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MIDIbox CV V2 Concept


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sneakthief thank you very much for the hex it is working as far as I could try it !


Moreover ilmenator's SCS (connected to j8/j9) is modifying some values on the lcd ...


Vielen dank


Grusse aus Frankreich


Glad it worked out - when I find out what's wrong with my toolchain, I'll post the latest version.


The problem is that I have 4 (!!!) STM32 toolchains running and something is conflicting: MIOS32, Spark Core, Mutable Instruments & Axoloti.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Waking up the thread after a long time with a little poll... :hyper:


Who would be interested by having a modified version of the MB CV V2 in order to fit in a Eurorack? I am currently trying to figure a way to make one based on the STM32 board, mounted on the back of a PCB holding the connectors, with those connectors:




- 2x16 LCD with 4 buttons for menu browsing

- 6 or 8 CV/Gate outputs (maybe using the CV outputs with mode selection to turn selected channels into 0V/+5V signals)


This would fit in 16 or 20HP module



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  • 1 month later...

In my opinion, if you're not after the extra encoders/LED rings, CV inputs and scopes, then it would be better to design for the Core8 to fit in Eurorack. Of course you lose the USB connector... 



Waking up the thread after a long time with a little poll... :hyper:


Who would be interested by having a modified version of the MB CV V2 in order to fit in a Eurorack? I am currently trying to figure a way to make one based on the STM32 board, mounted on the back of a PCB holding the connectors, with those connectors:




- 2x16 LCD with 4 buttons for menu browsing

- 6 or 8 CV/Gate outputs (maybe using the CV outputs with mode selection to turn selected channels into 0V/+5V signals)


This would fit in 16 or 20HP module






Meanwhile, I've ordered some slightly modified jack boards that breakout the CV and gate connections, provide an LED for gate and additionally switch the CV input or output range (depending whether an AIN or AOUT is connected). I managed to get the size down to 50x100 mm, thus it could fit into a modular system, if people wanted to go that route. I will design a case housing the MBSEQ, MBCV and a complete IO panel for both however. This way I can get a decent 5V PSU and a separate bipolar 12V.


But I'm also interested in sneakthief's progress; are the new carrier boards for the LCDs and buttons implemented yet? Is the case solution a clear acrylic like Hawkeye's Programma or an opaque panel with windows? How are the various components' distances?



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

There may be a bug with the ethernet driver in the MBCV2 code somewhere.

I have tried 2 different ENC28J60 based modules (the type that are sold to use with Arduino's) and both are displaying the same problem. Im getting exactly the same behaviour as @sneakthief did in this topic. I have used both 3.3V and 5V modules.

The MBCV2 app is doing this (I'm using a freshly complied .hex built from the svn), but when I try the current version of the MBNG app (1.035) the ethernet module works fine. 

Below are some more details


 This is the response from the "Network" command in MIOS Studio when the MBNG 1.035 is running....... everything is working fine.

[21998.725] Ethernet cable connected: yes
[21998.725] Ethernet MAC address: 00:30:31:35:31:32
[21998.725] Ethernet services running: yes
[21998.725] DHCP: enabled
[21998.725] IP address:
[21998.725] Netmask:
[21998.725] Default Router (Gateway):
[21998.725] OSC1 Remote address:
[21998.725] OSC1 Remote port: 8001
[21998.725] OSC1 Local port: 8000
[21998.725] OSC1 Transfer Mode: 0 - MIDI Messages       
[21998.725] OSC2 Remote address:
[21998.726] OSC2 Remote port: 8001
[21998.726] OSC2 Local port: 8000
[21998.726] OSC2 Transfer Mode: 0 - MIDI Messages       
[21998.726] OSC3 Remote address:
[21998.726] OSC3 Remote port: 8001
[21998.726] OSC3 Local port: 8000
[21998.726] OSC3 Transfer Mode: 0 - MIDI Messages       
[21998.726] OSC4 Remote address:
[21998.726] OSC4 Remote port: 8001
[21998.726] OSC4 Local port: 8000
[21998.726] OSC4 Transfer Mode: 0 - MIDI Messages       
[21998.726] UDP Monitor: verbose level #0

 This is the response from the "Network" command in MIOS Studio when the MBCV2 is running and SD card is connected....... The Ethernet module isn't recognised.

