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Everything posted by Phatline

  1. i want to connect one Encoder directly to J5a i know that in my Code i have to initalize this pins: // initialize pin 2 of J5A, as Digital input with internal Pull-UP //connect to ground MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinInit(0, MIOS32_BOARD_PIN_MODE_INPUT_PU); MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinInit(1, MIOS32_BOARD_PIN_MODE_INPUT_PU); and i also can observe the state of the J5a pin by putting following code into APP_Background: MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinGet(0) MIOS32_BOARD_J5_PinGet(1) all clear so far, and working good with buttons (with hardware debouncing ): debouce-circuit how does a Encoder-Code look like (without any Acceleration), and how does Hardware debouncing look like (the same like for buttons?), i want to use as less code then possible... thx 4 any tips
  2. na directly recording midi wasnt the way, but first convert it to audio pulses on a DOUT-Pin, and then record it, when playback it go thru a Schmitt Trigger into a DIN-Pin, the strip down mios-functions and code, it is running thight, HURRAAY i solved it this way: clock2audio2clock - wiki
  3. is it possible to convert a Midiclock-Stream to audio? and convert this audio-recording back to midiclock? so i could use one of the RECorder-channels for the midi (clock start stop notes and so on) are there already devices out there? i can remember that 30 years ago such things as midi tape exist... or is it maybe a cheap trick that can be solved with an optocopler an opamp and a few lines of code? its done VIDEO-Overdubbing a JP8080:
  4. to gnd or to 3.3v? nice.what is your website? mike
  5. hi i cant find in the documentation/remember/no-search-results: which pin on the discovery board i have to solder a cable and a switch, to get into boatloader mode with a switch from the outside of without opening the midibox... thx for help
  6. Phatline


    PCB Layout errors
  7. From the album: Debugging

  8. normal "6n138" dip-package, on the core32 side i will make the midi-interface on vectorboard, since these are only a few 220Ohm Resistors:...
  9. thx, yes answered. then i only need to get that 3,54Mhz quarz and those 2 transistors, the voltage regulator and that "audio purpose"-capacitor, all other stuff i had in stock offtopic: my plan is to remote 4 of it via a core32, take the 4 midi-outs - and play them poly, the audio summ will go to a ssm2044 and ssm2164 tia and its new environment
  10. From the album: Debugging

    in a cv-environment: 4xTIA + SSM2164 + SSM2044
  11. Question for the assambly: whats about the RA03/RB03 Jumpers... what do they (route the AUX, but what are the AUX for...), whats the different between A and B.... thx 4 clarification also a foto from a assembled board would be great, because of the orientation of the lc512ers.. @lc512: are booth required? or do i need the array.... what is saved on the lc512 - only patches or also Systemsettings like midichannel tuning and so on? because i want to controll the tia via midi, and also save the patches on a external midicontroller... so with that in mind do i have to assemble the 512ers? @12Vmax/ 9Vmin - What is the Imax? (since i drive 4 of it i need it more detailed)
  12. depending... maybe not, because: when using the "CC Automation/Recording" in Live, there must be a M4L-Rotary/ID for the CC in the plugin - so Ableton sees "ah, there is CC to map..." so @ least a M4L-Knob with a ID is needet, no matter if it is shown in the Plugin-UI or not so Moove a knob on the UI: StandAlone-App: Moove Knob > UDP Send > M4L Plugin: parsing CC to a (hidden) M4L Knob and set the new value, which can be recordet. This hidden knob have to have enabled the "CC-Automation" tag - or whatever the tag was (so it has a good timing!) Playback of CC-Sequence/load Preset from Set: Ableton outputs data.... From here i must say, it depends on localhost, > latency! and i cant remember if the cc-change (witch is setting the M4L-UI-Knob) also will be send out on the Output-Connector of the Knob (so the CC on our Stanalone App mooves) ... there are many ifs whens and so on, by the way is there still a CC-Limitation in Ableton?, years ago it was reduced to 127CCs because of only having 1Midichannel in 1 Track....
  13. i programmed a fiew years with max4live/max...build big grooveboxes with it... but that was years ago... i could also take a look on it, but first have to get the tia, source the parts have to solder... i also had the problem with sysex when using Mackie Control Pro XT/ableton, which was running almost with Sysex... maybe this way: Win/Mac > Ableton > MidiTrack > TIA-Manager-Plugin (not sure anymore- as instrument?):Tia manager plugin do Sysex Communication with "udpsend localhost" Win/Mac > Max-Standalone Aplication: udpreceive localhost... reroute/interprete Data to a Midiport. Note: When using WINDOOF the port is then fixed to ableton, or the plugin -depends on-which app you open first, which is a problem that can solved with "midiyoke" or other Virtual MidiCables. When using MAC what i heard a Port can be shared to 2 or more Application @ the same time? ... but since i use ableton only once all 3 years, i will try to interprete it for PureData one day, since i am a linux guy... but i am way more familar with max msp.
  14. yeah. want to see a video where you make sound with it.
  15. Phatline

    new bat

    hypnotic sound - tested as good for Writing emails or so -
  16. @PWM: the thing is, its for (my) healthcare... and for that i dont want PWM Square Signals, the only waveform should be sinus, with a frequency i want to syncronize as human. when you say reconstruction filter> then a sinus is generated using DOUT and capacitors? > how much more code-complicated vs dac-code is this then, on a scale from 1easy and 10 (sinus generation) could that also be used for audio-sinus-generation? - take then different DOUT-Pins for different frequency-ranges (with different capacitors on it) ... is it capacitor based? > then i could take the best cap for a frequency, but when setting other frequencys (from 20-2Hz) the sinus isnt sinus anymore? (just a thougt) H-Bridge Driver... thx. TENS maybe also ;) ...ah thought the stm32F4 dacs (cs43L22) was mono... but this problem (isnt) solved > Need SD-Card and a Midiport as well because of midibox stuff/code is going on > yes DAC-Overlap...its tiresome. DAC WM8731 thx thx4the inputs
  17. which supported DAC for simple Audio-Sinus (Stereo/dualchannel) generation? (80-4000Hz) Also need 3DAC Channel for LFO (20-4Hz) Sinus for 3x LED-Stripes (660nmRed.Blue,..) which are for spa-like Skin penetration... that is the main purpose of the thing. 1DAC Channel for LFO Sinus generation for bodyshaker. (20Hz-60Hz) so stm32F4 + 2 Channel Audio DAC 4 Channel LFO DAC. any idia for DACs hardware?
  18. i am not on facebook, and i already ordered the false ones...
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