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Everything posted by Imp

  1. sings the Regelungstechnik-Blues

  2. Imp

    Love Parade

    In the 90s, the Love Parade must have been great, but back then I was too young to go there... Instead I joined the party once, when it already had been turned down by Berlin's politicians and therefor took place in Essen. It was spectacular, but already had been sold as a marketing-event and lost it's charme. Dr. Motte himself had turned against it long before, because of this. Maybe some of the Berliners know how to party, but some others found this event to be unpleasant and expensive.... Especially the tons of garbage produced by the masses were a problem. This seems to be a weak argument at first, but Essen really looked bad afterwards...
  3. May I suggest adding numbers to the name? It would be nice if you could upload the uncompiled *.osm for FL-Synthmaker! I haven't got real experience with Synthmaker, but I think it will be usefull, to know what's under the hood..
  4. Especially in the FL version of SynthMaker ;) Does it output NRPNs yet?
  5. Twin-X, you are right, i got it wrong. I just checked 3 c64c, 2 of them were "all F on top",1 was "top/front". Since the SIDs were pulled, I compared the serial numbers on the back. Contrary to what i said before, the "all F on top" ones seem to be newer. So it should be: "all F on top" : 8580 "top/front": 6581 @Pingosimon: This may not apply to all C64C ever produced, but i remember choosing the last one I bought by this rule. I needed a 8580 and got it this way. But maybe i've just been lucky. Anyway, can you prove your point? Did you encounter different combinations of print/SID?
  6. There is a way to check from the outside, which Sid will be in a C64C: If the f-keys are printed only on top, It's a 6581. If they have f1,f3,f5,f7 on top and f2,f4,f6,f8 on the front it's a 8580.
  7. I once had a problem with a freezing LCD which was similar to yours. It seems some displays don't like beeing talked to in 4bit, even if the datasheet says it's ok. I don't know if it is possible with the MB-6582 Pcb, but I wired my Lcd for 8bit, and my problem was gone. I also remember changing something in the Pic-header to enable 8bit, but i can't recall what it was exactly.
  8. I think I should have posted again instead of editing my earlier statement ;) *cough* *waving teh Zaunpfahl*
  9. Intel C2D e6300 gm5 ACID 64 Works like a charm! Danke! Edit: after about 1 hour of chiptune-madness an error occurred, ACID kept on playing for 5 minutes, then crashed. It said: "Acces violation at address 0C81C14 in module 'HardSID.DLL'. Write of address 0000001E."
  10. I've accidently run my Fm on a 685 and it works. IIRC i used the mios for the 452, since the FM-app didn't run properly otherwise. In the WIKI it says: This might be a problem, but i have not found anything wrong so far. But AFAIK the Pin on the 685 which supports CAN is already used for something else...I can't find a proof in the docs, though...
  11. If you don't want to use the other engines, just ignore them...it's much easier than removing them from the code.. You could save patch #1 as a blank template with the drum engine enabled, so you don't have to switch everytime you turn on the device.
  12. Bist du dir Sicher, dass das Kabel zuverlässig ist? Hast du mit nem Multimeter die Kontakte gescheckt? Falls noch nicht geschehen, bewege dabei mal das Kabel, um Wackelkontakte auszuschließen! Eine andere Fehlerquelle könnte noch sein, dass du das Datenblatt verkehrt herum interpretiert hast...ist Pin1 auf dem display markiert? Passen Datenblatt und Display auf jeden Fall zusammen?
  13. Moin und wilkommen im Forum! Hast du die eher offensichtlichen Sachen schon durchgecheckt? Also: Ist der display-controller kompatibel, ist die Verbindung nicht nur ordentlich gelötet, sondern auch richtig zugeordnet? Welche Applikation und welchen Pic benutzt du ? Falls noch nicht passiert, kannst du auch versuchen beim Upload, die Verzögerung zwischen den Datenblöcken etwas länger zu machen. Was mich auch stutzig macht ist, dass nicht der ganze Anzeigebereich was zeigt. Oder ist das nur auf dem Bild so? Bleibt das eigentlich immer gleich?
  14. Hi, and welcome! 1 - Since the latency would be the same as when typing, it should be low enough...just try using Traktor with mapped keys ;) 2 - Those Knobs are called encoders, and they don't behave like you suggested. They put out two phase-shifted pulses while turned. So it's not possible to connect them directly to the keyboard-controller, but through some extra electronics, it might work.
  15. Changing inputs to outputs would (if possible at all) involwe hacking the firmware of the gm5, since it is not open source....so it's nearly impossible. But did you realize that every midiport has 16 channels, wich could control a VST each? I doubt you really need 10 midi-connections in parallel...
  16. Modular Synth don't have to make sense ;) Most of them are built or bought as a toy, i guess... So "because you can" might be enough of a reason to try it;)
  17. If you want to use it in a modular environment, cv/gate is the only way to go... In http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_fp.html it sais: So it could be possible to connect CV to J5, maybe through a little op-amp circuit to adapt the scale, and map it to osc pitch via the MOD-menu. I think 125hz won't make FM possible, but should be enough for normal playing. The Gate could be connected to the PLAY-button somehow, or to an external VCA...
  18. I like those tracks, moon note especially... I try to snatch an alpha Juno on the bay for a while now... Which one do you have? Would you get it again?
  19. That box is neat! I wonder how you managed to cut the hole for the LCD with such precision...is it lasercut? Controlling the SID via CCs is possible, but imho more of a workaround than a solution. It's good to try how it feels to use knobs, but will probably make you want the full CS. Rutger's Editor is imho a good option, because you have all the parameters at hand without any config/labeling-hassle. If you want to try CCs anyway, I would recommend to map cut off, filtertype, osc->filter,detune, maybe rate & depth of one LFO.
  20. PC-PSUs usually turn off, if the there is no load on their output. No load means no current. To create a load, the LEDs and resistors are added. There will be some current through those, so your PSU won't turn off. How much current it needs to stay on, actually depends on the PSU, but isn't specified anywhere. So you have to try. You won't fry the PSU with wrong values, because it would either just turn off, or burn the LED...
  21. iihh, wie ekelig! ;) Mag sein, dass Mikes Platinen eher was fürs zweite Projekt sind, bei dem man schon eher weiß, was man tut. Ich war ehrlich gesagt sowohl mit Smashs als auch mit Mikes Platinen super zufrieden... Es kommt halt drauf an, ob jetzt Qualität oder Geschwindigkeit wichtiger ist...
  22. das mit der Anfängerfreundlichkeit von Smashs Platinen stimmt schon, ich finde aber dass auch erwähnt werden sollte, dass Mikes Lieferungen gerade in Deutschland einfach schneller ankommen und man damit auch kein Zollgehampel hat.
  23. Imp


