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I have 6583A SIDs!!!


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The 6582A shipment came in this morning, and among the tubes of 6582A, I discovered 13 tubes of 13 SIDs marked with 6583A


At first I thought this was just a misprint, a mistake at the factory... but then I did some testing.

Conclusion: It is a SID and the filter is different to any other SID I've heard. The resonance is phat.

Here's a quick demo I recorded (I had to rush it, I'm already late for work!!!)

First you hear the 6582A, then the 6583A:


I can't keep all 13 tubes of these, that would be a little TOO greedy even for me... I think I'll keep 5 tubes and share these among the MIDIbox builders who have done me favours :) that leaves 8 tubes 13 SIDs... so it's 104 that I will now share with the MIDIbox community.

Just post in this thread if you want some.

I will randomly select one lucky person to receive 8x 6583A SIDs.

I will then randomly select 48 people to receive 2x 6583A SIDs each.

If there are less than 48 people posting in this thread, then some people might get more than 2x 6583A SIDs.

I will end this lucky draw in 24 hours, so the regular forum readers get a better chance of getting some (more?) of these.

People are welcome to make me obscene cash offers for some of these, I will consider any serious offer. :)

Only post in this thread if you are serious about wanting some 6583A SIDs.

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I can't keep all 13 tubes of these, that would be a little TOO greedy even for me... I think I'll keep 5 tubes and share these among the MIDIbox builders who have done me favours :) that leaves 8 tubes 13 SIDs... so it's 104 that I will now share with the MIDIbox community.

LOL... was getting really excited about these till I noticed the data...nice one Wilba! so ther's 104 of them... as in the first day of the 4th month ;)

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The real fools are the ones that made posts suggesting these weren't real (or posting more false details) and spoiling this April Fool's prank for others.

Really, was it so hard to have a laugh and not post anything? No, you just had to post something to prove you're smart, but not smart enough to play along and let others be fooled. You are akin to those social retards that post spoilers in the comments section of torrent download pages. "What a great final episode of 24! What a pity Jack Bauer had to die in the end."

To the real fools, your names* have been recorded in my big black book of people to whom I will never sell anything ever again, likesuchas SIDs, PCBs, LCDs, knobs, rotary encoders, switches, LEDs, complete MB-SID kits with pre-cut acrylic cases and whatever else I might acquire in my bulk order madness.

* except Goblinz, you're still a fool but catching the 104 reference has attenuated my annoyance with you

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The real fools are the ones that made posts suggesting these weren't real (or posting more false details) and spoiling this April Fool's prank for others....

Oh well, that's me. Please accept my apologies. Didn't mean to ruin the fun.

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