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Everything posted by Hawkeye

  1. Hawkeye

    9HE Panel

    not to forget modulated sawtooth -> germanizer -> "yodelütiii" :thumbsup:
  2. Hawkeye

    9HE Panel

    mmm - tasty :sorcerer:
  3. +1! Cool project - the compatibility with its big brother makes it really shine - a great "gig" seq with unbreakable displays :)
  4. Hawkeye

    MB6582 Supply

    Hi Antonio, I am not good enough in electronics to guess what is exactly wrong... but I somewhere read, that ground-hum can be because of the ground connection between different audio gear, that have different PSUs.. gotta read more regarding this... and test, if the hum also occurs, if I only plug head-phones into the MB6582... Other possibilities would be the crowbar, as you mentioned (could deactivate that subcircuit for a test)... or wrong filtering capacitators.... but I don´t have a oscilloscope to have a peek, yet :-) But it is not really problematic, just barely audible, and am interested, if you hear it, too ;-) Greets and have a good time! Peter
  5. Hawkeye

    MB6582 Supply

    Hi Antonio, I feel to have a little bit more noise with the new PSU... but not really very well audible, i´d be interested if you hear it, too - but no hurries... have fun building the rest of the MB6582 :-) Greets, Peter
  6. Hawkeye

    MB6582 Supply

    also nice to see the crowbar circuit :-) Could you do an A-B listening test with your old C64 PSU, if you have one? I seem to have slightly more noise with this PSU (like a 50Hz hum, but don´t know where it comes from- the components are all top-notch and the capacitators should work their ripple-softening magic...) Greets, Peter
  7. too bad... but i understand and can fully confirm Alex´ reliability - good price, good seller :)
  8. Hawkeye

    MB6582 Supply

    That looks good :-) If I only could remember where I´ve seen a PSU like this before :-)
  9. Very well done! Have lots of fun with the unit! :) Greets, Peter
  10. Hawkeye

    MB-TIA Cartridge.

    Nice job! What 4-character display is it? Looks cool :-) Greets, Peter
  11. Hawkeye


    Me really hopes, Wilba and nILS will do a Sammich SID V2 with MBSID V3 software and a 256x64 pixel "Tempest" OLED later on :-) But back on topic: Buy MOAR Sammich FM kits, NAO, you will :D afterwards.
  12. Have you tried the "view new content" link? It took me about a year or so to find it, but it is great :-) Greets, Peter
  13. Hi, did you check your hosts entries (you may have set a fixed IP address last year, as the DNS server was down)? Edit: just saw the IPBoard portal section, that you are probably referring to... that is empty for me as well... For the latest posts. I usually use the upper right "View New Content" command, that is on every page. Greets, Peter
  14. Welcome :-) As you are on the MIDIbox site, the choice would be to build a portable MBSEQ Sequencer, which stores your drum/bass patterns (and can also be nicely tweaked for live playing). (-> http://ucapps.de/midibox_seq.html ). It is a tremendously powerful sequencer! To save money, there are also choices to build a stripped-down unit, if you just use cardboard carton and a few leftover switches and cheap LCDs, I´d say you could build it for less than 150USD in material cost (although it will then not look as nice as the unit depicted on the ucapps.de website). Using this sequencer as a base, you can then use specialized MIDI synthesizers for the sound generation itself, e.g. a MIDI-connected drummachine or a MIDI-connected bass synthesizer. There are lots of very nice sounding units available :-), my choices for great analog sound would be the vermona drm drum synth and a moog little phatty for (monophonic) bass sounds. Or you could use a laptop and use VSTs to create the sounds. Greets, Peter
  15. Thanks a lot - had fun flying the plane, too :) Greets, Peter
  16. * are the pads coming off? if not, there is nothing lost, yet. * connection tests are possible with your multimeter without beeper in "resistance measuring mode" 0 ohms = connectivity * hi-res pictures of front (with populated ICs) and backside would be interesting to evaluate what is wrong. greets, Peter
  17. +1 to that request - i read the manual section a few times and while understanding, still don´t use it, ´prolly because the rest of the seq is so awesome i´d like to add it to the gene pool :-).
  18. You can test continuity by measuring resistance... if it reads 0 ohms, there is continuity :-) Greets, Peter
  19. The next step is usually, that we´d need sharp high-res (2k x 1.5k pixel) pics of the front and backside... maybe it is something obvious to other Sammich FM users...
  20. Hm, i am not totally sure, but have you checked the orientation of the shift register ICs? I think I can remember, that there was one, that was oriented the other way round (but that memory could be wrong as well). Greets, Peter
  21. Could not resist and create a remix - to be used in conjunction with rc plane flying - enjoy :) Greets, Peter
  22. electronic music and 3d parkflying - joys of summer :) http://vimeo.com/27862525

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jojjelito


      Hmm, I hate it when the ground attacks you when flying. Almost as bad as when crash test dummies bang their heads against the steering-wheel in frustration. Makes me want to build an YF23 model just to top it :)

    3. Hawkeye


      black widow ftw :)

    4. jojjelito


      Best plane ever :) Mach 1.8 supercruise, sans afterburners. Still cheaper than than F35 fiasco.

  23. When "A" refers to "acquisition", which "only" costs money, "B" refers to something that costs time and money :-)
  24. Hawkeye

    StereoSID Case 4

    Thanks & good luck :thumbsup:
  25. Hawkeye

    Upside view

    You´re more than welcome! If I´d ever build a portable mini SEQ, I´d use this layout :flowers:
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