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Funnily enough a thread on the very same encoders was bumped today after a long gap:


Id say theyre fine for hand soldering, just ask futureman.

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I just stumpled across this guy on eBay:


Lots of nice lcds..even some with RGB backlight, that allows you to create a backlight color of your own choice!

I havent bought anything from him yet (waiting till he gets the buy-it-now option, which he said would happen as soon as he has 5 points).

If anyone buys from him, please let us know if they are good/bad/awesome/etc :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My package from artronic just arrived. A 4x20 backlit display.

Took me two minutes to get all the way into the package. :D Envelope -> 300 layers of tape -> sturdy cardboard -> bubblewrap -> anti static bag.

I haven't got a rig to test the display with yet but it feels solid. Prize was good, delivery quick and packaging excellent.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Just looking through ebay and I found a x0xbox.


The knobs look terrible, surely the pots should have been trimmed... a "qualified synth/service technician" would have finished it off properly.

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  • 1 month later...

I dunno if it's appropriate to advertise here, but it's ebay, so I guess so?

I'm selling off this Prophet 64 cartridge, but then again, if you are reading this here, you'll probably come to the conclusion that a MB-SID is better.




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  • 3 weeks later...

hi, here's a link to a guy in germany offering a 6581 R4 and in another auction one 8580 R5, sais tested. as i've mine from WILBA's order i don't need any and i don't know if this 6581 is the right one. but he mentions midibox in his description:



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

US buyers only - so someone buy them and sell me some!!!! Seriously!

paypal me some monies + forwarding shipping costs and i can send them overseas, i ship antique car parts all over the world daily... just sent some 1959 ford reproduction rocker moldings to new zeland and a set of 58 ford washboard trim panels to australia today! (holy cow it costs a lot to send 80 inch long rocker moldings fedex to new zeland!)

on a side note.. i just bought a cherry c64 with a 6581 from ebay last week and i just got it home today from the shop, ran a sid test with basic and it seems to be making the right noises.  (w00t!) (ps... i only paid like $14 US for it, INCLUDING SHIPPING!)  guess who's going to be building a midibox-sid soon... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&item=380103735568

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i got them on watch, the autction has still got like 9 days on it.

(the end price may end up more than $79.00 +$19.00 shipping, depending on who all bids on them.)

if someone overseas wants to bid and win it... you can use me for a shipping post in the states.

i'll email my shipping address if needed.

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Don't VFD displays need a much higher voltage to run? Whats next? Nixie Tubes!!!

I'm up for 2 as they can be easily implemented, they look pimpin.

(I'm in Australia)

http://parts.digikey.com/1/parts/678533-module-vf-display-40x2-5mm-char-cu40025scpb-w6j.html 5V supply voltage.

Nixxie tubes would look fun... I think the character ones are expensive though.

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