[22234.657] Ethernet cable connected: no
[22234.657] Ethernet MAC address: 00:30:31:35:31:32
[22234.657] Ethernet services running: no
[22234.657] DHCP: enabled
[22234.657] IP address: not available yet
[22234.657] Netmask: not available yet
[22234.657] Default Router (Gateway): not available yet
[22234.658] OSC1 Remote address:
[22234.658] OSC1 Remote port: 8001
[22234.658] OSC1 Local port: 8000
[22234.658] OSC1 Transfer Mode: 0 - MIDI Messages       
[22234.658] OSC2 Remote address:
[22234.658] OSC2 Remote port: 8001
[22234.658] OSC2 Local port: 8000
[22234.658] OSC2 Transfer Mode: 0 - MIDI Messages       
[22234.658] OSC3 Remote address:
[22234.658] OSC3 Remote port: 8001
[22234.658] OSC3 Local port: 8000
[22234.659] OSC3 Transfer Mode: 0 - MIDI Messages       
[22234.659] OSC4 Remote address:
[22234.659] OSC4 Remote port: 8001
[22234.659] OSC4 Local port: 8000
[22234.659] OSC4 Transfer Mode: 0 - MIDI Messages       
[22234.659] UDP Monitor: verbose level #0

When the MBCV app is loading the SD card seems disable the ethernet module.

[22185.516] [UIP_TASK] DHCP Client requests the IP settings...
[22185.518] [CV_BANK_PatchRead] read patch A001
[22185.518] [CV_BANK_PatchRead] read patch A002
[22186.520] [MIOS32_ENC28J60_PackageReceive] glitch detected - Ptr: ffff, Status: ffff (max: 05ee) ffff
[22186.525] SD Card connected: 
[22186.564] Init DHCP
[22186.604] [CV_BANK_PatchRead] read patch A001

 This is the response from the "Network" command in MIOS Studio when the MBCV2 is running and SD card is NOT connected....... The Ethernet is recognised.

[22550.552] Ethernet cable connected: yes
[22550.552] Ethernet MAC address: 00:30:31:35:31:32
[22550.553] Ethernet services running: yes
[22550.553] DHCP: enabled
[22550.553] IP address:
[22550.553] Netmask:
[22550.553] Default Router (Gateway):
[22550.553] OSC1 Remote address:
[22550.553] OSC1 Remote port: 8001
[22550.553] OSC1 Local port: 8000
[22550.553] OSC1 Transfer Mode: 0 - MIDI Messages       
[22550.553] OSC2 Remote address:
[22550.553] OSC2 Remote port: 8001
[22550.553] OSC2 Local port: 8000
[22550.554] OSC2 Transfer Mode: 0 - MIDI Messages       
[22550.554] OSC3 Remote address:
[22550.554] OSC3 Remote port: 8001
[22550.554] OSC3 Local port: 8000
[22550.554] OSC3 Transfer Mode: 0 - MIDI Messages       
[22550.554] OSC4 Remote address:
[22550.554] OSC4 Remote port: 8001
[22550.554] OSC4 Local port: 8000
[22550.554] OSC4 Transfer Mode: 0 - MIDI Messages       
[22550.554] UDP Monitor: verbose level #0

And the ethernet module is activated at start-up

[22478.605] Init DHCP
[22478.605] [UIP_TASK] DHCP Client requests the IP settings...
[22478.606] [CV_BANK_PatchRead] read patch A001
[22478.607] [CV_BANK_PatchRead] read patch A002
[22480.106] [UIP_TASK] IP address:
[22480.106] [UIP_TASK] Netmask:
[22480.106] [UIP_TASK] Default Router (Gateway):
[22480.106] [UIP_TASK] Got DNS server
[22480.106] [UIP_TASK] Lease expires in 24 hours
[22483.610] SD Card not found


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Guys,

I'm running in a problem also with the app.. The LCD doesn't work properly. See picture.


