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Everything posted by Shuriken

  1. Thanks, for the second bulk order. Hopefully next time we have some more time to chat on midibox stuff :wink:
  2. It might have something to do with the fact that fuzzylizard's post is more then a year old :wink:
  3. I received both of mine too. Looks very good indeed. Thanks again Adrien! :thumbsup:
  4. TK has put quite a lengthy explanation on the project page. The GM5 was the prefered solution (until the ARM boards arrived). But i wish you good luck on your endeavor.
  5. I assume you mean the MBHP_USB_PIC firmware? You know that it does not work reliable?
  6. Just watched Felix Baumgartner jump from 39KM,,,,congrats felix!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. technobreath


      Hehe. Yeah, that is definetly some crazy stuff! Not for me! But MAN what a good feeling it must be for him to finally have done what he always dreamed of!

    3. jojjelito


      That was a daring deed :D Shows that anything is possible if you dare.

    4. Antix


      I feel that sensation everytime I dip in the pool ;)

  7. Mios32 toolchain is for compiling application. MIOS Studio for Linux this is for uploading apps.
  8. You did see there is a Linux version of MIOS Studio?
  9. I bought this a couple of months ago. Goes nice with the Pickit i have. Thanks for the offer though.
  10. I should be able to flash a pic for you. I'll have to check tomorrow (i burned a PIC18F4685) to see if it is working. That way you should be able to do a low value order at smash.
  11. It's there on: MIOS8 Download > mios_sysex_implementation.txt
  12. Oh lol, thought you ordered those with the PSU. What type are they?
  13. Checkout the datasheet, page 14, figure 11.
  14. The bipolar option does not require any reprogramming. The circuitry is slightly different. But the values to be set in the register are the same as for unipolar. Just the resulting output is different.
  15. According to the MAX525 datasheet, it can be used for bipolar operations. The internal register works a bit different then. The register is set by the software (if you compile it with the right aout module) Edit: The settings of the internal register correspond to different output values in bipolar mode.
  16. As i said, google full wave rectifier :wink: Here is an schematic: Not my own idea, but from a Utility Module Comes pretty close to
  17. Count me in for a MB6582 and an MBFM window Thnx!
  18. If you actually checked the fpd you would see the dimensions and corner radius is different. The next question probably is, why :wink:
  19. Maybe TK can comment on this?
  20. Oh come on, that's just way to easy :logik:
  21. If you look hard, you may even find a post from me on Muff's :whistle: I came to the same conclusion :wink: It has been an educational day :thumbsup: Which other stuff did you find which uses bipolar CV? I didn't stumble across much. Also Google: Full Wave Rectifier
  22. Well i quote: BTW to all SSM2044 builders: The module is designed with this (wrong) bipolar range, so you don't need to change anything on your AOUT_NGs. I guess for proper +/- 5V operation I'll have to try out a few other resistor values on the SSM module, but this will only apply if you if you're using a different CV source than an AOUT_NG. So he's specifically talking about the AOUT_NG, which makes sense as Seppoman (T.Stoeckl) designed it. The older AOUT (MAX525 based) design comes from TK. :pinch: Overlooked the fact that it is a trimmer. And you are right, 510 Ohm is not a valid value for a trimmer. This should be correct then: R_x at 3,9K, R_y at 2,7k and R_p 500 You would then have a adjustable range from 4,544 - 5,006V or use R_x at 4,1k then range would be 4,67 - 5,15. Last one is probably better.
  23. Hawkeye made an on building the CS. Here is a picture with the right orientation of the switches. The problem might also be on the base board as the DIN board is integrated there. Check if your 74HC165 are positioned correctly (U16-U20). Maybe swap them out.
  24. Couple of comments from me: Looks good Power connectors seem to be a bit bulky for so little current (why not use regular white pcb connectors?) I am pretty sure Seppoman's comment only applies to AOUT_NG (See this from TK) As for the resistor values you want to end up with a range of -5/5V. To do this you need a value of 1,44140625 (5V /2,048 -1). With R_x at 3,9K, R_y at 2,2k and R_p 500, you'll end up with 5,006. Which has an overshoot...So you use R_p value of 510.
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