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MIDIbox of the Week (MBSID V2 made by poumtaq)


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You need some more inspirations for the case of your upcoming MIDIbox SID?

How about this construction, made by an electronic newbie with a lot of help from Julien Voirin! :)

Very well done! :)

poumtag wrote:

Here's my stereosid, it was firstly a mono 6581 v1.7

control surface A, buildt by julienvoirin (selling it

was a good choice, Julien, I'd probably never have

started the project by myself because of my ignorance

in electronics...).

This unit is now a stereo sid v.2 (6582A + 8580R5),

control surface C (a few things weren't used: play

button, volume on the modulation matrix,...).

The design was created with adobe illustrator then

printed on vinyl sticker, box is a Retex#5, PCBs are

from SmashTV, and knobs are from ALBS (thank you

Goblinz !). The work cost me roughly 350€, but

because I'm a beginner I burnt a few things...

This is far from perfect: the inside is full of

cables, the printed sticker is 1mm much longer than

the drilled surface, knobs aren't as close of the

surface as I wanted, ... but it works !

Many thanks to TK and all the contributers for sharing

their knowledge, I've learned a lot thanks to you.

Very big special thank to julienvoirin who has been an

incredible hotliner who explained me everything with a

lot of patience (you even taught me that a resistor

doesn't have any polarity...) !

I wanted a new toy to renew my set, I'm now like a

child with this gear !

I cannot contribute to electronic knowledge, but I'd

be happy to help anybody on design (regardless of the

"toy style").

thanks again to all the people who make this project

accessible to newbies.






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I really like this one a lot!  There are many here who use this equipment professionally, I, unfortunately am not one. I build simply for the joy of the build and if I can make some music with these things so much the better.  That being said, I believe you can get no better compliment than to say it looks like a toy because we sure do enjoy playing with them!  It remind me of those 300 in 1 Electronic Experimenter's Labs so many of us had when we were kids.  Great Job! and have LOTS of fun with it!


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thanks a lot for the comments  :)

I'm glad you like the arcade style, however it's a shame that such a big box only hosts 2 sids... perhaps it'll become a 4xstereo if I find patience enough to re-open it (is a v.3 planned ?  ::))...

to stryd_one:

the vinyl sticker comes from a professional printer, but I don't know more

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