I guess this may have to do with the newer discovery board i'm using (STM32F407G)? see also this thread.

When i upload another app or with bootloader only the LCD does work. Also every time the LCD behaves differently; one time as on picture, other time only black blocks, other time nothing..?

cheers, marcel





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Hi Marcel, welcome abroad!

I just want to say high to you!!!, unfortunately I can't help you with this problem, as I'm working on MBCV2 with a LPC board, see pic.

It's been some time since I last played with it. I started to addapt the Lemur template for my Samsung Galaxy S5 and came quite far. I have to dive in it again.

I heard good stuff about your DIY CNC machine, I'm really curious!


Sorry for interupting your question/problem, good luck with your LCD!




Edited by Elektruck
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Strange LCD issue. Anything to do with the voltage selector?

On another note:
If anyone has working/semi-working MBCV v2s, perhaps you'd like to contribute to the discussion of my prototype control surface here? We need more input on the best way to implement voice and menu structures. Thanks!



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  • 1 month later...


I was thinking of my personal use for a CV-Interface.... i will use it for LFO and ENV only...

following concept is based on my existing live equipment, it is very static, one time a week i come to the music "house" and then we jam... i? doing live sound shape with > loopstations & live guitar from my Band-Bro, and also drum and synth stuff.

I overdrive the orginal sound - getting overtones, then VCF (also overdriven) triggered by drums, then VCA also triggered by drums, send it to a reverb mix it to the orginal signal...done

so for this i made today a concept which is populated here : http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=easy_cv

this is not a wishconcert from my side, i will try to make it from scratch, by learning from the MB-CV V2 (i had look on the existing code and its biiig, wuuu)...

...anyway - maybe i deliver some ideas which are interesting... (i know thats a complete other thing, it is even more exact the opposite it is not generic, open or editable, have no menues, even not a midichannel setting)

Have fun.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm messing about this at them moment and have connected a few modules together to test things. 

I have a STM32F4 core, MIDI IO & Line transmitter connected to a line reciver, AOUT_NG and DOUTX4. Im running Sneaktheifs complied firmware on the core.

everthing apart from the DOUTX4 is working as expected. The gate output is always high/on. I know that the line reciver/AOUT_NG/DOUTX4 and DB25 cable part is working as I use it with my MBSEQ.

Ive edited the MBCV hardware config file to match my hardware. 

To test I'm using an ancient Casio Vz-1 midi out to test. The AOUT CV is tracking the midi notes fine. 

I did a little research into the Midi implementation of the VZ-1 to discover that it does NOT send proper Note-Off messages, just the pesky Velocity=0 therefore not adhering 100% to official Midi spec. 

Now here is the question, does the MBCV app rely of receiving Note-Off messages to turn the DOUT gates off? Knowing this will aid my trouble shooting as the problem may be with the controller and not the MB.

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On 21.5.2016 at 11:28 AM, Elektruck said:

Hi Marcel, welcome abroad!

I just want to say high to you!!!, unfortunately I can't help you with this problem, as I'm working on MBCV2 with a LPC board, see pic.

It's been some time since I last played with it. I started to addapt the Lemur template for my Samsung Galaxy S5 and came quite far. I have to dive in it again.

I heard good stuff about your DIY CNC machine, I'm really curious!


Sorry for interupting your question/problem, good luck with your LCD!




what is the psu on this photo ? specs ? where to get it ? it has +12 -12 gnd and 5v ?

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18 hours ago, sprintf said:

what is the psu on this photo ? specs ? where to get it ? it has +12 -12 gnd and 5v ?

