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Everything posted by Hawkeye

  1. loves the new synched track mute/unmute SEQ feature. Thanks, TK.!

  2. too much wine yesterday, but this morning was very relaxed :-) Greets and thanks for listening! Peter
  3. Dude, thanks for the steps 20-34 :thumbsup:, i was missing them in my last build... Greets! Peter
  4. Hi and welcome! As far as i know, the "old" MIDIboxes (e.g. MIDIbox64) have not yet been converted to the new 32-bit platform, so if you want to build such a project, use a Core8 instead of a Core32. Get one or more DOUTx4s for LED indicators. You´d need two DINx4s for 32 buttons + some rotary encoders. Also look in the MBHP projects´ configuration sections to see what is possible - they are very configurable and likely to offer what you need. If you are a programmer, you can instead directly hop on the 32-bit bandwagon and join the current bulkorder of LPCXpresso baseboards, but then some coding is required to get your desired functionality, that´s why I´d suggest to start small and stick close to what is listed in the MBHP projects section on ucapps.de and repeat one of the builds there. Greets, Peter
  5. Cool, I am very glad it works now! Looking good! Did you have any trouble getting the flathead LEDs in while screwing the CS to the frontpanel? I found it a little bit difficult last time I installed the new display... Greets, Peter
  6. Thanks for your kind words, Adam. While I feel, that the MB6582 is a little bit advanced, by all means go for it, if you want it - it is not soo difficult, it just takes a little bit of time and you will get help, if you need it :-). You can always start with a baseboard only, just put 2 SIDs in there and control it via Rutgers Java Editor first, then extend it with more SIDS and build the CS when you are fully hooked on the SID sound :-) You won´t regret it, it is the best DIY build I had in my life yet :-) . Greetz, Peter
  7. Great stuff :) Now on to the next difficulty level - how to solve the cube from any initial state while playing the theme of 2001: A Space Odyssey :-) Very cool!
  8. Dan, you have received extensive help but in return offered no appreciation and had only more demands - that is not very nice to Thorsten and us, because he spent valuable time helping you (which we are all missing now :-)) Best regards, Peter
  9. Hi, sorry for raising a zombie thread, but I would go +1 on this feature request - just played with the seq, as usual, without pattern switching, only with 16 tracks and came to the conclusion, that this feature would really, really help a lot. Four "mute handling" modes are thinkable: a) instant mute/instant unmute (default handling, like now) [iMIU] b) instant mute/delayed unmute [iMDU] c) delayed mute/instant unmute [DMIU] d) delayed mute/delayed unmute [DMDU] The setting might find a place in the track mode screen left of ForceScale (which would need to be shortened to "Scale" or "FScle" ) and could be named "Mute" with the four abbreviations from above. As a bonus on top, in the mute screen, when a delayed mute or unmute is taking place, the corresponding track led could blink and the display could countdown the steps until the mute/unmute takes place, e.g. U101 would mean, still 101 steps until this track is being unmuted (idea taken from abletons "watches"). TK., if you would give that feature a general go and have time restrictions, I would try to do it (but no guarantees) - also, I don´t know where to take the 2 bits for the mute handling state from track memory (but haven´t looked in the codez yet :)). Best regards and have a great weekend! Peter
  10. For anyone else stuck with USB-only output, this new device just appeared and seems to be cheaper than the one mentioned by Altitude: http://www.synthtopia.com/content/2011/07/15/kenton-intros-usb-to-midi-interface-eliminates-need-for-computer/ Best regards, Peter
  11. Dunno about the CME, but as your master keyboard for the SEQ, I´d recommend to go for the 61-key variant (UF60). Also, actually testing them in a store is recommended - there are real differences to the key feeling regarding the mechanics (standard, weighted, hammer) and while you may love one type, your fingers will fall off using the others :). Bye! Peter
  12. Really nice - thanks for the link! The cheapest MSP430x20x1 can be had for €1.35 @ reichelt - I find it really fantastic, that you can get a programmable device for that! Although a little digging revealed, that you would need at least the MSP430x20x2 for the MIDI metronome, which provides a serial bus (USI) and costs 2.5€ :-). Cool! Bye, Peter
  13. Hi there, if your soldering experience is not so big (as you wrote), the MB6582 may be a quite big starting project. You could write to Wilba and ask for a Sammich SID kit, it comes with everything included (except SIDs) and has great build documentation. If you want to go on with the MB6582 - you have to source all parts for yourself - you need the Baseboard PCB and the Baseboard Parts kit from SmashTVs shop, a C64 PSU and SIDs for the base unit without control surface (controllable via Rutgers Java Editor). For the control surface, there is a photo tut (including parts list) Bye, Peter
  14. Don´t scare me... just say "no" to AI experiments :unsure:
  15. Hmm... haste vielleicht irgendwann mal einen hosts-Eintrag für midibox.org gemacht? Der DNS-Server war mal ´ne Woche down, da wurde der Vorschlag gemacht, die IP-Adressen direkt in die hosts-Datei zu schreiben. Das ist jetzt das letzte was mir einfällt... aber wenn das bei Dir so ist, dann sollte Opera auch nicht gehen... Peter
  16. Ok, and as a copy, as you seem to not be able to receive them, the next PM aka Private Message, that I wrote to you: If you cannot receive them, I wonder how you want to build TCP/IP debugging facilities? But I better stop to wonder and pursue my own path, for yours is but a mystery. Peter
  17. Dude you really do not get it... that is the PM I just wrote to you... please read and understand I do get a creepy feeling like I am talking to a berzerk-going not-completely-finished, but already networked artificial intelligence, that is targeting MIDIbox, because it wants to play. Read too much sci-fi lately, obviously. Good night and keep them flabbergasts away! Peter
  18. oh noes :cry:, he WAS posting and now is gone and I reloaded every minute waiting for his posting for some evening fun...
  19. Kannste mal das Firebug-Plugin installieren, nach der Installation oben rechts auf den "Käfer" klicken, dann unten auf "Netzwerk" klicken und dann die URL http://midibox.org/forums eingeben und schauen was unten passiert? Sollte ungefähr wie mein Attachment aussehen, mich würde sehr interessieren, wo es hängen bleibt.
  20. Die Pins 4-7 sind schon richtig für den 4-bit mode... Das Poti sollte den Display-Kontrast und nicht die Hintergrundbeleuchtung regeln, das ist auch richtig. Manchmal hilft auch von der Seite draufzuschauen, durch den anderen Blickwinkel erkennt man manchmal was... Ciao, Peter
  21. Hi, kannst Du mal am Kontrastpoti schrauben und sehen ob sich was tut? Ciao, Peter
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