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Everything posted by Imp

  1. no problem, now go make some xox-owners jealous with it ;)
  2. 11.12v should be ok, so the ssm-module seems to be at fault. I'll measure the resistances between lm13700 pins (3,4,13,14,) and ground, and (1,16) and V+ so you can copy my trimpot settings. Maybe this helps... Edit: Results: P3-->GND : 1.424k P14-->GND : 1.43k P4-->GND : 1.07k P13-->GND : 1.05k P1,P16--->V+(P11):26.8k Power was off, Lm13700 was inserted I read some of the datasheet of the lm13700 and if i understood it correctly, the current into P1 and P16 controls the gain. I dont know, how i got a resistance below 27k, because there is a 27k ressistor in series, but this might be what solves your problem. btw: same values without lm13700
  3. I just measured those values: -0.1 to 10.9V into the module and -11v to 1.13v on pins2 of the chips ( from lowest to highest res.) I think those -11v are strange, they only occur, when res is almost turned down completely, when turned up a bit, it jumps to around 0.5v and then can be adjusted precisely until 1.13v, where the filter starts to oscillate. Maybe some more gain on your Aout could help?
  4. hmm,ok..Wilba was talking about sourcing parts yourself vs. getting a Kit, i actually misunderstood, but nao i haz cookie! Anyway, I don't see how sourcing parts yourself can be considered as bitching... It's the least interesting part of our hobby, but offensive? Not really...
  5. Who's bitchin? I don't get how getting one big instead of a few small orders could possibly harm smash in any way... There might be another problem though: a larger parcel is not as likely to slip through the Zoll as some small ones, and then you have to calculate how much everyone of you have to pay them. Not worth the saving, IMHO.
  6. I think, the message is to check his other stuff. Some gems... #9 is great for example, some are a little bit too experimental for easy listening, but very creative nonetheless.
  7. In the LeadEngine, the two SIDs are for left and right channel, to get stereo sound. IN the MultiEngine, the SIDs are used for polyphony, but still wired to left/right. Try hitting more than 3 notes, then you have sound on both SIDs/sides. If not, something's wrong with your sammich.
  8. Hi, With the SIDv2 you have to be in the first menu after power-on, then hold down shift while cycling through the different engines with the second menu-button. It goes like Ld->Bs->Dr->Ml which stands for multi. Btw, i'm quite sure, It's the same on a sammich.
  9. Hey, no problem, I'm glad to help! Do you know what such a declaration form should look like? I can also split the shipping if it helps with that NOK 200 limit. greetings, imp
  10. Ok, Norway isn't known for shipping troubles, or is it? Anyway, i will help you. I did this once with a finnish midiboxer, and it went quite well. I can also test your SIDs. (though 6581s would mean some soldering, since in my SID there are 8580s) PM me, if you found something!
  11. HI! It would help to know where you live ;)
  12. hehe, that's some efficient use of LCD-Space!
  13. Man, that thing looks great! On the Lcd below Nte, there is this matrix-thingie, what's that?
  14. You don't need input to make it oscillate, it doesn't make much difference if there is input or not, cause the ssm is so much louder. While calibrating mine, i found out that if the cutoff-voltage is out of range, the ssm tends to mute everything and adds some noise. Did you invert the cutoff channels?
  15. google "Rick Jansen Moog", click first result. :sorcerer: edit: damn it! too slow...
  16. I think i will buy it, but i have to check back with my dad first, he wanted to give me one for my birthday, so maybe he has already bought one...
  17. Welcome on board! Pwm is labeled as CLK on smash's boards. Also Vd (Core) must be connected to Vc (SID)and MD(Core) to Sc (SID). Those pin-arrays have the same layout, so you can use a ribboncable with 2x4 connectors, without exchanging any lines.
  18. For me it's more about that "i make crappy patches but nobody knows"-feeling ;)
  19. Here is the schematic If you had a resistance in parallel, you would get wrong values indeed, but as you can see in the schematic, if you measure between pins 1 and 2 of P3/P4, there is nothing in parallel. If you measure between pins 2 and 3, there is a 100k resistor and a capacitor in parallel which don't change much.
  20. You could also measure the resistance, at least that's what i did. BTW, since you might be reading this Seppoman: Thank you for this fantastic module! I love it!
  21. I tried to build that sound you wanted, but got distracted fiddling around... I think the arpeggiator and a three-note-chord could be enough, but i got better results by modulating the pitch via Wavetable and stepping the wavetable via LFO. I just found an instrumental of that Track you mentioned, in there it seems to be a sample, cause arp-speed changes with pitch...meh...
  22. I think, people should ask for permission here first. It makes it easier to keep an eye on "the market" and to keep them from stretching the definition of one-off... If lots of sid got sold, people might treat it as a commercial product and deny their own responsibility and demand better support etc. ON the other hand, lots of sold units means lots of recognition (as seen with the X0Xbox). You Gurus deserve this fame, but it comes with a lot of extra work with the new "customers". haha, sorry but NO way! You can pry it loose from my cold dead hands ;)
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