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Vote what Frontpanels for the MB6582 you would like


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"SID Engine" is the term TK told me to use.

There are four "SID Engines" (running on four Cores) and each "SID Engine" can be in one of four modes.

In V1, there was only one Core per SID, so the labels "SID 1", "SID 2" etc. were fine.

In V2, each Core can control one or two SIDs.

Cool, but on this page TK uses the term "engine" to describe each mode of operation.  The display has an "E." field which stands for "engine" to select Lead, Bassline, Multi, or Drums.

Regardless of whether we're discussing V1 or V2, the 4 "SID engine" buttons on the front are being used to select each CORE, regardless of whether they are connected to 1 or 2 SIDs.

I'm in for whatever front panel we go with, but to me this is ambiguous enough that somebody should consider a terminology change, whether it's this panel or TK's firmware.

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What's the final size of these panels?  I want to scale my screen resolution so I can see them roughly life size for comparison.  At the moment:

I like the graphic waveforms in the alternate, but prefer the simple lines of the original / I wish we could have the original but with graphic waveform selection.

But yeah put me down for one set of each, whichever design wins.

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I didn't take orders, I just got the numbers so we could get quotes, i.e. find out how many would want panels from somewhere like FPE... Now with panels this cheap, even those crazy people wanting to manually drill their own panels ;D might reconsider...

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I'm one of those people.  The last panel I had made was $125.  With panels for (possibly) $10 I can't pass it up.

I'm actually going to order up a couple of extras.  If you turn it over, you have a plain panel with the display on the left, and holes suitable for buttons, jacks, switches, whatever.  Wanna whip something up in a hurry?  Grab a PT-10 (or cut a big hole in another enclosure, etc), stick a spare panel on there, enjoy.  Plug the spare holes if desired.

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i actually voted both #gly.. but i prolly need to explain that.

i dont like the way its set up.. the buttons are too small (i didnt like that about TK's panel aswell)

i dont like that it aint 19inch..

and i dont like it black..


this is my personal preference, some want it like that, some dont.. thats why midibox is so great.. if you dont like it.. build it differently!

actually when i would choose between this one, or the sidstation.. guess who wins!! :P

i just have another vision of how my MB_SID should look, that doesnt mean i dont like the looks, but i just want it different..

I DO applaud what is being done here.. Wilba has designed it in the most awesome(as in it strikes awe with me) way. so complete so well engineered.. it is truly a great inspiration and a great addition to the MB_sid (beside TK making the impossible possible(come on, putting the  blue prints for the greatest sid synth online.. for free.. even having regular updates with a speed that sickens me.. and having a manual on top of that..)) AANNYway..

i actually ordered the base PCB.. as its a great way to update your own system (even when its not completed) and i'll just build my own CS around that..

in short i do like the design but if i had a choice (and i do have) i would have done it somewhat differently..

hope i dont start flamewars 2 return of the wicker people..

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Ugly?!?! Now I have to hate you.  ;D

I wrote once what I was aiming for, a small box with as much control surface as I could fit on it, not a 19" rack case, not a huge desk-spanning monster, just enough to stick next to my computer and play with, or put on top of a keyboard.

So part of that "design brief" meant seriously compacting everything into a very small control surface. I was greedy. I could have put in a much more spaced-out "step B" with huge buttons and a huge jog wheel and made it more like a SidStation. But I was a sucker for the LED matrix and the technical and design challenge of squeezing a "step C" control surface into 2/3rds the size of TK's original panel. So the buttons have to be small, but they're actually very easy to use.

Anyway I am 100% behind people doing their own control surface, and look forward to seeing what other people come up with.

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sorry wilba,

i'm up 24 hours straight.. cant think straight even if my life depended on it. i thought the option that i chose had the word ugly in it.. it doesnt.. it says dislike.. still doesnt say what i actually mean.. i think my explanation above says what i wanted 2 say.. except for the ugly part..

however i'll try to get my opinion more clear than that (if i was fully awake and 100% in my right mind, i could have said what i mean in less than half the words but i cant right now)

i love your design.. especially the second one.. and now that you have explained your intention, i can say that you have completed that succesfully.. its the best midibox ive seen, from a design and engineering standpoint.. i fully applaud what you are doing and looking at all the attention its getting (what? like 100 full "clones"?) so do the others..

i have another goal set for my MB_SID, my goal is not better, my goal is different.. and luckily we all support each other! so .. ehm.. er.. well that it i guess..

again i am marvelled at the insides of your MB_6582.. and thats why im eagerly awaiting my PCB :D

oh, and i heard you are thinking about the MB_FM.. i wish you all the best with that.. love to see what you can do with that little puppy :D

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