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Everything posted by nILS

  2. Yay, here's more free advertisment for Mode Machines. Hope they appreciate it. Oof. Bah. Blerch. Well at least it's really cheap @ 599 EUR :console: I love the attention to detail that Mode Machines shows here. Like, for instance, how awesomely well the display and display cutout line up or how all labels totally align with the knobs, also nothing says retro like bright blue LEDs. Also, the technical specification from their site (quote: "Always up to date and top informed ;-)") is rather intruiging: for more: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=400181340008691&set=a.358036360889856.103938.178267622200065&type=1&ref=nf As a general sidenote: While the SID does have an 8 bit interface, its sound is not 8bits. At all.
  3. I simply applied some long-distance voodoo. Very effective. :frantics:
  4. 7812/7912s will happily run on +-15V.
  5. Typically not. You can simply use the asm_skelton and code away. Simply set the configuration registers for the port you want to use and you're pretty much there :) Every once in a while you might run into some conflicts with existing modules that try to use the same port, which you could disable (there should be some defines somewhere for that). Unless you really, really like crawling through the jungle on your hands and knees a lot more than using a helicopter and enjoying the sight, I'd say stick to C tough ;)
  6. That's a matter of taste really :) The internal EEPROM is easy to handle, doesn't require external parts but is in the chip and hard to remove and put somewhere else in case that's something you might wanna do. The SD card seems like an overkill if you don't have lots of other info to read/write a lot (and possible exchange with a PC) The EEPOM needs pretty much no extra parts, is easy to handle, is small/tiny* and replaceable. It's still my personal favorite for smallish amounts of data. *)
  7. Yes, it's possible, but will require some additional coding (in asm) to adjust the LCD driver.
  8. If you guys find a card that has OPL3s/YACs please add it to the list in the wiki. If you guys find a cards that do not have OPL3s/YACs please add it to the list of cards known NOT to have them, also in the WIKI. Thankees.
  9. In der Konsole "make" im Verzeichnis des Projekts aufrufen.
  10. You seem to be missing some path definitions. Did you set the all the paths as described in the WIKI?
  11. You *could* run more SIDs on a single core by simply wiring them in parallel (except for the +9V/+12V on mixed "pairs"). The 74HC595 should be well able to drive 2 SIDs simultaneously. Obviously they'd be playing the exact same thing. Which might be what you want, but might also end up pretty useless since the 6581 doesn't support some of the mixed waveforms, has an entirely different sounding filter, ... So yeh, even 4 (or potentially more) SIDs per core are doable if you can live with the limitation that half of them are essentially redundant :) I'd say go to one less party, smoke 3 packs less, don't eat out once or somehow save a few bucks and get a fourth SID to make it worth the effort.
  12. Welcome, Necrobump the 3rd.
  13. The first one you linked has a T6963C controller. Now you need to figure out if it's supported by MIOS yet. Go to ucapps.de and check under "LCD module". The first one you linked has a KS0108B controller. Now you need to figure out if it's supported by MIOS yet. Go to ucapps.de and check under "LCD module".
  14. wiki - soundcards_with_ymf262_and_or_yac512_chips ;)
  15. You can always use a GLCD. A 128x64 can display quite a few rows depending on the font you use (small 3x5 font, 2 pixel row spacing = 9 rows or the "regular" 5x7 font with 2 pixel row spacing = 7 rows).
  16. Yes, you can use a regulated 5V supply as well. In that case simply supply the power to J2 and not J1 (the voltage J1 goes through a rectifier and the voltage regulators which need a higher input voltage than the desired output). Be acreful with the polarity and read the sections on J2 on the core module page.
  17. Happy B-Day, Seppoman! :D We miss you!
  18. http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_core.html http://ucapps.de/mbhp_core_lpc17.html See: J1
  19. You obviously underestimate the ugliness of some of the mbSID builds in the last 10 years ;)
  20. Scott, please, for crying out loud. Do some reading. http://www.ucapps.de http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki Everyone uses MIOSStudio to upload the app and so should you. http://www.ucapps.de/mios_studio.html This page (which you should have found all by yourself at this point) has detailed information on how to upload an application. Until you have actually done what this page tells you and if it doesn't work have gone through the MIDI troubleshooting instructions noone will be able to help you. You keep wasting our time by keeping us guessing what your problem might be and seem to completely ignore all the advice given to you. The first reply in this thread already has the answer to your problem. Even before you posted that, Smash has sent you a list with the links to solve the problem you have. Now it's up to you to actually listen to the advice given. I am not going to spend anymore time trying to help you, if you keep ignoring the answers you get.
  21. Why on earth did you open a new topic for the same exact problem? Seriously... Merged.
  22. Also, don't PM me with the issue and don't write any more eMails to SmashTV about it, please. If you need tech support this right here is the right place. Sidenote: I bet money on #3 earlier in the chat. And I hate losing money. *nudgenudgewinkwink*
  23. No, you don't. Assuming they actually are working, there's 4 more things that come to mind: 1) wiring 2) sid dead 3) no mbSID software on the pic 4) keyboard isn't sending on the right channel/the right stuff Also, did you do any of the things in the troubleshooting section of the MIDIbox SID page on ucapps.de?
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