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MIDIbox SEQ V4 Release + Feedback


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Dear TK

I finished my SEQ V4 so awsome machine but one thing is missing for me

i would like to know when do you think to implent the MID Import option ?

Because i need import all my Live set and there are more than 54 midifile

Or maybe i could import them with MIOS studio but how?

thank you

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glad that you like the firmware :)

The biggest blocking point for the .midi file import function is, that I don't have a clear idea about the user interface.

It would be interesting, how your midi files are structured (e.g. how many tracks, how many bars, how are the drum instruments organized), and how you would like to assign them to MBSEQ tracks.

E.g., would you like to assign all drum instruments to a single drum track, or would you like to group them into separate tracks.

How would the menu pages look like in your usecase, so that all MIDI files can be properly imported?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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How would the menu pages look like in your usecase, so that all MIDI files can be properly imported?

It will be very simple

I was trying to copy the Midifile how's playing to paste in the desired track.

Or when i import the midifile it's put directly in a new pattern

For example if my midifile contain:

-CH1 bass

-CH2 Lead

-CH3 melody or chord...

it will be copy in the track group 1 , track 1,2 and 3

or one by one i import CH1 and copy it on the desired Track

I have a other problem with the SEQ V4

when i try to put the length in Glide (more than 100%) i still hear the both note

for example

First step C1 and second step C1 too, i put the length of the first step over 100% to ahve glide effect but i still hear two note

Is there a parameter that i missed ?

i found this problem

this is the Filter ENV of the sid now is ok with glide

Edited by xarolium
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How would the menu pages look like in your usecase, so that all MIDI files can be properly imported?

Hi TK,

Just to throw my 2 Euro cents in for this part of MBSeq -

My main idea with the MIDI file import is to load in simple MIDI files generated with Recycle. Just in case you don't know Recycle, the related MIDI files represent slices of a looped sample (samples being played by a hardware sampler in my case). The MIDI files are monophonic and usually consist of 8- cca. 50 notes, one after another. My dream is to have these imported into a Seq track and then be able to play around with Recycled beats :) not sure if this is doable with Seq4 yet, I am using my Core32 board for other things than MBSeqv4 at the moment....


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Sorry to ask the question

but i think there is a mistake on the Beta 18 release

I think the record parameter is faulty

I couldn't record any Note or CC but i saw on the MIDI monitor that event is present on the MIDI IN.

Maybe it's a mistake or i miss something to do but i don't know what.

I go to the record Page and i send MIDI event on the Midi IN1 and nothing happend

Anybody could help me please

thank you

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Hi TK,

Just to throw my 2 Euro cents in for this part of MBSeq -

My main idea with the MIDI file import is to load in simple MIDI files generated with Recycle. Just in case you don't know Recycle, the related MIDI files represent slices of a looped sample (samples being played by a hardware sampler in my case). The MIDI files are monophonic and usually consist of 8- cca. 50 notes, one after another. My dream is to have these imported into a Seq track and then be able to play around with Recycled beats :) not sure if this is doable with Seq4 yet, I am using my Core32 board for other things than MBSeqv4 at the moment....



I was going to throw exactly the same 2 cents about this. :)

Importing MIDI files from ReCycle would be great. I have been doing it manually for now. These are simple one-track monophonic files but require quite precise timing (no quantize). I guess this would involve somehow the use of one DELAY Parameter Layer and correct Divider/Length values for the SEQ target Track.

I am not in need of importing MIDI files containing several polyphonic tracks. Whenever I had to import MIDI files from one machine to another (Cubase created files to an MPC for example) it always involved quite a work on my part. And that was fine for me. Because I really needed to adapt, cut, slice... the "linear" Cubase song, to several tracks/parts to play live. So logically this is a work that can not be done automatically by a program.

So, for me, it would be more than enough to import one-track MIDI files to a single SEQ V4 track, one at a time.

Thanks again.

Sorry to ask the question

but i think there is a mistake on the Beta 18 release

I think the record parameter is faulty

I couldn't record any Note or CC but i saw on the MIDI monitor that event is present on the MIDI IN.

Maybe it's a mistake or i miss something to do but i don't know what.

I go to the record Page and i send MIDI event on the Midi IN1 and nothing happend

Anybody could help me please

thank you

We were discussing about the Record function on the chat some days ago, and got to this conclusion:

The Recording Port is the one selected on Trans/Arpg but then the Channel assigned to the Trans/Arpg is not getting recorded. Use the same Port but a different Channel.

Hope this helps.


