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Everything posted by Imp

  1. Damn, what a horrifying sight....I'd say sell it as mint on ebay ;) Maybe fixing the groundplane on that button-pcb will change something already...
  2. Have you tried connecting the LCD in 8-bit-mode? Since the mios for the '452 expects 8bit, and the used pins also control the YMF, this can make a difference.
  3. I don't think you killed the Caps..Have you tried running the box without display? Since your problem seems to be power-related, disabling the backlight of the display might be enough..
  4. Yeah, right, i meant those... It maybe would have been an explanation for the less frequent rebooting, when other modules are connected..
  5. Did you leave out the caps behind the VREG too?
  6. it should be +/-12 V or is it a typo?
  7. I had nearly the same issue, when i built the FM with a PIC18F4685. I got it to work by flashing the MIOS for PIC18F452 but this might lead to different problems. Wilba, can you explain what might go wrong?
  8. Cool! I wish i had found mine instead of spending money for it! ;) No seriously, i really like that thing and it is definitely something that's worth putting some work in. If you can't get the audio-part going, just try if it outputs midi. pushing the part-buttons should output note on/offs, all of the pots/buttons (except volume) output NRPNs ( different ones depending on which part is active) so if midi works, it's still a great controller/sequencer If you need some info, how things (should) look, let me know!
  9. you probably need to treat the pic as if it were a pic18f452, as i've described here: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,11972.0.html
  10. Imp

    Which Pic?

    I can confirm that the fm works on a pic18f685, but i had to treat it as if it were a pic18f452: I uploaded the mios file which is meant for the '452 and wired the LCD in 8bit-mode, before i did this, the mbfm_interconnection_test gave out strange voltages on D0, D1,D2 and D3. Therefore the testtone and the fm-app itself didn't produce any sound, as the opl was not controlled properly. I haven't tested if everything works as on a '452, because i have neither a bankstick, nor a CS...but the Lcd works and the Rhodes is playing 8)
  11. Moin! Ich hab sowas noch nicht probiert, aber schon häufiger gelesen, dass solche diy-Verlängerungen zu Problemen führen. Gerade das digitale Signal wird vermutlich unter dem Kabel leiden...dem Saft ist es eher egal... Ich würds trotzdem einfach mal mit CAT6 oder CAT7 (Netzwerkkabel) ausprobieren, weil das ist halt recht gut geschirmt. Wenns damit nicht geht, dann vermutlich gar nicht...
  12. Nice! Ist n Zehner inklusive Porto nach D ok?
  13. Is the PIC18F4685 already flashed with the Bootloader ?
  14. To my own defense i have to say, that my brain was still running in coffee-less-mode when i posted this ;)
  15. Me too! Since i will get the parts i need from Reichelt, I can help.. It will take a while and I need to know how to label the parcel, so we won't run into trouble with the customs... If you need anything else ,a complete orderlist would be nice too ;)
  16. Imp

    New here

    I never heard about the last one...is it MB-related?
  17. That's actually great news...I really appreciate the work you put into it!
  18. Hi, seid ihr schon über die code-Beispiele auf der Hauptseite gestolpert? Hier http://www.ucapps.de/mios_c.html gibts eins, dass nrpn sendet.
  19. yeah, right...patch exchange is an aspect of the editor, which makes it even more useful, even if you got the complete CS... BTW: I think I found a Bug: when i use Envelope2 via MOD2 to control cutoff (as "direct" or Target 1/2 doesn't matter), it does not work. I compared the values shown by the editor with those on my Sid, the only difference was at the depth of Envelope 2, which was at 0 on the sid. As i can reproduce this, i don't think it's related to any lost or fragmented midi-data.
  20. nice one! I had a frozen note yesterday, which was out of range for all of my Keyboards...it made me restart everything ;) Edit: I Haven't found it yet...any hint where to look?
  21. +1 cause it made me laugh...this might be a good one for the quotes-collection..
  22. That problem sounds oddly familiar ;) in the Wiki it says "The frequency input of the 2044 expects an input of about -100..+100mV" ...maybe a battery wired to the outer pins of the pot would do the trick, it's (-) should be connected to the ground oft the circuit, the wiper of the pot to CV in ...i haven't tried it yet, so maybe it needs some improvement... One pot is enough i think...
  23. There is still a bit of hope left, that this is just parody...
  24. I'm pretty sure, that this is a Mb-sid...btw: the seller says, the sid's concept is different from subtractive synthesis, thats why he was not able to control it properly ;)
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