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Everything posted by rosch

  1. 9090 gone, thanks Mike, TRON spoken for edit: Added AVRsynth
  2. yes should still have it, i'll have a look. edited my first post with TR9090 stuff and TRON pcb
  3. the one from smashTV? i have one board that i don't need right now, can get another when i'm ordering again with smash
  4. snap in would be for pcb anyway wouldn't it? the only panel mount switches i came across are all quite expensive unless you take the normal subminiature style that are mounted like the toggle switches. i had some fun with arcade buttons but they're huge (but good) the best tact switches that come to my mind are the small digikey for pcb that are used in SeqV4, sammichSID, x0xb0x, Shruthi etc. cheap, small, fit on perfboard and work fine.
  5. yeah 1 set please! would that work with the big blm too? future music but good to know
  6. yes it must be a Seq, there has never been a 19" Sid by Wilba
  7. unregistered shipping to UK is 3,45€ as so called "Maxibrief" (box small enough to count as big letter)
  8. i guess it mostly depends from what shipping method is used. i don't get it totally flat but could use one of those US priority mail small flat rate boxes. if you like registered mail with tracking it can be 17€, without tracking it should be much cheaper. ok i found a smaller one, i can ask at the post office today.
  9. es ist nicht schlecht in die schaltpläne zu schauen, dann ist es lernen und nicht einfach malen nach zahlen.
  10. received mine 1 or 2 days ago. dude they're LARGE! great work! thanks!
  11. sure! pm me your address
  12. i just burned bootloaders on some 18F4685 a few days ago, ready to go!
  13. thanks, nILS, mine arrived yesterday! merry christmas!
  14. yes yes, so true. i'm trying to figure out how to do the JB welding correctly now that the boards are all completed (except for the leds, that i've desoldered again) i always think next time i read everything in advance, but it happens again and again :p
  15. welcome, you could get a pcb pair and base pcb kit from smashTV, that's the only premade control surface solution i know of (besides sammichSID) the frontpanel for this will be some precision work if you make this yourself. you can always do it with individual boards too. you will find out what is connected where when you study the interconnection pdf's and the docu pdf's for the required modules on www.ucapps.de you can also make your own control surface board with perfboard and use whatever switches you like.
  16. it depends on the knobs you like to use. the threading goes through the holes to about the surface so there's no space behind the panel the shaft needs to go through
  17. these are with push button. the ones without are cheaper and you don't need push buttons in a regular mb6582 setup. the ones without are linked on that page too as related products, if you scroll down
  18. oh, no Santa / Xmas tree edition?
  19. no i bought mine from a member here. i just downloaded FPD and the files to look what they say. if you add the 4 holes, will it be that much more expensive?
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