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Everything posted by jojjelito

  1. @Shuriken: Hope that's OK with the powers that be. They're made in Estonia by a mr Adrian Hallik. I'm unsure of the exact relationship, but I think he's employed at a metal shop with a screen printer. I suggest you register over at Mutable and give a shout out to Adrian.
  2. The Sonic Potions plastic case (acryl/Plexiglas) is cut by the same nice gentleman in Germany who does the plastic Mutable Instruments cases for Shruthi, Anushri and the Ambika. You could always try to contact him for other one-offs, but his business revolves around non-synth stuff most days. Ponoko/Formulor or something like Seedstudio might be more suited for prototypes or for cutting down on shipping depending on your continent. Some other DIY synths like the PreenFM 2 and the Audiothingies P6 also use similar cases. Plus the Peter Kvitek devices like the MidiALF and such. Somehow the Sammich SID begat the Sammich FM that inspired Mutable who then propagated across :D If you feel like spending more, those projects mentioned are also available with screen-printed sheet metal boxes with wooden sides. That would probably cost a lot or end in tears for a one-off proto, but it can be done. /J
  3. Towel Day and SID sounds.

    1. Hawkeye


      Awesome combination! :)

    2. jojjelito


      Plus we got to vote. It's crazy that this day and age lots of people get suckered out of even that...

  4. Yet another nice-sounding song :D Well done!
  5. Not everything is stupid expensive in France! This though was a bit rich...
  6. Not to complain, but is it hand-assembled by Marie Antoinette working for LMVH? Someone needs to get a grip :)
  7. Wow! That looks very professional and sturdy. Well done!
  8. :D I saw that Newhaven had revised their datasheets for the 4x20 OLEDs so that the actual jumper section looks like it does on the display. That might be a great way to get one working in 8-bit or 4-bit mode as you see fit... With some luck things will be more calm round here so that I could investigate a bit.
  9. I think that Scifo and Schrab were in luck with their builds. It would be nice to get a blow-by-blow write up on how to get an OLED rolling. I got frustrated and left the OLED alone to pursue some other DIY projects for the longest.
  10. Nice song and vid as always! Thanks for sharing it :)
  11. Yummy song and video as always! Thanks for sharing it!
  12. Ask in the flea market section/WTB or add yourself to the list for the next GM5 IC bulk order. SmashTV handles the Wiki registrations.
  13. Testin PCMCIA cards in the Andy. Damn that lack of SDHC!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Hawkeye


      In other words geekporn of good quality :-)

    3. kristal=


      Ah I see. And I also know now, who Jexus is. Quite energetic!

    4. 3090


      i love the Andy ! I got it from not long time...need spend more time playn to take more confidence... sounds both smooth, both agressive...

      great sinth.

  14. All that hardware - bridged. What's not to like? Lemur or iPad remote edit/control over all devices - check. Less latency issues - check. Big fat physical MIDIbox controllers for the gear - yup. This will become handy for me :)
  15. Well done! 'Twas a nice listen this fine evening :)
  16. Hehe, looks nice! The MB6582 I did had 3x green LEDs per encoder. It helps a little, but I think the trick with the milky knobs is to go all out on a superbright LED, be it UV purple, white, green or whatever you fancy. :nuke:
  17. I think mine even showed up today, but I couldn't make it before 20:00 so I'll go fish tomorrow :) Thanks once again!
  18. Dat beach! I really need to go see the sun! Nice track as usual! :)
  19. Great news! This is on my to-do list, the poor thing will look naked otherwise. Care to share the new file? Best, Johan
  20. Too bad a bulk for the Soundwell encoders means that some 1300€ needs to be reserved. My LED ring boards would eat approx 150, so a direct order from the factory means that more takers are needed.
  21. Inkscape still works under OSX but you'll need to set up XQuartz as the standard Apple X-Windows server has been removed. Inkscape has worked for me and others in the past at least.
  22. It's like a little nasty and fun auto-locator remote for the big MBseq. Must test this with mine :frantics: Somehow the actual LED matrix reminds me of the good old WOPR which makes this an essential addon.
  23. That's fantastic news! I hit a snag related to having to support the OLED both in the bootloader, and in the app itself last I checked. Hmm. hopefully there's some time for this during the x-mas break...
  24. Glad to be of service! Post some pictures when you get it up and running. :)
  25. The member julianf here has a company: http://www.thebeast.co.uk who can also cut these panels. They're cheaper than Schaeffer (Germany)/FrontPanelExpress (USA). Check them out!
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