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latigid on

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Everything posted by latigid on

  1. Good lord! Best of luck with this mate!
  2. I was surprised the Korg Nanopad didn't have DIN MIDI. I didn't buy it specifically, it came bundled with software, but I thought it might make an interesting controller. I only use a computer for recording so USB to DIN MIDI would be pretty cool really EDIT: of course the full sized DIN wouldn't fit, but I expected a break out cable. I obviously didn't do my homework.
  3. I really liked the look of the MIDIBox SEQ when I first saw it too. Tried to build one once, but when I started to connect the modules together it wasn't working properly, so I left it. That's when I put my name on the list. We are probably over-privileged having people sort kits and fab pcbs for us. :) You have to appreciate that others have their own lives to live -- we aren't really paying for a commercial operation so shouldn't expect a fast turnaround. I bet "Mike" (a.k.a. Tim :wink:) ) gets 50 emails a day asking "when's this happening?" If you need something in a hurry, go for a Sequentix Cirklon or the like. This is the trade-off for a "cheap", customisable instrument with constant firmware updates/requests and basically real-time support. For free!
  4. The type of assembly when you watch somebody else build it for you for 9 months? I'd say the design stages are the most fun :wink: I bet there was a great "it's working dance;" congrats!
  5. Hi, if you managed to short the backlight to ground, that would definitely do some damage. Is it something which happened while you were working on it? Or was it of its own accord?
  6. Just saw Wilba's latest video!!111

    1. Hawkeye


      Muaharhar - marvelous :-)

    2. Antix


      I dont hate cats but this video iz too fun

    3. toadstool


      That video made my day, thanks!

  7. I have the exact desk :). But drummer as well, so I sub mix through a Mackie 3204 (4 sub groups) and the 8 busses on the Soundcraft go to an RME FF800 (there's two extra ADCs when you wanna get real' freaky). Very happy with the results! * Much easier to set up foldback/monitor channels on an analog desk. *
  8. Has been done?: http://www.kiwitechnics.com/
  9. We are MIDIBox. We are legion. We do not forgive. What was the last one again?

    1. Hawkeye


      resistors are futile? ;-)

  10. http://www.junodownload.com/plus/2011/04/07/musikmesse-2011-news-another-fine-messe/ Have also emailed Matrix: Edit: http://matrixsynth.blogspot.com/2011/04/mode-machines-acid-64-in-violation-of.html
  11. Sandwich Frequency Modulation

  12. I believe you can set the pattern length from any number of steps up to 256 (SEQ V4). So if you set it to a multiple of three, 3/4 or 6/8; 5 for 5/4 or 10/4 etc. It's possible to have different lengths per track, so cool rhythms are available. Can haz PCB naow? :wink:
  13. http://shop.voltelectronics.com.au/9-9-50va-toroidal-transformer.html Oh, shame, these are all 240 V, sorry about that. You could find a 110 V one?
  14. How about something like this? 9-0-9 V transformer 20 VA They have 160 VA (12 V minimum) and I think you can get 50 VA from http://voltelectronics.com.au
  15. latigid on


    A Christmas tree! Nice!
  16. is giving Eagle a go...

  17. And who said Germans were un-funny :P
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