 and 0000000000000001 that would be the header's for 2 cores to be chained using charecter displays and the midi ports. if you need glcd or the serial connection you need to make some more changes, but the above seems to be the most often used setup. good luck
  16. Looks cool. I don't know how often you would really need to automate the master level, so i would leave it off to save a core.Use an encoder instead and it can still be "automated" A pot could be too, but i am not clear on wether you can use an ain and mf on the same core, it doesnt seem like you can.
  17. 3 pics(CORES) 8 mf per core. I assume the 17th is for master fader or something?Maybe you could use something else to save building an extra core, like a regular fader or rotary endcoder? I'm not sure on this, as I have no experience with this setup, I have only built SID's so far. If anyone has an answer to that I'd be interested to know.
  18. After the bootloader is burned on the pic, you can load mios and your apps over midi. to burn the bootloader you need the JDM, or some one else to burn it for you.If you order the kit from smashtv you can get the pic with the bootloader burned already, or you can send him your pics and he will burn them for free.This may be preffered, as many people have problems with the jdm not working on their systems(including me). as for the 2x40, see your other post for my answer.
  19. hmmm... Look in the sid section of the site.I'ts there. under controlsurface step A I think.
  20. At 80 euro's they're not gonna make much profit off it.... but maybe if you are afraid of soldering irons???
  21. there are good ones here http://www.midibox.org/midibox_sid_photos/
  22. Thorsten, what is balanced cv for? I don't think I've heard of this before?
  23. In the lower left, the 10k resistor does not appear to be connected to anything,it should coonect to 5v at one end, and near the 10nf cap connected to pin6 of the max 525. it looks like it was placed a little too far left. I didn't notice anything else, but that is not to say for sure it isn't there. Good luck, and please share this file when it is tested ;) AB
  24. you need to open the preset bank wich is on the sid page, or open a create a new library, aand a new sid bank and the right click that bank and click edit, that will open it to a bank of 128 patches "newsound" select one of those and select deit, now the screen with the controls will pop up.
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