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Everything posted by seppoman

  1. Don't you introduce some nonlinearity by using vactrols? I guess with a vactrol, all discussion about a few millivolts of DAC INL would be unneccessary. What I did on my SSM2044 module, that VCF is quite touchy when it comes to steppy CV (regardless of glitch noise issues, the output of a 12 bit DAC has sharp edges - the DAC is fast, the update rate on e.g. MBSID V2 is only every 2 ms, so there are hard jumps in the CV), I added a simple low pass filter on the CV input to smoothe the voltage a bit. S
  2. well it more or less means what it says :tongue: From the datasheet specs, the NG DAC is somewhat inferior, like e.g. a typical INL (integral nonlinearity) of +/- 2 LSB instead of +/- 0.5 LSB etc. As 12 bits of resolution are distributed over 10.67 Volts, this means we use a resolution of 384 values per octave, or 32 values per semitone. so one LSB (minimum value change) is a deviation of about 3 cents. So when you test different values/pitches, you can expect the output of the AOUT_NG to be off from the ideal value not more than +/- 6 cents while the old AOUT will be off by not more than +/- 1.5 cents. But these numbers are the worst case deviation of a typical example IC over the full output range, so as the full output is a range of more than 10 octaves, you won't ever need this full range in musical use of a VCO, you'll probably use something like the middle 5 octaves. The diagram in the NG DAC's datasheet shows that in the middle range you can expect an imprecision of about +/- 1 LSB or +/- 3 cents, so if you calibrate the outputs to be precise in the usual range, these +/- 3 cents won't really be noticeable by the average listener. Next question is: 3 cents is about 2.6 mV, so a) do you really have the measuring equipment to even reliably calibrate an output to that precision or even better? A 20$ multimeter isn't up to that task. and b) how linear and precise is your VCO? So from a theoretical point of view: The NG will give you somewhat higher pitch inaccuracy. Will anyone notice? If you've got well trained ears, maybe, maybe not. As to zippering/glitching, I don't really know. The NG does glitch a bit when values change, so do most other DACs, too. Does that matter when driving VCOs? Probably not. I'd say, if someone is a perfectionist, he'll probably be unhappy by the pure thought of knowing that he's not using the very best available technology. On the other hand, an AOUT_NG is less than half the price of an AOUT and all parts are easily available, and these were the main reasons for introducing it. I don't have access to a VCO (or even an old AOUT for comparison) so I can't tell you first hand experience in this use case. I can't remember someone else posting experiences with NG and VCOs, except TK and Polykobol who tried the NG on pk's RSF PolyKobol, and they were quite happy with the performance. As you said you're already in the process of building NGs, and obviously want to use it for driving VCOs, why not just try it out and post your experiences after testing? Actually I'd be very much interested in all first hand experience opinions on that topic :) Seppoman
  3. "Just like you shout into the woods, it will come out again" - this free word-by-word translated saying of the day is brought to you by Seppoman :whistle:
  4. Yes, it's available IN Europe, by ordering from SmashTV. No, it's not available FROM Europe, if that's what you're asking. it's that simple! S
  5. Hallo, können kann man garantiert :) wobei du dafür die Software größtenteils selbst schreiben müßtest. Ich würde dir empfehlen, mal im Mikrocontroller.net-Forum zu stöbern, da gibt es u.A. auch ein Hausautomations-Forum, wo die Jungs zahllose Projekte wie Heizungssteuerungen, Rolladensteuerungen, Webserver mit Temperatur-Logger usw. basteln. Wenn du dort mal die Suchfunktion bemühst, findest du garantiert etwas Geeignetes. S
  6. seppoman

