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latigid on

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Everything posted by latigid on

  1. http://www.mikes-elektronikseite.de/ Funnily enough I don't think my Quad IIC is working either. I wonder if the 16Fs I bought from Mike aren't bootstrapped because I didn't ask by default...
  2. As far as I know this the (in)famous VCA issue inherent to SIDs
  3. Okay, I went to the beginning of time and it's fixed. Many thanks!
  4. Works properly in M$ Edge thingee but not in Chrome. No difference if I close/empty cache etc. It's not a big deal, just strange! Thanks for the help,
  5. Is there a public source for those drivers?
  6. You can always get the image back by clicking the "lightbox" icon. Meanwhile, my interface is still a bit funny: The icons are shifted one over while the centre and left align buttons are for and
  7. Windows 10 recognises the SEQ (STM32F1 Core) and its four USB ports but communication over MIDI in MIOS Studio isn't possible. I think it was working fine with Win8. An old Win7 machine works fine and recognises the ports as "GM5 Port 1-4". I can't spend much time fixing this for the next few weeks, but I thought I'd put it out there if somebody already knew of a quick solution.
  8. Is that the schematic for the SEQ or something else? The SEQ is connected in a matrix. From the layout data it appears Wilba used the common halves of the switches to act as PCB jumpers.
  9. Side comment: where do the 24 CS lines come from? I only see J15A (8 lines) and J28 (4 additional lines). And apparently you need tristate buffers for SPI, meaning 24 extra MCU pins to drive them...? DOUT module?
  10. Hi mongrol, Where did you read this ;) MIDIbox only adds features, never takes them away :) I've never gotten to grips with full compositions done on hardware, although it's available in many units like the SEQ, machinedrum, probably electribes etc. and I want to work on this when my setup is more solidified. That said, live recording is built into the SEQ and all parameters should be tweakable. 16 tracks should be plenty and if you really get into it you can modify tracks with other "loopback" tracks. It's just a question of whether you gel with the interface. There's not a lot of risk and you keep the option using both units. Realtime recording demo by stuartm You might also be interested in the MBLoopA by Hawkeye.
  11. If you didn't find it yet: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=mb-6582:mb-6582_base_pcb_r2_color.pdf Will make it much easier to trace the tracks exactly where they need to be.
  12. I think it's consistent although I haven't updated to the latest firmware miniCore side. Just check how extra column 3 and 4 toggle mutes/solos. Normally the extra row just shifts the step view; you'll notice with drum tracks enabled that blocks of 2/4 etc. buttons will be illuminated to indicate a shorter track length. In keyboard mode it should transpose. Button centres are 15mm apart while the extra row/column are 22.5mm.
  13. Well done to you both! I award you No Hardware Advice Needed badges . @Altitude there isn't a lot of info about, this is kind of useful (I think extra column 3 and 4 toggle a sort of mute and solo behaviour): and http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq_manual_blm.html @workspace a real shame about the buttons, sorry for the poor recommendation! At least it should be under the VAT threshold.
  14. Yes, I think that would be great for polyrhythmic sequences!
  15. Okay, actually the r5 boards I've got both share RC (bottom pins on the 2*5 connector) but it makes sense to change the convention.
  16. Damn, I had the same issue! The Quad IIC board should come with a warning! http://midibox.org/forums/topic/14581-4-x-iic-pcb-for-seq/?do=findComment&comment=171360
  17. No, you need different IDs for every PIC in a MIDI chain. But with the bootloader in place there is a change ID app that can be installed using MIOS over MIDI.
  18. Nice! You can use two instances of the SEQ MIDI router e.g. USB2 to MIDI in 3 and MIDI out 3 to USB2. Then connect using MIOS to USB2 and you're talking to the miniCore. At least it's how I remember it, maybe if you check back a few pages. Yep that's right, page 3. This assumes you're using the Quad IIC board and the DIN8 is wired. Another option is to use an old Core8 as it has normal MIDI ports.
  19. Idea: track length LIMIT parameter. Accessible on the length page either before or after LOOP. When programming in longer non-4/4 sequences I quickly get lost within the multiples of 16. What if the active 16 step view was limited to a selectable value (optional of course)? E.g. in "6/8" time with a length of 24, limited to 12 steps. Step view 1 gives 1-12, Step view 2 gives 13-24. To keep within the SEQ hierarchy, this would necessarily reduce the available number of steps of a track.
  20. (also French, German, Italian, Austrian and Liechtensteinian) Saturday 30th of January I will take the SEQ, BLM, sammichFM and MB-6582 to Lausanne's N/O/D/E workshop. So if you want a chance to check out the BLM, meet up with others like Olivier Gillet (Mutable) or get into theremins it's a cool opportunity. More info here Might see you there! Andy
  21. Interesting! I was referring to the SmashTV DIN/DOUT boards and the Core8 module, which I remixed for the BLM. It may be a good time to consider _NG modules for the 32-bit Cores.
  22. Good to know, thanks again. But RCs on J8/9 are common, perhaps you're thinking of J19? Interesting to note that the SEQ PCB doesn't follow this practice. SC and RC are directly connected from header to header.
  23. Good to know! I have a PCB with some tight placement, so every mm counts!
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