    Congratulations! this thing is just amazing! Man, these pics make me wanna touch it...which might become a problem if many others feel the same ;)
  24. I have a B*hringer CM8000 VCA mixer, which may have been (semi)pro-equipment in the last century... Its stupid software controls it via Rs232, but since those units can be daisychained via midi, the unit itself ouputs the following, when faders are moved in the software: TIMESTAMP IN PORT STATUS DATA1 DATA2 CHAN NOTE EVENT 001EC457 4 -- 98 00 01 9 C -1 Note On 001EC47E 4 -- 98 00 02 9 C -1 Note On 001EC4B7 4 -- 98 00 03 9 C -1 Note On 001EC4EE 4 -- 98 00 04 9 C -1 Note On 001EC50F 4 -- 98 00 05 9 C -1 Note On 001EC517 4 -- 98 00 06 9 C -1 Note On 001EC52E 4 -- 98 00 07 9 C -1 Note On 001EC547 4 -- 98 00 09 9 C -1 Note On 001EC556 4 -- 98 00 0A 9 C -1 Note On 001EC55E 4 -- 98 00 0B 9 C -1 Note On 001EC56E 4 -- 98 00 0C 9 C -1 Note On 001EC586 4 -- 98 00 0D 9 C -1 Note On 001EC58F 4 -- 98 00 0E 9 C -1 Note On 001EC59F 4 -- 98 00 0F 9 C -1 Note On 001EC5A7 4 -- 98 00 10 9 C -1 Note On 001EC5B6 4 -- 98 00 11 9 C -1 Note On 001EC5CF 4 -- 98 00 12 9 C -1 Note On 001EC5DF 4 -- 98 00 13 9 C -1 Note On 001EC5E7 4 -- 98 00 15 9 C -1 Note On 001EC5FE 4 -- 98 00 17 9 C -1 Note On 001EC60E 4 -- 98 00 18 9 C -1 Note On 001EC616 4 -- 98 00 19 9 C -1 Note On 001EC626 4 -- 98 00 1C 9 C -1 Note On 001EC62F 4 -- 98 00 1D 9 C -1 Note On 001EC63E 4 -- 98 00 20 9 C -1 Note On 001EC647 4 -- 98 00 23 9 C -1 Note On 001EC656 4 -- 98 00 25 9 C -1 Note On 001EC65F 4 -- 98 00 28 9 C -1 Note On 001EC66F 4 -- 98 00 2A 9 C -1 Note On 001EC678 4 -- 98 00 2D 9 C -1 Note On 001EC686 4 -- 98 00 30 9 C -1 Note On 001EC68E 4 -- 98 00 31 9 C -1 Note On 001EC69E 4 -- 98 00 34 9 C -1 Note On 001EC6AE 4 -- 98 00 35 9 C -1 Note On 001EC6B7 4 -- 98 00 38 9 C -1 Note On 001EC6C7 4 -- 98 00 39 9 C -1 Note On 001EC6CE 4 -- 98 00 3A 9 C -1 Note On 001EC6DE 4 -- 98 00 3B 9 C -1 Note On 001EC6E6 4 -- 98 00 3C 9 C -1 Note On 001EC6FF 4 -- 98 00 3D 9 C -1 Note On 001EC70E 4 -- 98 00 3E 9 C -1 Note On 001EC717 4 -- 98 00 3F 9 C -1 Note On 001EC72E 4 -- 98 00 41 9 C -1 Note On 001EC73E 4 -- 98 00 42 9 C -1 Note On 001EC756 4 -- 98 00 43 9 C -1 Note On 001EC76E 4 -- 98 00 44 9 C -1 Note On 001EC77E 4 -- 98 00 45 9 C -1 Note On 001EC786 4 -- 98 00 46 9 C -1 Note On 001EC79E 4 -- 98 00 47 9 C -1 Note On 001EC7AE 4 -- 98 00 49 9 C -1 Note On 001EC7B7 4 -- 98 00 4A 9 C -1 Note On 001EC7CE 4 -- 98 00 4C 9 C -1 