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Everything posted by Rio

  1. Hi, I've been thinking a bit about how to get ride off the SID 6581 'hanging VCA' bug in a different way (except of the use of a noise gate). In most cases, I only want to stop that annoying sound in an easy way at silence - so at the end of a song or a jam. At the moment I just change a preset for SID 6581 core(s) to stop the sound manually. But that is awkward. So my question: Is it possible to trigger the SID_SR_Refresh for predefined SID ID(s) by an special CC or (or thinkable by "Midi Stop")? maybe configured for concerned core IDs in * .asm? Sadly, I just do not have enough knowledge of ASM and the SID engine itself, but I can understand some sources looking over it. E.g. I do not know how to address a SID engine directly for the case of refreshing and if that works as expected. For example, I would like to know how to select the respective SID Core (or how parameters needs to be configured for that use case), which is needed before a SID_SR_Refresh. Pls, could someone possibly point me to the right direction? Greetings, rio
  2. hey, just a few tips from my own experience: Make sure not to touch the pins or to create fast friction there. Ground yourself to earth for a few seconds before removing/inserting the chips (for example, 2-3 seconds touching the heater in the room) or better wearing an ESD protection bracelet while working, which is connected e.g. to the heater. Maybe the chip (or even some parts of it inside) just died of old age or just because of an ESD someday. But you can also check for a cold solder of pins on the board, where by mechanical changes the pins sometimes have contact or not. greetings, rio
  3. Hey, LM387 is expensive ....! And is A1 also a LM387? greetings, rio
  4. hey, What does A1 stand for? greetings, rio what about that:
  5. thx, but therefor I haven't the negative VCC– for TL082 or TL084. I search a solution, where I can reuse the 9V~ or 14Vdc or 5Vdc of C64 optimized PSU schematic. Greetings, EDIT: Could that following circuit (Figure. 3) work too? No additional OPAmp is needed: https://www.edn.com/electronics-blogs/the-practicing-instrumentation-engineer/4422750/Simple-circuits-reduce-regulator-noise-floor rio
  6. Hello, I was looking for a simple stereo solution for a noise gate to reduce noise of a pair of SID 6581. I know, that is a common thread already here: ... but, there are some limitations for me. For example, it is not soooo easy to get all the parts or transistors must matched (!) and so I was more looking for a rather simple smart solution. So I found the following: http://www.electroschematics.com/250/stereo-noise-blanker-suppressor-limiter/ which looks very simple. But the author mentioned: Would that be ok for the SID 6581? Or is there something against the solution or would the output voltage of the SID be too high for that? Greetings, rio
  7. Could be a result of ESD. The chips should be handled with care (e.g. esd protection) greetings
  8. On which PIC type you are trying upload sidv2?
  9. upps.. since my last update (from svn rev.2551 to rev.2561) my SEQ switched (always) after booting to the option 'JAM' instead "T&A" on the following page:
  10. yes, the way is correct: 1. burn bootloader, 2. transfer MIOS via MIDI 3. transfer App via MIDI that PICS are kinda robust!! I don't think they are defected anyhow. but take care about your chip types: http://www.sprut.de/electronic/pic/typenliste_16_bit_kern.txt Name Pins Prog EEPRM TMR Capt PWM UART SSP CAN USB ADC IO- [kB] -ure CMP /SPI I2C Pins 18F4585 40 48 1024 4 2 2 1/1 1/1 1 - 11 36 18F4680 40 64 1024 4 2 2 1/1 1/1 1 - 11 36 18F4685 40 96 1024 4 2 2 1/1 1/1 1 - 11 36 as you can see, your selected types haven't enough prog. RAM for your app (in the case of MBSIDV2). the last number of the PIC18F4685 has a special meaning: 5 - 150% FLASH-Memory and more RAM But any other PIC18F4520 app would fit in that range. You can use that pics for own programming stuff too... ;) If you need help getting SDCC & last Code::Blocks running for that case, do not hesitate to ask me. greetings!
  11. I will try to answer some of your questions.. but not about the programmer itself First what the readme of mios1.9h says: But that PIC18F452 will not run for SIDV2. Best you take new preburned PIC18F4685 instead. But if you want to get your burner running, maybe someone else can tell you something more specific. if you want to upgrade to SIDv2 and you also have 4 SID boards for your 4 cores, the stereo setup for SIDv2 would be an option. http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_hw.html http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_up.html Burning could be done by someone, who sells the PIC18F4685 ICs, (e.g. by Mike Midishop in Germany - He also sells burner circuit boards). Maybe TK can help you out or someone else in the forum at your location. If the bootloader is on it, then you can play up the MIOS1.9h and also change the ID (for the respective slave core) and all this via MIOS Studio. In MIOS Studio you can now perform an "Alive" request on the Core ID - It should work. If you want to resurrect (upgrade) your PIC18F452 for other purpose, then you can certainly ask the same person to burn your PICs too. I had never build or use an own programmer, so I can't help out here. I also power up everything with external power supplies and not via USB. Greetings & good luck. rio
  12. you mean, that LED light was annoying, so you disabled it, right? And bridging was an option. But sorry, I don't get your words: If I take a look at the board above, what exactly did you bridge? only the LEDs and not the LED resistors infront? And that's how you changed that and we could do it that way, right? Maybe you can disable it via application code, as it is possible for the power LED too. Greetings, rio
  13. I do not yet understand what the point is to modify it. Or rather what is the goal? Greetings, rio
  14. thank you guys for your infos. I picked up the thread again because I have some questions: So it is no longer necessary to "cut" or remove the debugger part (Powerline) for further use of Midibox applications - replaced by a jumper, right? What was the reason for this modification, or what do you intend to do with it? If the reason is to disable it, is not it better to unsolder these LEDs instead of bridging them?
  15. Good to hear that someone has tested the firmware upload with the new LPCxpresso 1769 Board RevD (CMSIS-DAP). Edit: Ok, Conclusion: If the new revision is to be used, the current IDE version (8.x) must be used and a start address 0x00 must be specified to upload the bootloader. Thx.
  16. thx for the manual.
  17. Hi Ilmenator, ich würde gern das Kit kaufen. Gern eine PM dazu.. Grüße, rio
  18. Rio


