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MB-6582 baseboard part kits


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I just sent SmashTV 400 rocker switches exactly like the C64 power switch, and these should be shipped with the parts kits from SmashTV.

If you are not getting a parts kit from SmashTV, I can sell some of my 80 spares directly to people who have base PCBs in their hands. (If you're getting PCBs from a future order, it would be easier for SmashTV to sell you one along with the PCB). I was trying to clear my bulk order schedule before announcing I have spares and getting flooded with requests.

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I really don't keep up on this forum enough...

PCBs and kits are being sold already?

Ak, what are the details?

AFAIK they are not being sold yet. Smash is currently putting kits together and working through the list of people who already have PCBs and then to the others who have requested kits. Wilba has just finished his control surface (and base PCB) construction and is releasing the  PCB files to Smash so he can sort some boards out. I think the caution with this is that Wilba wanted to make sure the PCBs were just right before handing the files over. Smash/Wilba, correct me on this if I'm wrong.

I think we still have a little bit to wait yet, these kits must take a lot of work and it's Christmas/New-Years time.... Even Smash is allowed time off on New Years  :P


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yeah no biggie... I just started rounding up parts last nite.

Ordered my tactile switches, and led fan with cover.

Next is LED's, Case, rotaries.

(and I have 2 of wilbas 6582 sids and a 6581)

What are people doing about the front panel? I'd like to have FPE just make mine on some anodized aluminum. I also thought about getting the FPE to them but not putting any text or anything (just having them drill holes) and I was going to acid etch it all. Might look cool and save me some $$$$ 

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AFAIK they are not being sold yet. Smash is currently putting kits together and working through the list of people who already have PCBs and then to the others who have requested kits. Wilba has just finished his control surface (and base PCB) construction and is releasing the  PCB files to Smash so he can sort some boards out. I think the caution with this is that Wilba wanted to make sure the PCBs were just right before handing the files over. Smash/Wilba, correct me on this if I'm wrong.

I think we still have a little bit to wait yet, these kits must take a lot of work and it's Christmas/New-Years time.... Even Smash is allowed time off on New Years  :P


Thanks for the concise and direct answer :)  You make it easy to be a newb!

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Hello everyone

glad to be part of this wonderful community ::)

in fact i found the site midibox yesterday

and let me say:

count me in for one kit !!! ;D

damn all this time i was like drooling over this freakin sidstation... now i must say WHY  ???

you guys here are like messiahs

i'll train on my edrum and my pianet renewal

plug the irons and let's solder !!!!

by the way is there SIDs included in the kit ?? (joke mode off)

sorry for this

yard sales here i come

yeeee aaah!

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well, i suggest you to read this if you want to DIY MB-6582 http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/wilba_mb_6582

the kits for now are for few people. soon will be in the smashtv 'shop' as permanent kit with the pcbs too but not with the sids, obiviusly because are not so simple to find out and there are many revision with different caracteristics.

wilba have manys to sell, see him wiki page.

many other interesting things you can find searching in the forum "MB-6582"


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am i to officially declare my desire for a baseboard part kit here?

i dont want to be pushy, nor be redundant, but I also dont want to wait an extra few months longer (than newer midiboxers (or midiboxers-to-be that haven't slaved to make a midibox sid v1)) just to get Wilba's masterpiece plus the required component parts..

  Whichever is easier for Smashtv, if there are extra part kits now I would get it right now, and wait for the PCB... I just didnt see anything like this in the AVITECH store or in any other threads...

So is posting here some required ritual to reserve a spot to get parts? hope not but this thread seems to be going that way.

[edit 12.1.08]

ok so somehow i missed the wording in the first post explaining exactly that this thread is specifically for this. Sorry Wilba and particularly SmashTV, I i guess I can no longer pride myself on never having been told "Look at this thread." damn  ;)

It just seemed weird to state desire in a thread and the online shop exists, but i guess because of the high demand and/or long queue... I just wanted to avoid posting redundant stuff...

I would like to be put down for one full MB-6582 (8xsid) parts kit including the 4 formatted pics (this time I'm not going to do it myself!)

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am i to officially declare my desire for a baseboard part kit here?

i dont want to be pushy, nor be redundant, but I also dont want to wait an extra few months longer (than newer midiboxers (or midiboxers-to-be that haven't slaved to make a midibox sid v1)) just to get Wilba's masterpiece plus the required component parts..