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We were discussing about the Record function on the chat some days ago, and got to this conclusion:

The Recording Port is the one selected on Trans/Arpg but then the Channel assigned to the Trans/Arpg is not getting recorded. Use the same Port but a different Channel.

Hope this helps.



This is what i miss

it work perfectly now

thank you very much

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Record function: it seems that it makes sense to provide a separate Record Port and Channel, and to make it selectable from the appr. page instead of hiding the selection in the MIDI configuration page.

MIDI File import: looks like a simple task. I cannot promisse that I will be able to implement this before my holidays, but it would be helpful if you (everybody who is interested in this function) could attach some sample .mid files, so that I can try out different ways while searching for a comfortable solution.

As a special service I can probably give you a ready converted "session" by end of this week ;)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Record function: it seems that it makes sense to provide a separate Record Port and Channel, and to make it selectable from the appr. page instead of hiding the selection in the MIDI configuration page.

I'd second that! I haven't been much in to Seq V4 lately (still have to order a Core32), but this would definately improve the live recording workflow.

On another topic (sorry if this has been answered before):

Is there a (convenient) way to migrate the data (songs, patterns, mixer maps) from the SeqV3 to the SeqV4 ?

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To start with the classics, I attached 2 .mid files created with ReCycle. The forum didn't allow me to upload .mid files so I added them both to a .zip.


AmenBrother.mid -> 4 Bars - 61 Slices (C1/C6) - 138.000 BPM

ShackUp.mid -----> 4 Bars - 45 Slices (C1/G#4) - 113.325 BPM

BPM is only relevant when playing the same sliced sample.

I can attach the .rcy files if needed. I guess at this point these breaks are kind of public domain ;)

Many thanks again.

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On another topic (sorry if this has been answered before):

Is there a (convenient) way to migrate the data (songs, patterns, mixer maps) from the SeqV3 to the SeqV4 ?

Unfortunately not - the effort to program a perfectly working conversion tool is higher at my side than writing down the notes/songs/maps on a paper and transfering them manually to MBSEQ V4 at your side.

However, if missing completeness isn't an issue, I could provide a menu function to copy the most important data that are easy to convert directly from a bankstick, but the usage won't be so comfortable like known from other functions.

To start with the classics, I attached 2 .mid files created with ReCycle. The forum didn't allow me to upload .mid files so I added them both to a .zip.

Thank you! I will take them as a reference for the next beta release (at least such files should be transfered properly)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Unfortunately not - the effort to program a perfectly working conversion tool is higher at my side than writing down the notes/songs/maps on a paper and transfering them manually to MBSEQ V4 at your side.

Thanks, I kind of expected that. But I understand your point.

Playback on V3 to recording on V4 could also be an option, kind of reel to reel midiboxing :ahappy: )

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Thanks, I kind of expected that. But I understand your point.

Playback on V3 to recording on V4 could also be an option, kind of reel to reel midiboxing :ahappy: )

...or you could record the tracks with your DAW, store them into a MIDI file, and import this into V4 ;)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Beta19 is available:

MIDIboxSEQ V4.0beta19

o changed order of instruments in initial drum map
(HiHats now at position 3, 4 and 5)

o implemented MIDI file import function (UTILITY->DISK->IMPORT)

MIDI files have to be copied into the /midi directory of the SD Card.

All tracks are imported at once (up to 16) in the same order they are stored
in the .mid file. Accordingly, track assignments can be done within the
.mid file before it is imported (e.g. edit the .mid file with your DAW)

Currently only MIDI Notes and drums are supported (no CCs, no Pitchbender).

To import drum tracks, change the import mode from "Note" to "Drum". This
mode especially allows to control the velocity of each step separately.
Currently drum instruments are only mapped to a pre-selection of 4/8/16
notes - this map cannot be customized yet!

Since MIDIbox SEQ is a step sequencer, notes will be quantised with a
selectable resolution (16th, 32th or 64th).

Also the number of layers/drum instruments is selectable (4, 8 or 16).
Than more layers are available, than more notes can be played at the
same step. In "Note" mode, all notes share the same velocity and length
value, in "Drum" mode each step and instrument has a dedicated velocity

If the imported track contains different velocity or length values for
polyphonic played notes, and this characteristic is important, it is
recommented to split the track into multiple pieces (e.g. for long and
for short notes) and to import them into separate MBSEQ tracks.

Another hint: if notes of the imported track don't start exactly at the
16th/32th/64th note position (e.g. because they have a "swing" feel), it
is recommented to quantize the notes in a DAW before the import.
The swing feel can be added again after the import (GROOVE page).