It has  +12V, -12V, gnd and +5V indeed, very handy. I found several of them on a local metal scrapheap, in an open electronics container, they were in professional video stuff. Some were even wet from rain, but they work perfectly, I have one in my sequencer, modular rack and MBCV2.  I love diving in containers, last time I found an almost new Samsung 10 inch galaxy tablet :)


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  • 2 months later...

I've been testing the CV V2 app on my Core LPC17 and I'm using the standard SCS. Is it still the case that no sequencer features are available via the SCS? Are they only available from the lemur/ipad/touch screen? Or is the LPC17 firmware not updated anymore, i.e. I'd have to get a STM32F4 to get access to more and/or newer features? Thanks

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  • 8 months later...


I am starting my next project which should be the rebuild of Behringer D to patchable and digitally controlled analog synth. I was thinking to use one MBNG to control the keyboards, knobs, buttons, Leds and display and another MBCV board to generate cv and gate signals. I want to substitute the envelope generators, and LFO with modulation matrix by CV V2.

What is the status if the CV project, there is not so much activity?

Is the control via MIDI implemented?

My plan is to use CO outs:

1out - VCO1 Cv (Implemented octave switching, Pitch control by keyboard, Glide, internal connection to Mod Matrix 1 and 2)

2out - VCO2 Cv(Implemented octave switching, Pitch control by keyboard, Glide, internal connection to Mod Matrix 1 and 2)

3out - VCO3 Cv(Implemented octave switching, Pitch control by keyboard, Glide, internal connection to Mod Matrix 1 and 2)

4out - Filter CV (Keyboard tracking,Internal connection to EGF, internal connection to Mod Matrix 1 and 2)

5out - EGA

6out - Mod matrix 1 output (including LFO1, Midi control)

7out - Mod matrix 2 output (including LFO2, Midi control)

8out - reserve

I want to control all functions from NG board via Midi, most probably 12bit resolution.

Do you think is it possible?

Thank you!


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  • 2 weeks later...


Unfortunately this forum is somehow quiet lastly. That can change during WinthertimeS. 

I think the base that this project gives is not built anywhere else yet that flexible. So i don‘t have you any alternative. 

The problem of this project is its diversity. It covers more midi related tasks than you can imagine. The learning curve is steep. But its not impossible. You seam to have some knowleage in electronics, you will also need sole in software. If you have both you should try to understand the software and buld small parts at one time. To get started and learn where the information is located.

if you dig in to software its a help to know that the code is well commented and you can learn from there as well. 

I never did a CV project so i can not help directly but i receive emails from this forum. 


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FWIW I use MBCV2 regularly on an STM32F4 core and an AOUT using MAX525s, and I have some DOUTs doing gates. It works great in my DIY modular synth.

Everything you described in your post sounds like it is doable in my experience. Whether you even need the second core running NG is debatable, that'll depend on how you want to connect to the Behinger (which I'm not familiar with, so can't comment).

I wouldn't say it's a dead project myself, super usable and the interfacing with Lemur is amazing.

Good luck with your project!


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Thank you for the response. The reason I need an additional NG core is that I need more CV outs controlling other functions and also need to control Leds and scan pots and buttons.

It is good to know that it should be capable to make EG, LFO and mod matrix. Is the control via MIDi implemented or it is still in wish list?

I would like to modify the Behringer D to substitute all pots by CV and substitute the complete EG section by MBCV2.

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Thank you for the response. The reason I need an additional NG core is that I need more CV outs controlling other functions and also need to control Leds and scan pots and buttons.

Aha OK makes sense. Yeah the cores are cheap enough to make splitting tasks between them worth it IMO.


It is good to know that it should be capable to make EG, LFO and mod matrix. Is the control via MIDi implemented or it is still in wish list?

Not sure which type of MIDI control you mean. The Lemur interface is using NRPNs from memory, so any other interface could use that I guess. I'm not sure of the status of CC control, I've not got things hooked up at the moment, otherwise I'd check for you. Prob best to check the code if you want to be 100% sure...

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