  Whichever is easier for Smashtv, if there are extra part kits now I would get it right now, and wait for the PCB... I just didnt see anything like this in the AVITECH store or in any other threads...

So is posting here some required ritual to reserve a spot to get parts? hope not but this thread seems to be going that way.

mmm, I can't comment on if this is Smash's guest-list or not, but what are you gonna do with the parts without the PCB??

The 6582 - amazing, just that W did it. Even more so he did even one run of pcbs, the fact smash is gonna do more - wow! Remember the price that these things are being re-sold at, and think of the work they have done.

Now think of the time you (and me!!) are saving by waiting for the parts as opposed to doing the sourcing and that's without getting into the pcb work , or if you are up for it - do a custom job for yourself - you will gain so much knowledge but I doubt you will save any time and I know you will spend more.

way I see it - the first mb6582 is an inspirational bit of work, one I never expected to be able to own/hold/tweak and love. The fact that some people got a set of pcbs and then a kit from smash is amazing and a testament to Wilba's (and of course Smash's for using his time and contacts  to source, pack and support the kits) commitment to the community , if kits become available from smash or anyone even more of an amazing result for anyone lucky enough to get one.

My point?  Wait, hungry, salivating and patiently quiet for that moment to grab a kit if/when you get the chance. But also take a quiet moment to reflect and think what TK, Smash, Wilba, Twin-x  etc etc have done for the community and how rare that spirit of giving is today, especially to strangers and maybe when you get the chance do the same.

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So is posting here some required ritual to reserve a spot to get parts? hope not but this thread seems to be going that way.

Yes. Refer to the first post in this thread:

Questions, comments, and "count me in for one" are welcomed in this thread....ask in my PM inbox or email, and I probably won't even take the time to respond by pointing you back to this thread.  :)

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But also take a quiet moment to reflect and think what TK, Smash, Wilba, Twin-x  etc etc have done for the community and how rare that spirit of giving is today, especially to strangers and maybe when you get the chance do the same.

Well said!  :)

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Ok I'm still getting PMs and emails every day about this asking "when?"

There is no release date.  Please cope with this privately, I am not an anxiety counselor.  I can't find any other new creative ways to say when it's done

Smart enough to build a MIDIbox, but can't comprehend this?:

Do not send emails or PMs to SmashTV or me with the following content:

  • When PCBs will be available?
  • What other parts do I need?
  • Can you send me a kit of everything I need?
  • There is a lot of information to read in the wiki, can you read it for me?

See my past posts about this for my plan, it's all there.  These are (and have been) shipping to people on the list.

If you don't know what comes next you need to read, not go all newbie with the "me too when?" messages.

Here are three from my inbox:

Should i expect the boards/pics/kit before summer or.... hmmm.. i don't want to shift my final project..  :-\ really.


i couldn´t spend so much time in studying all the post and threads

naturally followed by

2nd try
when I did not reply.

The hammering of my PM box and contact form are really wearing on me.  These are just two out of many.....And I won't quote them without reply:

Kartoshka - I could care less about your school final project schedule, why am I hearing about it in my inbox?  I am so so sorry you missed the first board order, I'm paying for it with bad feelings every time you tone up about this.  Do I need to filter you like a spammer who don't get the hint(s)?  Back off or I'll back you off kid.

MOONRAKER - if you wanna play read the forum else its game over bud.

You guys are making the choice about how long it takes to get these out the door, I can either make kits or answer and delete messages with my time. 

I need these to sell for what they cost in both materials and labor/effort.  You do the math about how endless requests eat my time, time cost passes on to you as kit price.....

For you guys waiting patiently without needing your hands held, THANK YOU! You will not be disappointed.

DB (and others) thanks for the kind words!  Proper motivation to put a smile on my face for yet another 12 hour Saturday spent in the kit mill.  :)

Best Regards


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I'd like to echo the above sentiments but also point out that the chances are that SmashTV (and TK) probably also have full time jobs, a social life and a family life to dedicate time to aswell as needing time to actuallu use and enjoy their own midiboxes.

Be patient guys it will take as long as it takes, nattering isn't going to speed things up and just remember that Smash isn't obliged to put these kits together for any of us.