    Sammich SID

    http://ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual.html the sammich is a complete and regular MBSID, so you can read about the features in the linked manual. Obviously it hasn't got the full control surface and only one SID pair, so stuff like SuperPoly-mode doesn't apply. But you can program and tweak every existing sound parameter using the menu structure/LCD - or via NRPN/CC via Midi. Please don't think that the Sammich is any less powerful than a big MBSID just because it has less knobs on it. S
  7. I think that's not right, the AIN uses analog multiplexers that only do routing but don't change the voltage levels. The STM32 runs at 3.3V and usually an ADC can't make sense on voltages that are beyond its supply rails. Probably you can't damage anything by applying 5V but everything above 3.3V will read as max value. S
  8. you could either remove the electrolytic cap at the audio out that does AC couple the signal, or if the gain of the transistor circuit is too high (didn't bother to investigate this) you could even grab the output signal directly from the SID output (I think I remember it does swing around 4.5V with not too much of amplitude, maybe look up the datasheet), buffer it with an opamp and do a complete active preamp/mixer stage. In the last case, better solder the wires instead of a connector, the SID doesn't like hot-plugging on its output very much. S
  9. Naja du sagst ja du möchtest eine Midibox LC bauen, und die verwendet nunmal das Mackie/Logic-Control-Protokoll zur Kommunikation :twitch:
  10. Du mußt rechts oben auf deinen Usernamen klicken und dann Messenger auswählen :) S
  11. die MB808 heißt warscheinlich nicht TR808, weil sie nicht von Roland und nicht aus den 80ern ist :rolleyes: Sie ist aber von der Klangerzeugung her wohl ein sehr guter Clon, und der Sequenzer-Teil stammt von TK, also Mr. Midibox himself, und ist im Vergleich zum Original ein ganzes Stück aufgepimpt und modernisiert. Jedenfalls, wenn du so ein Gerät bauen willst, dann aktiviere besser mal alle deine Englisch-Prozente und schau dich auf eight-oh-eight.org um. Dort findet eigentlich alles Wesentliche zur MB808 statt, hier im Forum ist sie eher ein Randgebiet. Platinen/Kits/Gehäuse usw. gibts dort in Form von Sammelbestellungen bzw. Warteliste. S
  12. lies mal den ersten Absatz der Midibox 808-Seite nochmal: D.h. also, so lange du nicht die mb808-Platine verwendest, sondern nur die angegebenen Module, ist das Ding erstmal ein Drum-Sequenzer. Den kannst du dann zur Ansteuerung von anderen analogen oder digitalen Drum-Sounderzeugern verwenden. Nachdem das, wenn man sowas sucht, aber genauso ne prima Sache sein kann, weiß ich allerdings nicht, was du mit "nur" und "unterschätzen" sagen willst ;) S
  13. 1.1k should be ok - Core32 and other circuits use 1.0k there, so the exact value isn't critical.
  14. no that won't work as expected. The Vcc/GND terminals of a pot define the voltage range that can be measured at the middle pin, so if you're chaining four of them, you're in fact building a series of four 10k resistors, i.e. the usable value range would be split up into four quarters. S
  15. has not set HIS status

  16. mbsid schematics can be found on ucapps.de, but this won't help you much as the physical matrix buttons just control the routing inside the mbsid software, so the matrix isn't something you can rip out and build separately to use as an audio or cv matrix. the thread you're searching for is here: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,11262.0.html. but this matrix project isn't finished yet and at least in public didn't show much progress in the last months. maybe you should post to this other thread to find out what's the current status. S
  17. the Neutrik jack is both types, one side is A and the other one B, so you can decide which type should be on the outside of the box by turning around the middle part of the jack.
  18. what about using the good old sticky "electronics basics links"? http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,496.0.html
  19. Hey Jeffry, I just donated :) Still, from a purely user point of view, I'd like to say that I really like the good old SMF as it is, even the layout/skin, although not the most modern or stylish, works well for me and doesn't really need a change. the vBulletin boards on the other hand, I don't like them very much. Can't really tell you what's wrong with it, it's just a feeling but usually I don't feel at home there. Anyway, if there's urgent technical reasons to switch to vB, I guess I'll have to grow accustomed to it :) S
  20. no, such a PCB doesn't exist. At first I thought about doing something like that - or at least one NG + stereo filter on one pcb. But aside from complete projects like the mb6582, the original modular approach of midibox does make sense. If you offer such a pcb, some people will say "but I've got mono, I need only one filter", some others "but why only 1 NG/2 SSM, 4/8 are better", some people have already bought their NGs in advance and couldn't make use of half of the pcb etc. so for something like the SSM filter that is clearly an addition for more adventurous/advanced builders (who in my opinion CAN be bothered to do a bit of extra wiring ;)), you can't ever make everyone happy by doing such a combined board - btw, for a MB FM, a pcb with one NG and 4 SSMs would be best... S
  21. each core can only control parameters of its own SID pair. that also is true for the connected AOUT(NG/LC). so you'll need one AOUT for each Core/SID pair. but as there are two SIDs on one core, that also means you need to control cutoff/resonance for two channels/SIDs, so you'll use 4 CV outs on each AOUT. The other four are free to use for something else (e.g. a final VCA per channel etc, whatever you might want to add to the box). S
  22. MBLC can only do "classic" Mackie Control. HUI is a different thing and as far as I know the protocol has never been published. I think some years ago someone wanted to reverse-engineer it and do a Midibox implementation (use the forum search) but I don't think there were any results. S
  23. Logic Control and Mackie Control are basically the same thing, only the "ping response" has a different ID (I think because of some dispute between eMagic and Mackie when they split up). You can select Mackie or LC mode by changing one option in the source code. S
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