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Everything posted by jaytee

  1. I'm a bit confused. Which cores are you actually selling? Links to the actual products might be useful.
  2. OLED is probably the very nicest looking, but for LCDs, I really like the CrystalFontz one I put in my MB-6582.
  3. Bump, still just,one set left.
  4. Damn dude. Here I am feeling lucky to have just one.
  5. damn, so so so glad I got my MB-6582 fully stuffed before these new boards came onto the market; if the SID market wasn't dry a year ago, it will be by next year. my best suggestion is to check commodore and vintage computing forums. The trick is that you gotta actually ask around, just looking for people who are already selling them isn't likely to get you anywhere. 8580s are getting really hard to come by these days though—30€ is a good price.
  6. Sorry, not trying to get on anyone's back. Quite the opposite, thought maybe it would help to offload some of the work of doing a bulk order (which is a rough job).
  7. Is it just PCB supply holding things up? Could the files be offered to Modular Addict like the MB-6582 and MBSEQ?
  8. Are all the boards gone? PMed you after you posted this...
  9. Just to clarify, these do away with the feedback pots and basically replaces them with volume knobs? Do they affect the individual outs at all or only the mix out?
  10. I think a lot of people just used an exacto knife on a CD jewelcase and glued it to the inside of the panel.
  11. As far as I can tell, it's just an illusion. I tried two different Vregs on this project, so it's possible the photo is of a slightly different part, but whatever the reason, I can confirm it was installed correctly and working when the photo was taken.
  12. The switching Vreg is installed backward from what the original PCB design expects, but it doesn't matter because that Vreg has to be jumpered into the circuit anyway. If you install it exactly according to the instructions in this thread, it'll work (case in point: my MB6582 is the one pictured, and it works). You could install it the "right" way if you want, but there's no advantage to doing so, and you'll have to adjust your wiring and I think the placement of certain capacitors as well. edit: I'm not clear on what you mean when you say it's installed differently in this picture than in the other pictures in this thread. The only other pictures in this thread are my own (part is installed the same way in all photos) and ChinMuzik's, who has their sVreg installed the same way (aside from one photo where a *different* sVreg is installed backwards and needed to be fixed).
  13. Now that PCBs are available, I definitely plan to build a SEQv4 once I have the money to start collecting parts. No idea when that will be. So yes, very interested in a case, but unsure when I would want to buy a case. Can you give us a ballpark as to the cost of one of these cases? I know you said cheaper than the Heidenreich and that it depends on how many people order, but I don't know how much the Heidenreich cost. Are we talking $30/case? $300?
  14. Three sets left. Updated price to include US shipping cost.
  15. Just a quick bump. MB-6582 base boards are now available at Modular Addict, with the CS boards to follow soon. I still have all four panel sets available; I think MA will be offering some as well, but these are cheaper and have psychedelic art in the LED matrix. What's not to like?
  16. I don't understand either. This is exactly what I was telling Lisa earlier in the thread before @Hawkeye told me I was wrong to have suggested it.
  17. @TK., @Hawkeye Unless I've missed something, it sounds like Lisa is extremely busy with work, may not be in the best financial situation to do a test run of boards and build a prototype on her own dime, and is ready to hand over the project to someone else once she gets permission. Meanwhile, Julian sounds ready and willing to do a test run of boards and build a prototype in order to prove the design; the only thing stopping him is that he doesn't have access to the design files. I don't understand why we can't allow the community to collaborate on this project in order to keep things moving. Again, unless I've missed something, this board is Lisa's original work. It's built to the same layout as Wilba's board, but it doesn't sound as though she actually had access to his original design files. In any case, the MIDIbox license is clear about derivative works.
  18. Can you elaborate? I don't understand why it's controversial to share—for free—original work based on an explicitly open-source design. This type of sharing is not just allowed under the license, it's expected.
  19. The MIDIbox license explicitly allows you to distribute modified MB documentation, so long as you license the modifications under the same terms and shoot an email to TK containing the modified documentation (they also explicitly state that sending the email is all that necessary; no need to receive a response). It never hurts to check with @TK., but there's also no need to walk on eggshells regarding the sharing of open-source documentation.
  20. I'd be willing to build one for you if boards ever become available. I'm not in the EU, but the way I see it, I wouldn't be selling you anything, merely returning property that already belongs to you, and therefore there is no value to be taxed.
  21. Same situation as the other out-of-production boards (sammichSID, sammichFM, arguably MB6582). The folks in possession of the board files consider them to be proprietary. In the past, there has even been some really ugly hostility from those same folks toward a person who designed their own "clone" from scratch due to unavailability of PCBs or design files. None of this is in the spirit of open design, and I'm reasonably sure it violates the letter of the MIDIbox license. OTOH, there's really nothing that can be done to compel anyone to comply with the license, so its a bit of a moot point.
  22. I bit the bullet and bought my Mb6582 display from Crystalfontz. It was a little pricy, but with how much variance in quality there is between LCDs, I figured it was worth it to get something nice.
  23. See here: The middle pin of the header is not the same as the middle pin on the pot.
  24. If you turn on the external input and route it to the filter, the feedback pots should introduce overdrive and additional resonance, especially in bandpass mode. I don't think it should ever go mute. Check your wiring, you can't go directly from the three pins of the pots to the three header pins.
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