Personally I am using my free time to re-read the website/wiki. When I've had enough of that I will be looking at learning C and then looking through the source code as well as looking as starting to plan my own MBHP based project... There's plenty of stuff to keep you occupied which will ultimately benifit your Midibox project and maybe even the community as here as a whole.


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Thanks for the kind words G!.....But what is this "social life" you speak of?  ;D

That post of mine is missing a couple of smiley icons....I'm not angry, just tired of the overfull inboxes.

Maybe some visuals will help with time perspective!

There are three basic steps to making these kits:

1) Re-pack bulk parts into need (kit) quantities,

2) Bag the prepped parts into groups of like parts,

3) Bag the groups of parts into a ready to build kit.

I'll use sockets as the example for step 1 and 2:


DSCF0069.jpg[/td][td]          [/td][td]A few hours later prepped:


Keeping in mind each group of parts takes hours or days, here is a visual equation for step 3:














With that I ask, How long does it take -you- to accurately count and sort 39 100nF ceramic caps 50 times?

How about the rest of the cap kit list (x 50)?:

[tt]2 2200uF Electrolytic

8  1uF Electrolytic

10  10uF Electrolytic Cap

1  100uF Electrolytic Cap

8  33pF Ceramic Cap

24  470pF Ceramic Cap

16  1nF Ceramic Cap

1  330nF Ceramic Cap

16  22nF Poly Cap[/tt]

Don't forget that is one bag/group out of the six in the equation above.  (x 50)  ;)

Does this better tell the story of why this one measures in months not days? 

I won't even get into the time it took to verify PCB footprints vs. available parts, Deal with vendors to get sane large quantity pricing, etc.....All simple grunt work compared to Wilba's time and effort!  -He actually had switches made for this- in order to do it right.  :)

Back to the kit mill with me!

Best Regards


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seems easy enough smash. i think that if you could quit sleeping there would plenty of time to get everything done. and if missing sleep does not free up enough time.... well what is the deal there bud  ;D

seriously, thanks for all the time you have put into this already. i know it is more work than any sane person would volunteer for. you are appreciated by all of us; who like myself can wait till things get done.

for people that time is an issue; order the parts yourself.

oh yeah put me in for 2 kits smash. :)



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Sorry for that, no offence.  ;)

Don't get me wrong!  :-[ Just wanted to know if i could finish mine untill summer... for academic reasons  ;D

::) Well, i'd better find another topic of research, like type design / book design / illustration / everything else, rather than  developing now a good-looking, easily accessed, illustrated and readable construction manual/brochure plus package design for mb6582.

I took it as a great idea to make connection between something like SID sound with it's concrete visual world, and our childhood memories. Every time i hear THAT sound i'm flooded with rainbow colors and pixel graphics...

Combining with my final project, wanted to give something to community too, not creating something commercial which most graphics design is all about.


Back off or I'll back you off kid.

i wonder where smileys should appear in there



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Smash, it seems to me we need to reorganize, structurize, efficierize, productiverize, overall betterize [add more random -izes here] your workflow. I mean, how hard can putting stuff into bags be? Every drug dealer gets that right. What you need is ze german work ethic! Get your lazy imperialistic ass to work!

Hope everyone got the irony, I *know* Smash did. Seriously, Smash's doing an incredible job there. Don't bother him, bother me. Write your "when will the parts ship" PMs to be - I'll answer each and every single one, I promise!

BTW, Anyone else ever notice that his packages seem to be able to survive a nuclear war unharmed? ;D

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Just wanted to know if i could finish mine untill summer...

Honestly, I don't understand at all how people are asking, urging, complaining about the parts kits for months now. I mean, my mb6582 board was finished about 3 weeks after having received the PCB, and this was before anybody even started talking about parts kits.

I admit that my newbie times are long ago, but I've never ordered any kit in my Midibox career, my electronics knowledge was very low at the beginning and nevertheless I always managed to get my boards completed earlier or later. So there must be some way to get hold of the needed parts somehow without ordering a kit ;)

I mean, I do understand that it's a comfortable, easy and relatively cheap way to rely on Smash's experience and work, but if you are in such a hurry, why don't you just print out Wilba's parts list, find yourself the corresponding Mouser/Reichelt order codes from the module parts lists on uCApps and Smash's site and then order them yorself instead of complaining and waiting for months???


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