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Everything posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. I like them for like "left/right-arrow"-functions... for stepping through a menu (e.g. Navimec... which are actually only the caps. - The switches used for Navimec are Multimec). Using them for Channel functions I made exactly the same experience like Sasha. - Not nice. Greets, Roger
  2. ... see on page 12. They can be driven from 2.7-5.5V. Greets, Roger
  3. ... perhaps you'll get Havannas in Guantanamo :P Greets, Roger
  4. ... I remember, there was a guy doing some touch pads by etching some copper areas on a PCB and I think his project was working out. After a short search I couldn't find his posting... you should try to find it. Greets, Roger
  5. ... was verstehst Du unter hochauflösend? 250, 500, 1000?
  6. ... or with the EAO ;) Since EAO was (or still is) the studio/pro-audio industry standard, I bet you'll get nice printed versions from stock. From years of experience in professional audio engineering: Transport buttons only make sense if they have an appropriate size. If your buttons are too small, you're quicker by engaging "play" with your mouse. Normally they have to be hit quickly (appropriate size) and normally they will get hit very hard (appropriate quality). Greets, Roger
  7. Take http://www.eao.com/global/en/home.asp?navid=2 The ones every professional tapemachine manufacturer used for transport control in their tapemachines and remotes. Today they're also available with LEDs. Greets, Roger
  8. ... no problem: M3 Just watch out, that the screws have the appr. lenght or they will "touch" the res-taper Greets, Roger
  9. ... wegen einem Stück Aluminium, welches man auf eine geeignete Unterlage (z.B. Blech) legen kann und einem Blatt Lazertran? Ich glaube, da sind die Kakerlaken welche nachts im Ofen spazieren gehen das grössere Übel. - Null Problem, die nächste Pizza würde nicht im Geringsten riechen.
  10. ... schon mal in Deiner Stamm-Pizzeria nachgefragt oder beim Dorfbäcker, welchen Du möglicherweise ein bisschen kennst?
  11. ;D Why don't you build one by yourself? I think this shouldn't be too hard. Greets, Roger
  12. ALPHA Fader und Potis sind oft totale (und zum teil sehr gute) Kopien von ALPS... und erst noch billiger im Einkauf. ALPHA Potis sind auch in teuren Pro-Mischpulten (Ã la STUDER und so) anzutreffen. Greets, Roger
  13. ... well let's say I think it will be very expensive :-[ Greets, Roger
  14. http://www.pennyandgiles.com/docGallery/74.PDF Greets, Roger
  15. ... aber nicht in allen sehr guten ;) :-X
  16. Search the forum, this was heavily discussed about 2 years ago. I think nobody has ever done it. Greets, Roger
  17. ... Yes, SmashTV does a great job... but is this "Latest News"? - I think this an old wisdom and belongs more to "Misc"
  18. http://www.albs.de/ecom/images/863120.pdf Greets, Roger
  19. Hello Kikok I'm sorry but I only understand half of your post and this is the wrong place for it. - This is the international forum, which is in English. Please use the French forum for your question. Greets, Roger
  20. ... I already placed this pictur once in a similar thread ;D ;D ;D :-X Greets, Roger
  21. ... are you shure, you want to think that far before knowing the basics of what is possible from the side of your host, the protocol, the hardware etc.? Your 1056 DOUTs should be spread over 6 physical MIDI Inputs (6x8x22) of your host. I don't know nuendo good enough but I'm pretty shure it works like all other Mackie protocol based systems and it's also implemented that way from Mackie itself. - 8 faders per physical MIDI I/O. My suggestion: Think big... yes, I'm doing this too but don't expect it to be an easy way. Sometimes there are small steps and intermissions necessary to keep on track for the big plan. Greets, Roger
  22. Yes, I bought it and it's very cool to design scales etc. though there are some limitations in custimization. Greets, Roger
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