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Everything posted by jojjelito

  1. Nice work Andy! Where does the Alps Jog/Shuttle go for those of us who like to use one of those for scrubbing and MMC controller action? Can't lose either way, since the normal jog surrounded by switches seems like a nifty interface element, just wondering. Cheers, Johan
  2. Hint, the Tayda code is often posted in the DIY section at Muffwiggler if you're reluctant to enter the time sucking world of Facebook p. At the moment it's the same as a musky brand of electric vehicles named after a well known pioneer in AC electricity.
  3. I use IntelliJ a lot at work these days, as I *gasp* turned out to be an occasional Java hacker. It turns out that JetBrains has a similar IDE for C/C++ out - https://www.jetbrains.com/clion/ and it looks promising so far.
  4. Nice! JP-8080 is underrated by many. Think twice before selling yours.
  5. Evolver, eh? I've been looking at Sequential/DSi Stuff to go beyond the VS, maybe I should act on it? :)
  6. Great jam! Always nice to hear some dub drops and SID Sounds
  7. Yay! Great music again! Dawless and nice. Nice to hear that you enjoy the JD-990, I guess I should take a look at a Dominion to even the score The Polivoks filter addition was a nice touch to further warm up the digital pads!
  8. I think that the Cirklon (and the Nava 909 clone) are using Cherry Mx. Those are nice and it's easy to get keycaps in any size and color. Plus, you have lots of different switch types with different actions, plus the Gateron clones to pick and choose from. Anyway, you might want to avoid the more clicky variants.
  9. Ooh, it has that old school vibe going :) Nice work!
  10. I just like the top soldering trick... Set your Spotify or similar to some nice playlist and work away It saves me lots of time, then I'll just use my nifty Engineer nz-12 side cutters. If you visit the link, make sure to also get the nice nozzle tip solder sucker they sell. It's super handy!
  11. Sometimes it's just flux residue and too little solder etc. Did you check this already? If that's OK it's probably some issue with sift registers or some micro-bridge in the solder. Check if there's continuity between those traces and compare with the schematic just to make sure.
  12. Browsed a few different Disco boards. It seems that the more advanced members of the F4 family all come with touch screen LCDs and they cost up to 60€. Still, crypto engine, lots of RAM and SDRAM is there. A smaller "voice card"/MIDI gadget CPU could be a nice addition though.
  13. A DDR controller would make it easier to make a DIY sampler or wavetable synth so it has its uses Also, there are all kinds of small CPUs with DSP or FP acceleration so if one can wait a little there will be something new that will cost as little as the F4 with vast new capabilities.
  14. Case on point being the desperate cries for help over at the Yocto forum as soon as inexperienced builders who are sold on the idea on getting an 808 have trouble as soon as some polyfilm cap is EOL at Mouser. Linked BoM lists are handy, but it would be nice if people didn't take them as gospel.
  15. Yo Peter! Nao, dat missing JD-990 :p Haha, I'm such a gear slut! Many greets to Bavaria from the again snow-covered North!
  16. Ensoniq <3! Too bad they got a bum rap back in the day due to some quality issues, they made some excellent-sounding and unique gear. Nive tune as always! Thx for posting :)
  17. Haha Well, I got me a MIDIPal in a metal box quite some time back, but didn't the MIDIBud lead to the MIDIgal? Annie-who, some kinda thing using Marquart or MEC switches, a 2x16 OLED and an all metal encoder (like the good ole CTS with switch as used by x0xb0x originally) plus having a fitted nice power switch would defo make me build a few more as they do come in handy... The other day I briefly talked to a local hero who's designing for Cherry MX switches just because
  18. Doesn't Samuel at Audiothingies carry this as MIDIbro too? That's also within the EU. However, that said, there's always room for a little customization like nicer switches, such as Digitast, Marquart, or something from Mec.dk. Also, one could trick it out using a fast OLED, integrate a power switch etc...
  19. Lo and behold, it looks like some of the 7-pin OLEDs can be pressed into working as 4-pin SPI, but the data from some of the usual AliExpress sellers is a bit sketchy as to how. I'd buy a couple to test with with just because.
  20. There's a guy called NV on Muffwiggler who made a really nice euro front panel for the Klee. Also, Dan Nigrin at Defective records has a software Klee out here: Software Klee It's worthwhile checking it out, but yes - a Klee type track in the MBseq would be tastee too.
  21. Oh noes, now I have to finish mine sooner :) Nice work! Both Andy and TK deserves much praise for these.
  22. Good job! I like the tune :)
  23. How awesome is that?! I already have more than I need of those, but this opens up the field to everyone who missed out back in the day.
  24. They are both 9-pin! Although, the 3M's data sheet labels the pins 0-8, as opposed to the Würth's 1-9 :) The two tabs on the side aren't used as pins, their purpose is rather for stabilization and reducing the mechanical stress of the soldered connections.
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