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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Hmm never seen one of those before. Where'd you get this extension thingy from?
  2. Static, or dry joints+movement, could play a part there....
  3. MBwiki.Upload at gmail dotcom - send em to me with instructions of where you want them. Edit: or SVN!
  4. Just one ground will do. Be sure to grab a linear PSU (not switchmode) to avoid noise messing with the AINs though. As for the AINs, yeh, ground any analog input that is not in use. AUAIMBCTG is the term we use ;) (although I get the feeling that you've done your research and you know thins already hehe)
  5. Nah that shouldn't break it.... I dunno what happened :/
  6. Yeh he wasn't/isn't talking about a midibox core, he's talking about the original mainboard in the controller.
  7. Better yet, remove those at the wheel.... Yaknow, the hypocrisy of club sound levels being mandated by a government that can't won't even get it right on TV after decades of practice is just astounding to me... Anyway that demonstrates why petitions alone don't get attention - you need to threaten the loss of revenue if you really want to make things happen.
  8. Uhm... replacing faders with pots... ditching the case... uhm... Why aren't you just making an MB64?
  9. Well I was going to say that and I thought maybe I might sound pushy, but thankyou for breaking the ice. Yeh I think it would be very cool if the info was mailed to someone for safekeeping. In the past have grabbed copies of stuff, which have later proven very handy ;)
  10. That AL3201 Clone is nice to see. Damnit I need new projects like a hole in the head. Thank Artesia! :D
  11. I once had a an amp's XLR plug that was used as a stepping-stool snap off like that. I took the cable that was in there, whipped out a blade and cut the head off it, stripped the wires with my teeth, wrapped them around the pins, and gaffa taped it in place. Let's see you do taht with plastic PCB mount kit ;) The show must go on......
  12. Maybe something has changed... If you search (put 'LVP HVP' (sans quotes) in the box and select 'find any'), you'll find plenty of examples where it doesn't work. I won't quote myself (doesn't serve much purpose hehe), so here's a quote from TK: Another: Details from smash: Dejavu: Re: the beginnings of my very own midibox! :D The possible brick-age could come from the LVP programming being active, and the pin connected. In bizarre circumstances the LCD could put the PIC in programming mode... Course, the config should prevent that.
  13. I don't know about the other guys, but I'd rather be a lab rat for your experimental software, than miss out altogether - even if the experiment fails. IMO: Don't be careful, just mark it as "unsupported feature" or something ;)
  14. If you release the layout publicly, be prepared to see it on ebay. I'd advise against it, as much as I f***in HATE to say that :(
  15. Given that it's a feedback loop the response is exponential so a linear pot will give you finer control though. Either will work.
  16. http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?action=search;advanced This was done recently, I think it's in MBOTW.
  17. LVP mode is no good, you need to use HVP mode. LVP makes one of the pins (which we need) unavailable. What's more, running apps could brick it.
  18. Yeh after chatting (nagging, begging) with moogah during the early days of the MB808, I came to the conclusion that the 'right' way to do this, is to do a near-clone, from the ground up, with digital control in mind. Adding it as an afterthought (to the original x0x design) always seems to result in much misery.
  19. Did you check the SRIO with the test app? all broken SRs would be very unlikely. Soldering errors on the SRIO lines are far more common.
  20. If you guys are really nuts about the whole sampler thing, I'd be looking for fast serially interfaced S/DRAM and I2S DACs, for core32.... and preparing for a wait ;)
  21. Wacom. There are others but that's about as widely supported as you're gonna get. Models depend on requirements / how much money do you plan to burn ;)
  22. I thought this would need one, perhaps I've misunderstood your intentions. The MBLC will receive and display LC compatible messages, so if the BCF sends the same kind of messages as a LC host, you could use it as a kind of LC monitor perhaps. I thought you wanted a general display for your BCF, which the LC is not.
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