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Everything posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. I prefer "C" THX for the code-example, Jack! Greets, Roger
  2. Hello Does anybody know about it's possible to implement following multi function button handling by programming? Description: I'd like to have 4 or more "shift" buttons (Shift 1-4) to select the functions for Buttons A+B. Example: - I press and hold [shift1] the functions the MidiBox sends now would be "CUT" for [buttonA] and "PASTE" for [buttonB] - I press and hold [shift2] the functions the MidiBox sends now would be "JUMP to Clip Left" for [buttonA] and "JUMP to Clip Right" for [buttonB] - I press and hold [shift3] the functions the MidiBox sends now would be "JUMP to Marker Left" for [buttonA] and "JUMP to Marker Right" for [buttonB] ... and so on Logical Shematic: Button B ___/ _____________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Button A ___/ _______|____________|____________|________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Shift1/--/ 2/--/ 3/--/ 4/--/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ =========================================== | F F F F F F F F | | u u u u u u u u | | n n n n n n n n | | k k k k k k k k | | t t t t t t t t | | i i i i i i i i | | o o o o o o o o | | n n n n n n n n | | | | 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 | | A B A B A B A B | ========================================== Thanks and Greets Roger
  3. This is funny... I hate those flat built in trackballs on large digital consoles (have you ever configured some 40-60 channels on a routing matrix being under time pressure?), so I bought one like you just ripped :'( apart and I am totaly happy with it :D What is funny about that? Well... taste seems to be very flexible :P Greets, Roger
  4. ... well this is the problem when buying a cheap 32bit fixpoint system from a manufacturer who goes proprietary :D Oooops... couldn't keep my mouth shut once again ;D Now without picking on SlowTools: Best is you buy a kit from SmashTV or Mike and just try to make it work out. If you look at the price... it's not really expensive (1 core and 1 DOUT which you can build on stripboard). The problem is, that most guys here have the knowledge for the own DAW system and there aren't many PT-freaks here (god thanks... only prfessionals ;) ). If you have your kit together you'll get a lot of help where ever possible and you always can give feedback after you tried something. Greets, Roger EDIT: Don't take it personal... nothing against you! I just think ProTools 5 up to 7HD was the worst DAW I ever had to work with day for day the last about 4 years. - Totaly over rated. I should sue my last employee for making me work (or should I say "mouse"?) with it every day. Bad editor, worst DSP engine on the market, big cheapy plastic controller sold for a fortune...
  5. ... no, it's just not the same model no, I mean the K-Type (The K-Fader with coreless motor [CP]) not the N-Type http://home.tiscali.ch/screamingrabbit/Pages/UCAppsBulk_Order/ALPS/Datasheets/ALPS_motorfader.pdf ... read this: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_mf.html Greets, Roger
  6. ... use your imagination!!! Take a stopwatch and imagine a pot in front of you turning... :-\ ALPS do make highspeed (300°/1sec) motorized rotary pots but I think you'll run with the MF Module into the same problems like when using the ALPS V-Type faders...!?! http://home.tiscali.ch/screamingrabbit/Pages/UCAppsBulk_Order/ALPS/Datasheets/RK25T12MO.PDF Greets, Roger
  7. ... do you really want that? The Position of your MIDIBox Pots have no meaning to the position (timeline) of your DAW project. Assuming you open another project: Your position of the pots is wrong but the PlugIn setting stored in the DAW is how you left finishing the project the last time you worked on it. If the MIDIBox sends now the actual pot positions to your DAW, your PlugIn settings are way off of what you want to hear. Greets, Roger
  8. ... this was a PGM7000 http://www.pennyandgiles.com/docGallery/85.PDF Greets, Roger
  9. ... to whom it might interest: http://www.cme-pro.com/products-list/product-widi-8.html Greets, Roger
  10. http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_mf.html ... yes Greets, Roger
  11. ... here are the prices I had in Germany when I did a bulk order: http://home.tiscali.ch/screamingrabbit/Pages/UCAppsBulk_Order/BULK_Start.htm ... you just should be aware, that you can't drive the V-Type faders clean with the MBHP Motorfader Module. Greets, Roger
  12. ... as far as I know, it should be no problem in the future, to still get non ROHS soldering tin. Greets, Roger
  13. ... no problem ... yes, if I rememer right, about 15-20°C Greets, Roger
  14. ... I daily worked with one for the last 7 years and I can tell you, it's a hell of a unit. I also worked a lot with the L1 and L2 plugs and I like them. - This might be a matter of taste, but I like the Jünger much more. I handle it the way, that when I have to play out the mix (when having external effects involved), I use the Jünger and if I can render the mix, I use the Waves plugs. Greets, Roger
  15. ... try to get your hands to a used (they're not cheap when new) Jünger D02 http://www.junger-audio.com/website/products_menu/2chdynamics_frame.html Greets, Roger
  16. Thanks Jeff for your efforts! ...is this now a backup running? Because I think there are some posts missing. Greets, Roger
  17. ... so why don't YOU start one? - I think you'll get over 100 faders together. Greets, Roger
  18. ... yes, multible ... yes ... just clarify what you wanna do exactly, make some signal/logical flow charts, try to find out what MBHP-modules you need and if you don't know how to continue, ask in the forum for help ... you can edit with a text editor bur you need a compiler (there are freeware compilers on the net to download) Do you have an audio unit which you can control by MIDI? - You could use also a software based mixer. What you wanna do is like the typical monitoring and talkback control of an OnAir mixer. To get ideas, see page 19 (diagram) in this brochure. http://www.studer.ch/pdf/brochures/(1)%20OnAir%203000Net%20(16-08-05)lr.pdf Greets, Roger
  19. ... or spend the money on tools and build the parts by yourself ;) ;D Greets, Roger
  20. ... what ever you want/program it to do e.g. automatio on/off, select, menu... Greets, Roger
  21. 1. 6N138 and 6N139 are the types which are suggested by MIDI.org 2. How about the speed of the PC-900... check the datasheet if it's fast enough Greets, Roger
  22. ... Some thoughts about the PCB (possibly not related to your Alesis gear but for the pads mentioned in this thread). I wuld do tests with some graphite-powder mixed with 2 compound glue (like "Araldit"). Try a mixture with as much graphite you can get into the glue while the glue will still stick well on the copper pads (i think it will be possible to get about 40-50% of graphite-powder into it). Apply a drop on every copper pad and when it's dry, stick a sanding paper onto a table and sand the drops down to about 0.2-0.1mm so they are as thin as possible and have a nice flat top. - I think this could work out. Greets, Roger
  23. Well, this might be a matter of taste. The feel of the rubber pads gets better and better but still not as nice as an EAO switch (and those are available with RGB LEDs and never squieek). How about reliability? It took years for the industry to develop a PCB coating which ensures contact while beeing physical resistive to erosion and corrosion over years... and you think you're just doing it with some blanc copper or tin? :-\ I agree about the design aspect I don't wanna disturb you guy's creativity... just throwing in some arguments... I like doing that ;D Greets, Roger
  24. Why would somebody go for the bad feeling of rubber pad buttons? - To break down production costs! But for this price (100 pads = when you order 1600 pcs. of switches) you get decent switches with a nice tactile feel. Greets, Roger
  25. http://www.xkeys.com/pigraphics/graccessories/xka001117200.jpg Greets, Roger
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