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Everything posted by ilmenator

  1. From the album: big wheel

    © ilmenator 2015

  2. From the album: big wheel

    © ilmenator 2015

  3. From the album: big wheel

    © ilmenator 2015

  4. Does this come with the transparent plexi windows or without?
  5. This is the original page with the parts list: http://ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_iic_midi_orderlist.txt Edit: this links to the single version, not the QUAD - sorry!
  6. That is correct for the SCS that you describe - however, Michel refers to my particular SCS design which indeed is connected to J8/J9.
  7. Looking at the schematic I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to use a 50cm cable between Core an MIDI I/O module. For the Quad IIC module I don't know for sure, but I would assume it should work.
  8. If you want to make this interesting for others to build I would strongly recommend to keep the documentation in the forum and not on some external servers with just links. Over the years we've seen numerous projects that were lost simply because of offsite documentation --> offsite docu bad!
  9. Well I guess you could clone J8/9 to J19, but at the cost of decreased performance and all other kinds of hassle. Also, I am not sure your design of using one complete DOUT shift register for each velocity output is a good choice - value changes for different outputs won't happen simultaneously, but as the values shift through the registers. That might give you some artefacts that you'd ratrher not want to see there. How about using digital potentiometers instead? I have never tried that myself, but there is a tutorial on digipots here, the hardware is pretty straight forward to implement and in terms of coding the example provided by TK seems to be manageable as well.
  10. Why don't you extend the chain that you already have? How many shift registers does the first chain have?
  11. It used to be available at SmashTV's MIDIbox shop - not sure what the current status is, it is currently not listed there. Maybe you just send him a message and ask directly?
  12. Perfect, pm me your IBAN and BIC, I have a German bank account - unless you insist on Paypal.
  13. I'll take the MBSeq V4 if TL1100 switches and switch caps are included! Thanks!
  14. Well looking at the video there doesn't seem to be a difference between first and second digit - both seem to display non-numeric garbage, that's where my suspicion came from. What would you expect to see? Numbers? In which order? Counting up and then down again?
  15. What do you mean by "2nd digit"? The two displays on the right side of your board, or just the right-most "digit"?
  16. Kein Problem, herzlich willkommen hier! Allerdings kenne ich mich mit dem Doepfer-Kram nicht aus - aber vielleicht findet sich ja hier noch jemand.
  17. Looks a bit as if the pinning of your LED digits was goofed up. What is it that you want to see?
  18. Hallo BerndS, kann es sein dass du da die Begriffe Drehschalter und Inkrementalgeber (englisch "encoder") durcheinanderwirfst? Du hast anscheinend einen Drehschalter mit inzwischen 6 Schaltzuständen - damit kannst genau 6 Zustände beschreiben. Ein Inkrementalgeber kennt dagegen den "Ruhezustand" (nichts passiert), "+1" (Drehung nach rechts) und "-1" (Drehung nach links) - er beschreibt also eigentlich nicht den Zustand selbst, sondern den Übergang von einem Zustand in einen anderen. Von allein senden weder Drehschalter noch Inkrementalgeber irgendwelche MIDI-Befehle. Du musst also schon etwas genauer beschreiben, wie dein Setup aussieht :smile: . Vielleicht ist dann deine eigentliche Frage auch besser zu verstehen!? Grüße, ilmenator
  19. Maybe it's not such a good idea to start with the Sequencer file access code in the first place... There is a tutorial #019 that implements a simple MIDI file player - I am not saying it is straight forward to read, but you will most probably find it much easier to grasp than what you find in the SEQ code. Also: try out basic things first! E.g. create a text file or a binary on the PC, save it to the card and try to read that file from your application. The steps necessary for this can be found in the fatfs documentation or in $MIOS32_PATH/modules/file: access layer to FatFS which simplifies the file handling Good luck with your project!
  20. Great concept and convincing musical pieces - respect!
  21. There is no fixed standard for this, and everything depends on how you configure your LEDs in the config file. Or, to put it the other way round: if you just use single color LEDs it doesn't matter if you connect them to the red or the green anode pin, because functionality is defined in the config file. When I decided to use dual color LEDs it was mainly because I wanted them to match with the ones already in place on my BLM module. It all depends on how you actually want to use the buttons...
  22. I have a new batch (10 pieces) of TPD boards available, this time in red color. PM me or leave a note in this thread if you're interested. Shipping from Germany, details in the Wiki.
  23. ilmenator


    Hi Drew, no, you're allright - they have been available middle of January when I last checked, but apparently they are sold out again. Given how fast they went I would assume that Tim is restocking them as fast as possible.
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