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Everything posted by Shuriken

  1. The KORG nanokontroll probably has drivers which take care of this. CoreMIDI and ALSA sound like names from the build in drivers from the OS. So not sure how you would fix this. Maybe with some kexts and kernel driver hacking. But that seems like a lot of trouble to me.
  2. The 78xx regulator needs an additional 3V to properly regulate. If 12V DC output is required you need to input atleast 15V DC. So for the old 6581 SID, 12V AC is just barely enough. But only if in your house the AC is properly 230V. So it's safer to choose 15V AC. For the 8580 or 6582 (new) 9V AC is again barely enough to get the additional 3V. So it's better to opt for the 12V AC. I would advise against using the 15V AC as all the excessive voltage will be dispensated as heat. If i can make a suggestion, if you don't want to go for a big fancy SMPS. Then maybe you can look for an LM2596 solution. A lot of companies are selling these as ready made modules. Usually for a couple of euros. These small boards are adjustable, high efficient and have a switching frequency of 150 kHz.
  3. Well i got a bit carried away looking for hardware options. But i think it should be doable to make a good and usable hardware design. But the big problem is the software side of things. So maybe it's better to focus on that first? I am sure if there is a good use case, interest will come.
  4. I am not sure about the differences within the SHARC family, but would something like this would not be an option?
  5. I checked out the EZKit. But the price is quite steep :pinch: And there is some major restrictions to the use of VDSP with EZKit, it will only work for 90 days. And only allows usage of 10922 words of memory for code space. And i knew about the Plugiator module :wink: The controls seemed quite limited to me. Something you could do much better with something like MB NG.
  6. Cool, i bought the Plugiator ASX board some time ago. With the idea of combining it with some MB hardware. My idea was to use the midi connections. But to use the DSP directly would be even better.
  7. Yeah, that cable should do the trick.
  8. We now have a spammish blog: http://midibox.org/forums/blog/63/entry-268-mobile-marketing-and-message-overload/
  9. Indeed, putting an add for displaymodule.com in your Signature. And that domain is registered to suprise suprise: nexpcb.com
  10. The error 127 is a C/C++ error. So you will need to check on command line to see what goes wrong. Could very well be a dependency missing or something like that.
  11. Not by default no as the PIC Core operates on 5V. You will need to build a level conversion circuit with for example a 74HCT541.
  12. I think i actually have the DIN connector for you if you still want it. Forgot i salvaged one more from a C64. Sorry my mistake, i only have a couple of c64 power switches and a C128 DIN connector.
  13. Slightly Off Topic: @jojolito, do you know who makes the official metal shruthi cases?
  14. Looks good man, and you documented it really well. You should put it on the wiki.
  15. Not entirely sure what you mean. The SammichSID contains 1 pic based MIOS8 core with 2 SID chips. The sammichSID design itself does not allow for more cores or SID's inside the box. However the overal design of Thorsten is highly modular. The MB6582 contains 4 pic based MIOS8 cores (1 master and 3 slaves) with max 8 SID chips. Cores can be linked. One pic core can drive 2 SID chips (max).
  16. The Spin Semi chip is perfectly controllable through an MCU (see this design). Not sure why you conclude it is higher quality. Both have similar specs if not the same (i couldn't find any difference reading both datasheets). I did not mention this before, but it comes with free IDE. So you can program your own effects. Your module is ofcourse plug and play. So if you want a quick fix, that's the way to go.
  17. I made a mistake with the version. You will need 5.x which can be found here: http://www.lpcware.com/lpcxpresso/downloads/older
  18. You need to choose an older IDE version, 6.x if i remember correctly
  19. Don't forget that these are just DSP chips. So without a firmware you don't have anything. It looks like the different eval boards include firmware, but that will probably be reflected in the price.
  20. A couple of years ago Elektor developed a board around the SpinSemi FV1. That is controllable via MIDI. But not sure if you can do it without touch the UI. The ideal situation would be a FX chip which is controlled through MIOS.
  21. I did not check the complete schedule, but the concept looks good.
  22. I think you are misunderstanding. Without use of the MBHP_AINSER8 or MBHP_AINSER64, the max amount of pots is 8. So if you use the MBHP_AINSER you can do more.
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