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Everything posted by rosch

  1. ok, then i'll take more single pcbs and just one 5x5x5.
  2. shimoda since the boards haven't been ordered yet i think you should be able to add your name and number of desired boards to the list on the wiki page (link on first post in this thread)
  3. musikding and banzaimusic (and the like) have something like that too.
  4. smallbear have them, Mammoth too (the coolaudio version which is the same)
  5. you use the switches in that menu to operate little relays that can substitute your switch. it depends on what type of switch is required and you'll need to make your own solution for this. maybe have a look at seppoman's SSM2044 filter board documentation (threads here and dokuwiki) he has used a relay there too (but just for clean/filter)
  6. i have none of the boards you're asking from smash. i could measure the hole distance to the corner on the MB6582, SeqV4, SeqV4L or Aout_NG if you like, but i have no idea if they're all the same.
  7. i don't think i've seen one either... but i could use some :whistle:
  8. hey guys, i have 2x SSM2164 boards left from seppoman's last run in 2010. price the same as i got them from him (5€ / board) plus shipping. first come first serve!
  9. ok, i need some for the MB6582 and a standalone stereo sid, that's 10 voices=5 boards SSM2044 and 3 boards SSM2164. that means i have 1x SSM2044 board (dual VCF) and 3x SSM2164 boards (Quad VCA) to share. they're still taped together like i received them, never touched. and same price as seppoman sold them. pm me if you're interested [edit: i'll post in the fleamarket, better than hijacking here]
  10. guest left? ooooooooh shit! i still got a not working x0xb0x and it can't be much, but i haven't looked at it for a year. seems i'm too lazy. i always thought, oh well, no problem, guest will be able to tell what's wrong after 1st or second post.
  11. absolutely. good deal! looks great. are these the Re'an knobs?
  12. they're doing vintage synth repairs, i guess that can be a firm basis for a business. and probably most of the targeted musicians aren't into diy hence not checking forums.
  13. i don't see them taking things forward, honestly. they just copy it. it's TK who takes things forward afaik, and some of the guys here who are able to really get into it and add new features / modules / versions too.
  14. i think i've bookmarked the threads where it's explained. i think someone (maybe jojjelito) took the time and explained to me again in private message. i'll look for it later
  15. look at the adafruit forums who's providing free support for all the Shitforbrains x0xb0x'es that can be had for a few bucks less on ebay. as has been said already MM are teaming up with those genuine inventors so from my perspective i'd surely doubt the quality of anything they sell. dimensions 0*0*0 haha maybe they rated their creativity by that. salesmen.
  16. i haven't done it yet. but from what i've read with Aout_NG's you'd need one for every sid pair. it's been explained to me couple of times, but some time ago and i have to read back again to understand it -again.
  17. damn i already thought i missed out on the official run! your whole design looks awesome. are there plans to offer the (desktop) case? (you, or Julian?) and CS components? i know i know spoiled by Wilba projects, but just to have an idea what's possible. :D happy beta testing, guys!
  18. hey! yay great, a new knobs order! red transparent knobs tell me buy us.... i guess i have some time left to figure out how many i need. are green knobs not available at all or is it just a colour with no demand, so not worth including?
  19. man, looks great! i would have messed that up too, totally. nice case!
  20. i'd say you can try different types of about the same value and then decide what you like best. styroflex are the most expensive and with the best performance (small tolerances also). but i found the sound of the ceramic and mylar interesting too. after all it's a matter of taste. and they're just a few cents so no big loss to try some different types.
  21. rosch

    MIDIBox 808

    you can also get complete parts + pcb kits for the core, din and dout modules instead of just the pcbs. you can compare the individual schematics in the pdfs given at ucapps.de to the .gif board files to figure out what is where, and what you'll need. for the wiring there are interconnection diagrams, sometimes in the project section (not always only in the MBHP section) the MB808 is based on the SeqV3. so you can also have a look on the sequencer related build docs, for example Wilba's control surface pcb to get an idea which components work fine. i haven't done detailed research about the MB808 yet so i don't know if there's a complete set of documents somewhere here on the forum or wiki. good luck!
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