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Everything posted by jaytee

  1. Bravo! Looks awesome. Glad you got it working.
  2. I think pin 20 is used for DIN, so it makes sense that it's only used on core 1 (which is the core that works with the CS). I would try to track down an alternate MIDI interface to see if that changes anything. As you note, it sounds like others have had issues with the one you're using. A bad sysex implementation on your interface is ver likely to cause the symptoms you're having.
  3. If it were just one fried shift register, you should still have some activity, I think. That nothing is working seems to point to a more systemic issue. Maybe something wrong with the core, or perhaps a circuitry error upstream of the shift registers that somehow fried all of them at once? Loading the LED test firmware couldn't hurt. Reloading the MB6582 firmware couldnt hurt. Double-check that you've stuffed everything. Some pictures couldn't hurt. Some of the display (showing the encoder behavior) and of the circuit boards too?
  4. The switches should be easy to test with a multimeter without desoldering. You might need a second human being with hands to help out is all.
  5. Honestly (and I know this comment is going to be super-unhelpful), neither of these features is a show-stopper to begin with. I'd just pick the feature you want to support and stick with it instead of spending a bunch of time trying to figure out how to have both. I've built two MIDIbox SIDs, one with audio-in and one with feedback, and I've almost never used either feature. It's the kind of thing that sounds good on paper (and having both sounds even better on paper!) but in reality, it's just not that interesting. just IMO
  6. @Molom Sure do! I've had a couple people express interest in buying a set once @smashtv restocks the MB6582 boards, but haven't actually sold any of them. Shoot me a PM.
  7. It's mentioned briefly on this page under "SID Chip Selection": http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_hw.html
  8. It's a fault of the SID chip, not the MIDIbox. The 6581 is Broken As Designed, and some of the combined waveforms simply don't work. The 8580/6582 fixed this issue.
  9. You should post this in the SID forum; unfortunately this one doesn't get much attention these days.
  10. If you're using a 6581, that is the expected behavior.
  11. For all the years of begging for the PCB design files to no avail, I wouldn't hold your breath. grab the OG BRD files from uCapps or whip up your own from the schematics.
  12. A 15V 1A adapter should be plenty of juice for 3 SIDs, pretty sure. In any case, I don't see much advantage in getting that Mouser PSU over a regular wall wart. The Meanwell is overkill for what you're doing anyway, and may or may not introduce switching noise.
  13. Old ass thread, everyone. Move along.
  14. I removed detents on 14 of them yes. Like I said, no issues so far, but that's only about 6 hours total use so far. Occasionally they skip backward by one "click" if I turn it veeeery slowly, but this is an issue I've noticed with many encoders. That's not quite a match, you want these. But the simple answer is: I didn't think to look for them without detents, since literally every mention on these forums of MB6582 encoders involves removing detents! , FWIW, removing the detents on these is really easy, looks even easier than with the Alphas. No flattening of parts, just have to pull out a teensy-tiny spring and bearing.
  15. Fwiw, I have the Bourns encoders recommended on the Wiki. I haven't had a chance to really put my new MB-6582 through its paces, but in the couple of days I've spent noodling around on it so far, I haven't noticed significant issues with values jumping. Sometimes the acceleration is more than I expect, but no issues yet with obvious jumping.
  16. That's really frustrating. Glad you got it sorted.
  17. So I finally finished my MB-6582 last week. Everything seems to be working 100%, near as I can tell. I'm working on a demo song/video for it. One odd error pops up when I use the CTRLR editor with it. When I go to change the SID I'm working with in CTRLR (in the upper left of the panel), if I change to SID 2, 3 or 4, the MB-6582 pops up with "SIDx not available (No MBNet Response)" (x is not always the SID I'm trying to switch to; usually x=2, but sometimes 3 or 4). If I hit SID1 on the hardware interface at that point, it goes back to the default patch display screen, showing asterisks for SIDs 2, 3, and/or 4 (not always all of them at once) as if they were not connected, but simply switching back and forth to my desired SID on the hardware interface re-establishes the connection just fine. Seeing as the hardware continues to work fine and the error can actually be fixed from the hardware, I don't think the issue is with my build, but with the software, (either the MB-6582 firmware or the CTRLR panel). Frankly, I don't even know why I'm using the software editor, since the hardware has such a great interface (habit, I guess), and since it's easy to resolve the error, this is not a big deal. Less looking for troubleshooting advice and more just reporting an error. Perhaps someone else with CTRLR and an MB-6582/multi-core MBSID can try to replicate the error?
  18. According to previous posts in the thread a fifty knob order would meet ALBS' MOQ, so you may not even need a group buy to order. That said, demand isn't the issue, it's finding someone to run the buy. I would do it, but I'm on another continent and it seems pointless to ship a bunch of knobs from Europe to the US only for me to ship a bunch back to Europe.
  19. @mikee, don't ditch your project! The AIN boards are dead simple; just four 4051 multiplexer chips and four capacitors. Even with zero electronics knowledge (and I assume you have *some* if you're here, even if it's just "how to solder"), it would be a simple thing to whip up your own AINx4 modules from stripboard or perfboard. Probably cheaper than buying the boards ready-made and having them shipped too.
  20. You're free to make your own PCBs from the schematics but the Wilba design has not been released. But seriously, there's no reason to keep bumping the zombie thread.
  21. Feel free to make an offer...
  22. My sammichSID is still for sale in another thread. I'm in the US but happy to ship.
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