Note On 001EC7DE 4 -- 98 00 4D 9 C -1 Note On 001EC7F6 4 -- 98 00 4E 9 C -1 Note On 001EC7FE 4 -- 98 00 4F 9 C -1 Note On 001EC80E 4 -- 98 00 51 9 C -1 Note On 001EC826 4 -- 98 00 52 9 C -1 Note On 001EC836 4 -- 98 00 53 9 C -1 Note On 001EC83E 4 -- 98 00 54 9 C -1 Note On 001EC84E 4 -- 98 00 55 9 C -1 Note On 001EC856 4 -- 98 00 56 9 C -1 Note On 001EC866 4 -- 98 00 57 9 C -1 Note On 001EC87E 4 -- 98 00 58 9 C -1 Note On 001EC896 4 -- 98 00 59 9 C -1 Note On 001EC8AE 4 -- 98 00 5A 9 C -1 Note On 001EC8B6 4 -- 98 00 5B 9 C -1 Note On 001EC8CE 4 -- 98 00 5C 9 C -1 Note On 001EC8E6 4 -- 98 00 5D 9 C -1 Note On 001EC8F6 4 -- 98 00 5E 9 C -1 Note On 001EC8FE 4 -- 98 00 5F 9 C -1 Note On 001EC90E 4 -- 98 00 60 9 C -1 Note On 001EC926 4 -- 98 00 61 9 C -1 Note On 001EC936 4 -- 98 00 62 9 C -1 Note On 001EC93E 4 -- 98 00 63 9 C -1 Note On 001EC957 4 -- 98 00 64 9 C -1 Note On 001EC966 4 -- 98 00 65 9 C -1 Note On 001EC96E 4 -- 98 00 66 9 C -1 Note On 001EC986 4 -- 98 00 67 9 C -1 Note On 001EC996 4 -- 98 00 68 9 C -1 Note On 001EC99F 4 -- 98 00 69 9 C -1 Note On 001EC9AE 4 -- 98 00 6A 9 C -1 Note On 001EC9C6 4 -- 98 00 6B 9 C -1 Note On 001EC9D6 4 -- 98 00 6C 9 C -1 Note On 001EC9EF 4 -- 98 00 6D 9 C -1 Note On 001ECA06 4 -- 98 00 6E 9 C -1 Note On 001ECA1E 4 -- 98 00 6F 9 C -1 Note On 001ECA27 4 -- 98 00 70 9 C -1 Note On 001ECA3E 4 -- 98 00 71 9 C -1 Note On 001ECA56 4 -- 98 00 72 9 C -1 Note On 001ECA6F 4 -- 98 00 73 9 C -1 Note On 001ECA7E 4 -- 98 00 74 9 C -1 Note On 001ECA96 4 -- 98 00 75 9 C -1 Note On 001ECAAE 4 -- 98 00 76 9 C -1 Note On 001ECAC6 4 -- 98 00 77 9 C -1 Note On 001ECADE 4 -- 98 00 78 9 C -1 Note On 001ECB06 4 -- 98 00 79 9 C -1 Note On 001ECB1E 4 -- 98 00 7A 9 C -1 Note On 001ECB4E 4 -- 98 00 7B 9 C -1 Note On 001ECB7E 4 -- 98 00 7C 9 C -1 Note On 001ECBA6 4 -- 98 00 7D 9 C -1 Note On 001ECBD6 4 -- 98 00 7E 9 C -1 Note On 001ECBDF 4 -- 98 00 7F 9 C -1 Note On 001F7417 4 -- 88 00 7F 9 C -1 Note Off 001F7707 4 -- 98 00 7F 9 C -1 Note On This is fader #33 (the unit has 32channels, so its the first of the second chained unit) The fader was set to highest level when i started monitoring (via midi-ox), then i pulled it down all the way...then muted/unmuted.. I don't know if this helps though... edit: i forgot to mention: the next channel is the same, but on a different note ( C# -1 )
  25. And the pm thingie in the upper-left corner is missing...
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