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I require to acquisition bargain such a cat.


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Dat is 4/5ths basement cat 1/5th cieling cat breed, very rare cuz usaully da basement cat dna is so strong it kill da ceiling dna. Da cat in da picshure prolly doenst exist, it looks shoppd I can tell from sum of da pixels and having seen quite a few cats in my tiam.

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My gray wegie k1773h Molly claims that Denon iz OK el3ektr0nix: :cat: + Denon 4310 = :hug: post-33257-1248390283.jpg

Ikea Ivar instead of proper furniture is deffo less OK she claims.

She and the other wegie sayz that they might upload p1kkSuRez on Caturday posing with some Midiboxxen, Xoxen or 9090-boxxah.

Haha, wonder if catporn is illegal yet?

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IVAR severly roxx!

Haha, it's a guy thing - function over form. Ivar roxx my living room, but teh females in my home claim I somehow need "real" furniture instead.

Just found this: Ikea lets 100 kittehs loose inside a store!


Imagine the chaos at WilbaWorks inc should this ensue - You can haz kitteh-sammich!

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