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Everything posted by nILS

  1. [x] Patience is a virtue. If the capacitor is blown (which it most likely is), you'll get all sort of bad mojo going as it's directly between the ground and Vcc lines. +1
  2. Ah, look at that - that almost looks like the design I made (and forgot about) a while back :) Nice!
  3. Ixox: Simply ask TK to get access to the Programmer's Lounge and you'll be able to see the thread.
  4. Welcome aboard, meltac :flowers:
  5. Smithy: It's a freaking ARM Cortex A11, of course it can be a core for a midibox - it's nearly a full-blown desktop PC ;) I do agree though that we should prolly establish the LPC17 core a bit more until we leap to the next level... edit: whoopsie it's an ARM 11 not an ARM 8
  6. Nicely done! I hope you don't mind my promoting it to MBOTW ;)
  7. Got pictures of the area with the YACs and the opamps?
  8. What did you connect the headphone socket to? It's not part of the original design, so you probably put some thought into what to connect it to, right?
  9. nILS


    Works for me. Btw, Smithy, you better hurry:
  10. I typically try to import/export as much as possible between the apps (in my case inkscape, eagle and fpd) :) That way you can easily check if the stuff you made in X actually matches what you have in Y. Obviously you wanna have the parts beforehand so you can crosscheck dimensions with the datasheets. Worked flawlessly so far for me.
  11. Thanks! :frantics: But hey! I turned 29! It worked so well last year I thought I'd give it a go again ;)
  12. There's no limiting factor really. If you're willing to use another core module for instance (possibly with a bit of extra software) you can essentially make it as complex as you want. With the current setup the limiting factor would either be the software (there's not a lot of room left for extensions on the PIC) or the number of DIN/DOUT ports supported by MIOS.
  13. Sounds a bit like the 5V rail is dead. a) Get a new PSU, a regulated one. b) Check the voltages again. Especially around the 7805 (input and output voltages)
  14. There is, of course, an impact on various properties of the circuit. None of them are in any way relevant for this application though :) So your answer is: No, it doesn't matter. Then again, having the pullups close to the SR is usually neat, since you have all the pins and +5V there anyways. If you use res-nets it's pretty much impossible to route it any nicer/more compact than that.
  15. [x] What wilba said. position x(n) = r * sin(n * (1 / n) * 2 * Pi) position y(n) = -r * cos(n * (1 / n) * 2 * Pi) for n LEDs arranged in a circle with radius r.
  16. No idea if it's what you're looking for or even close to being the latest version, but here ya go! fmControl.zip
  17. sammichSID base board? ;)
  18. Sidenote: I found that a bigger cap (1000-2220uF) between Vcc and Ground (C3) can help reduce noise dramatically with the TDA1543.
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