All tracks will be initialized depending on the selected resolution and
layers before the import is started. Than higher the resolution, or than more
layers are selected, than less bars can be imported (number of bars is displayed
on screen).

The MIDI port will always be set to DEFAULT during import. The MIDI channel will
be set to the channel of the first played note (for each track separately).

MIDI Files can be imported while the sequencer is running. This allows you to
search for a certain file, but also to try different parameters during runtime.

o some minor bugfixes


Special thanks to Smid Irin who gave me a *lot* of *very* useful .mid files - they helped me to understand the limitations (quantisation), to find workarounds and to optimize the handling of such files.

Here two MP3 with patterns that I used as a reference.

The patterns have been imported, and they are played by MBSEQ (and not by a MIDI player...):

Some virus-like tunes:


Some drum patterns at 64th resolution - Shuffle3 groove with intensity 37 has been applied:


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks - I fixed the link.

There will be another update before easter (and before my holidays) with some minor improvements that are on my TODO list. :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

P.S.: the AOUT module is not working with beta19 due to a SPI driver change - it will work again in beta20

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Beta20 is available:

o taken over track/layer button/LED usage of MBSEQ V3 (important if you are
using the old frontpanel):
- pattern page: track buttons have the same function like group buttons.
They allow to quickly jump between groups to select a new pattern
- song page: track/group and parameter layer buttons can be used to
set the cursor position while editing a song entry

o AOUT driver working again (was not working in beta19)

o there is now a separate port/channel setting for recording, it can be
directly changed in the UTILITY->RECORD page

o the MIDI file import function now starts with the first track that contains
MIDI events to ensure that MIDI file tracks are aligned properly to MBSEQ tracks.

This is a workaround if the DAW uses the first track as a "master track" to
store tempo informations. Previously this always resulted into an empty
G1T1 track, and sequences started at G1T2.

One of the next features is the integration of OSC - a lot of preparations have already been done, and you may have noticed, that Seppoman started a for the MBHP_ETH module.

It will be possible to send and receive OSC datagrams, e.g. to control OSC capable synths over an ethernet network.

If MBHP_ETH is connected to a WLAN router, wireless transfers will be possible as well.

One of my long term plans is to create some applications for the upcoming iPad (no, I don't own it yet, and I'm waiting for the first user reviews before buying one).

This opens new possibilities, such as running the BLM16x16 emulation on the iPad, or even to run the virtual MBSEQ if the performance is sufficient.

MIDI communication will be embedded into OSC frames - so, in any case the MBHP_ETH module will be very useful, not at least for an Ethernet<->MIDI proxy (e.g. send MIDI data from an iPad to your MIDI (or analog) synths w/o the need for a computer)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I noticed some strange issue with the copy function:

Setting the copy range with the rightmost and leftmost encoder does not work propperly (anymore?) :

- When I first decrease the highest stepnumber to copy with encoder 16 and then try to increase the lowest stepnumber to copy with encoder 1, encoder 1 just behaves like encoder 16 and changes the highest stepnumber to copy.

- When I first increase the lowest stepnumber to copy with encoder 1 and then decrease the highest stepnumber to copy with encoder 16, it works untill i do not change the lowest stepnumber to copy again, then, encoder 1 just behaves like encoder 16 again and changes the highest stepnumber to copy.


Best regards


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I'm currently digging deeper into the V4 user manual, realising all the awesome stuff that's been implemented in V4.

(I finally ordered my Core32, so V4 is imminent for me :rolleyes: )

TK: could it be possible to also give the Songs a name?

As the naming scheme seems to be quite developed, i think it wouldn't be tricky regarding the interface.

I also noticed there is some free space in the song->utility page.

So, is there memory (foreseen) for song names ?

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I'm currently digging deeper into the V4 user manual, realising all the awesome stuff that's been implemented in V4.

(I finally ordered my Core32, so V4 is imminent for me :rolleyes: )

You will love it :)

TK: could it be possible to also give the Songs a name?

As the naming scheme seems to be quite developed, i think it wouldn't be tricky regarding the interface.

I also noticed there is some free space in the song->utility page.

So, is there memory (foreseen) for song names ?

Song names with 20 characters are already prepared, but they are not editable yet.

I'm not sure if they are really so important anymore since the new session concept gives you a better way to name (and organize/backup) your projects anyhow.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Still the same issue, i did disable MClk on all Ports except USB1 out

Ableton MIOS32 IN = SYNC, all the rest not.

but still BPM is fluxing between 400-600 bpm.

other way round (Ableton as Master) all is fine.

ideas ?

Was this solved? Have this issue too...

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