    moin, wie ich hier lese (http://www.ucapps.de/midio128.html), benötigst du für die Version 3 entweder ein MBHP_CORE_LPC17 oder MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 Modul. Sprich, falls dich das eine oder andere Board interessiert, dann lies dir einfach alles durch auf den verlinkten Seiten. Ich glaub das MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 ist die bessere Alternative, aber ich hab das halt nie gebaut, sondern für das SEQV4 Projekt das LPC17, was bis heute einwandfrei funktioniert. Bauteile bekommst du bei deutschen Bauteilsortimentor. Alle anderen Dinge musst du dann über die verfügbaren Shops (auch international) beziehen - wobei ich sehe grad dass das MBHP_CORE_LPC17 Board gar nicht mehr angeboten wird - vllt. kann ja jmd. anderes was dazu noch sagen. Sonst halt dich am MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 (das ist IMHO aktuelles): - reichelt / conrad (Bauteile, siehe Bauteileliste auf seite) - Modular Addict (Boards): https://modularaddict.com/manufacturer/midibox https://modularaddict.com/manufacturer/midibox/midibox-core-stm32-pcb https://modularaddict.com/manufacturer/midibox/midibox-diomatrix-pcb - Mike's Midishop (zusätzliche Boards): http://www.mikes-elektronikseite.de/mshop_deutsch/index.htm Also erstmal alles durchlesen, Liste machen was du brauchst und dann bestellen. hier ist auch noch eine liste aller möglichen Shops gesammelt: http://www.ucapps.de/index.html?page=midio128.html Grüße, rio
  19. Rio

    Hey aTc,

    maybe you will never read this, but is there any chance to get latest Vice version modified for ASID? 2.4 works great...



  20. I'm correct in the assumption that the integrated SIDplayer applies only to the master core? Or is there a way to route these data forward to another slave core via CAN Bus / MIDI, where the slave uses sidplay instead of the master? Greetings, rio
  21. minor bug: Mute View LED will not turned off by Edit or Pattern View... is this normal? Greetings, rio
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