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latigid on

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Everything posted by latigid on

  1. I was pretending to be Suisse for a while, but I just torture Nico with my attempted French :).
  2. C'est gentil, merci! Here's the backpack board connected. I made the headers a bit too long but it's not a biggie.
  3. That the test app was loaded is a big clue that not everything was well (tashikoma). So now your task is to check the hardware connections, make sure all boards and shift registers are working, then get the correct firmware loaded. Without any photos of the unit running it's difficult to say how far the original builder got. But if you dive into the firmware files you might find the switches etc. can be customised/tweaked to the hardware you have. Best of luck!
  4. Sorry, I see that you wrote "as-is" in the OP. For the IC, it's probably the same LED driver for the second 7-segment. I guess the decimal point is not wired. The main functions should work fine without this connected.
  5. http://www.ucapps.de/mios_download.html is where you'll find the firmware.
  6. Have you asked the seller about it? Was it sold as working or as-is/for parts? You should connect it to MIOS Studio via MIDI to see if you can communicate with the Core, thereafter you can try to upload the correct application.
  7. Mechanical fits are good :) Next up is getting the switch matrices working properly, deciding on the button assignments and thinking about colour coding. This one's already in the RGB hue sweep thread, but I'll post it again for posterity:
  8. Looks like @julianf (the beast) has panels (front and rear) for 115 GBP if that's more up your alley. And being a "business" he might be able to remove the VAT if it's included in that price.
  9. There's no stupidity, one has to scratch a little bit at a time with such a complex instrument. With regards to chords and scales, an A minor chord always has the same notes played (A, C, E), but whether A is played as a major or minor chord depends on the scale "quality" and root note. Major scale: I ii iii IV V vi vii° so in C we have C Dm Em F G Am B° and back to C minor scale: i ii° III iv V VI VII vii° https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_numeral_analysis So the uppercase roman numerals are major chords, the lowercase are minors, and it's all subjective because C uses the same notes as Am. The little circles represent diminished chords, where the interval from the root note is a lowered third fifth. If you use one of the many scale flavours in the SEQ, these will be different again.
  10. If it all works with other displays/cables, then it's the display. TK could probably tell what pin is buggered from the output, but not a mere mortal such as myself. Sadly it's quite easy to cook the onboard registers, even as much as shorting pins together with a multimeter probe, experiments with 5V/3v3 fiddling, backwards cable etc.
  11. Check the orientation/soldering of your resistor network/595. Can't see your pic btw.
  12. Hello! I don't pretend to know everything about the SEQ, I'm only starting to learn it myself and there's a lot to learn! But I think most of the requests/ideas you have are already possible within the current software. If they aren't yet TK. is the guy to tell you if they can be. Have you experimented with the LFOs? One can also assign meta tracks to modulate parameters in time with the sequence If your slider can generate CC data, I don't see why this couldn't be recorded/overdubbed. I haven't gone too deep with the BLM, but you can assign slider data to SEQ parameters (or have it sent out a MIDI port). Force to scale is already present, but what's missing is the gate to tell the SEQ when to play a note. Transpose is implemented and can follow an external keyboard. I'm not following exactly, because you're talking about changing the root note and "quality" (i.e. major/minor) of a scale? Does this make musical sense? Pretty sure you can nudge tracks. Try to sit down and explore the SEQ a bit. The draft manual here is very useful and can give a lot of hints to get the best out of your instrument. Happy sequencing!
  13. Illuminated encoders in full RGB: Now I need those "Waldorf" clear knobs!
  14. Works well! (at least the LED part). Encoders are up next.
  15. ? As far as I know, there haven't been banksticks in use since 2008. You might be confused with Patterns though. You get 64 patterns per Group, so each of Tracks 1-4, 5-8, 9-12 and 13-16 have 64 patterns storable.
  16. Couldn't you just save a "tuning" track, and then load/play when you want to tune up?
  17. Should be mentioned that the ribbon connection is made on the underside of the SEQ PCB. Also that you don't HAVE to use a box header, regular 100mil pin headers are just fine. When looking at the IDC connector from a bird's eye view, the notch goes at the bottom and pin 1 is the lower left. Just match the left sides together as Shuriken says and you're golden. (BTW it's SI and SO, for serial input and output. SO from the Core drives the DOUT chain, while SI to the Core carries the DIN data stream.)
  18. No, there's plenty of room :) It would be great to have it "oversold" (assuming a batch of 20) because some are bound to pull out, as happened last time.
  19. Try also adjusting the contrast/brightness pots.
  20. Could work, but you'd need a custom firmware and separate select lines for each LCD. http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_nxclcd_mios32.pdf http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_lcd.html MIOS8: A special driver module is available which allows to connect up to 8 CLCDs to a single core (clcd_multi). Displays have to be selected with the USER_LCD_Select function by the application. Connectivity: any free pin of the PIC can be used for the enable line. For instance, if your application doesn't use the analog pins at J5 of the core module, you are able to connect 8 additional LCDs. You could also program a multiplexer interface in order to address even more LCDs by routing the enable line to one PIC pin. Wiring Diagram: mbhp_nxclcd_mios8.pdf MIOS32: the standard CLCD driver is prepared for controlling up to 256 devices selected via MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(). Please understand this value as a theoretical possibility, physical parameters (like cable capacities) have to be considered as well. ;-) Connectivity: see this MIDIbox NG Manual Chapter. Wiring Diagram: mbhp_nxclcd_mios32.pdf
  21. Something to add (not sure if it's covered by Hawkeye) is that you should mount longish spacers/standoffs to the PCB to allow the diode legs etc. to protrude through. Just take care of any plastic parts if they're in the vicinity, but going from low to high it shouldn't be a problem. Have fun! It's generally a great and satisfying build.
  22. Top work, and great realisation of your concept! Best of luck for the remaining HW integration.
  23. I would recommend single "modules" as it's easier to get the needed material strength and increases the probability of the project actually being finished. With the isomorphic keyboard, it seems quite similar to the Linnstrument?
  24. Soldering though hole from the top is a great idea because it avoids you flipping the board and bending component leads/having them fall out. As long as the hole plating is good it's no problem. And it's likely that PCB traces will run on both sides anyway.
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